Contradiction of advice

137 posts Member
edited July 2022
Two issues we currently have in SWGOH.

1) Players cant use airplane mode when doing events, this causes some to experience an account shift, CG advice - shut down the app immediately and restart - far enough.

2) Shutting down mid PvE now causes GAC lock-out on some accounts - okay don't shut down.

However, advice 1 contradicts advice 2. So what is a player to do?

Come on CG, I know you know the issues but can we get some clarity, some leadership and make this a game worth playing? Surely some testing at least.


  • Options
    1. They're actively working on this issue and have said as much.
    2. The only reason you'd need to shut down in a PVE mode is during a raid to re-try your attempt. If you have to do this, do a dark side/light side, cantina, or GC battle before going into GAC.

    The two pieces of advice are in no way contradicting.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    Also, the first one only affects iOS devices
  • I_JnK_I
    464 posts Member
    Also, the first one only affects iOS devices

    "Oh no, after we made CG take all Android advantages (e.g. energy for playpoints) away, they claim ours too. How could they"
  • Rius
    372 posts Member
    Really scraping the barrel for criticism.

    1- is what to do if you encounter the known issue using airplane mode.

    2 - is a separate issue. if you are forced to cancel PVE (including if the above airplane mode issue happens) then do another PVE activity before GAC.

    Advice was relatively simple for both.

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