Feedbacks From an Eary Game Player

53 posts Member
edited September 2022
No need to make this part long, i am 1.7m player. I have been reading stuff here but what i have seen is older players has no idea how is it to be under the pile so i decided to finally create an account to voice my opinions. So here is few feedbacks i have that i would like to say;

1- Shipments
Shipments needs a whole rework. Even for me shipments feels empty and unnecessary for stuff like arena coins and galactic war things. While stuff like Grand Arena Tokens are too scarce. We need more options to spend some of the tokens, and there is never enough tokens for other shops. This need to be adressed. Ewoks, Jedi Knight Anakin, Nightsisters, Few ships and stuff like that can be added to stores. (also for gods sake put 4 credit purchase back at the top.)

2- New Toons
Now, i will not complain about not getting new shiny toons or something like that. I do understand that shiny ones are for whales and end game players. What i am going to complain about is nodes that they are assigned to. Most of the players didnt realize but they are making farming some journey toons harder. Bastila, Zalbaar, Jolee bindo has 2 farm nodes each (and some of the ones i forgot) and past few months their secondary farm nodes have been replaced with new shiny toons. Getting old toons shouldnt be harder just because some new ones are added to game.

3- Marque(or however it is spelled) Events
They are overall boring. I started playing this game when iden got added. Since then only iden and Boush Leia events were funny. Most people wouldnt even do them if it wasnt for rewards. The events doesnt even has a meaning. Like, i can auto them and win the rewards. Send the rewards and let the players who want to see how the unit works do the event for no reward. I dont need to "learn" how to play this game or a character that i will not see for several years.Give us the meaningfull rewards directly (aka shards and mods), and put some prestige rewards and last 2 stage rewards for players who aim that.

4- Conquest
I was too excited to play my first conquest. It was fun and refreshing. For first time. Later it is boring and tedious and i am tend to skip specially since new feats are near impossible for me to complete and rewards doesnt worth the effort (yeah, easy-normal rewards are just too trashy for 2 weeks long event. doesnt worth it.) It would be fun if there wasnt such op feats for enemy that doesnt do much. The counters that work for specific teams wouldnt work in conquest because of the extra feats so its not even a good practice for other game modes. I would say it would be better if teams were overall stronger (maybe with more relic levels and zetas) but doesnt have that extra feats. So at least we would have vague idea about how to play against them for real. (also, for real, add some proper rewards for easy and normal)

5- Grand Arena Matchmaking
I am bronzium 3 at the moment. I am 1.7 m, i have been matched against people that has 8m gp. That shouldnt be happening. Its been ages since i last saw someone that has less GP than me. Most people will say gp has nothing to do with gac wins but come on, i cant even fill defences in bronzium if i save enough to clear my enemy. I am not saying ı should be in kyber or gp based matchmaking should be back but at least add some sort of gp difference set for lower brackets. Like 500 k difference for carbonite, 1 m difference for bronzium and 2 m difference for chromium and above would be fair game for all. Otherwise there are way too much difference under bronzium and its basically 10 vs full clear lose or 10 vs 0 win. Thats unfun. It drives new players away.

6- Gear and Relic Changes
I am happy that they are adding R8&R9 relic update. Thats actually pretty nice but it literally has nothing to do with majority of playerbase. There should be something solid to make it easier for newer players. Because it is getting a lot harder to be competetive as days pass

7- Get Creative
New tb with planets idea was good, but the moment i saw it there were few sparks in my head. It has such a wasted great potential. It could be always on type of game mode that has certain dates to play main road tb part while adding rogue planets that would appear any time and stay for random amount of time. What would they do? Grant quests to players to share with their guildies. Like Kam/Wat/Rolo/imperial droid missions but with less impact.
1- Bounty hunter only planets for 1 shard of random character from a pool for everyone in guild for each player that finishes the node. (rest has the same idea, but i will keep them short cause i am lazy)
2- Smuggler for 1 piece of gear. (might be a fleet quest)
3- Jedi/Sith Holocron type of quest for ability materials
4- Datacron materials quests for given datacrons teams

8- TB
No need to keep this long, add something for us to be able to sim TB battles at least when we 3 star them. They are too tedious.

9- Datacrons
I havent been using them yet due to me not having enough relics or materials for them but i have been getting matched against people that has been using them so here is my honest opinion.
They shouldnt be for teams that has great play rate or already strong meta teams. Vader, Galactic republic, Any given GL shouldnt be getting an upgrade. Also faction and side mechanic shouldnt be that wide. Those stuff sould be for underused teams like Phoenix, Nightsisters, Geonosians, Rogue one, Basic rebel team that we use for getting CLS, Ewoks, Jawas, Tuskens and etc. Those teams should be temporarly boosted to be S+ team tier while datacrons are active and go back to their original place when they are not. Getting a S team and making them S++++ is not a good move, unlike the intent you told us (making more teams go into meta when datacrons active) you did exact opposite. Like come on, is there any end game player who doesnt use Galactic Legends or Darth vader in their normal playtimes?

10- 3v3 GAC
Game is engineered to be 5v5, not 3v3. With current state of Matchmaking it is a lot harder to punch up against players with more GP and wider roster in 3v3 and i have been hearing players not liking 3v3 more then they are liking them. I am not saying completely get rid of 3v3 but find a middle ground with players. The easiest solution i can think would be remove gac break and make it 3 week 5v5 and 1 week 3v3 kind of thing.

11- Omega Battles
They are pointless. Such events shouldnt just give 1 omega and few ability materials and 100 k ish credit. The events are rare, they are overall easy and can be done with nearly level 60 toons yes, but the rewards are too low for an event. Like, we can upgrade a omega skill with 5 omega, such event at least must give one ability upgrade

12- Galactic Challanges
They are generally funny and doable little events and overall fun. Except for some of them. I suggest you to play the game you are making. i dont have solid numbers but i would say many of players do not enjoy stuff like jawas vs ewoks. I do understand you need to get money from players but i promise you will be more rich if you prioritize fun aspects of the game. Also do not use overlapping feats like purge and inqusitorious (or however they are spelled) please. That is basically same thing and it tickles wrong bones in my opinion. Maybe add some sort of feat that can be done easly with inqusitorious but hard (yet possible) with other factions.

13- Credits
More of an early game problem and most people will disagree on this but credit and ship credit is biggest problems of early game. I have enough shards to run 3 fleets but i cant, I dont have enough credit for neither starring/levelling ships nor the pilots. A ship wouldnt mean much even if they has 7 star and 85 level if their pilot doesnt have gear. So at least make us able to get that easier. Credit is already not a problem for late game players, and in my honest opinion it should never be.


  • harvestmouse
    897 posts Member
    edited September 2022
    "5- Grand Arena Matchmaking
    I am bronzium 3 at the moment. I am 1.7 m, i have been matched against people that has 8m gp. That shouldnt be happening. Its been ages since i last saw someone that has less GP than me. Most people will say gp has nothing to do with gac wins but come on, i cant even fill defences in bronzium if i save enough to clear my enemy. I am not saying ı should be in kyber or gp based matchmaking should be back but at least add some sort of gp difference set for lower brackets. Like 500 k difference for carbonite, 1 m difference for bronzium and 2 m difference for chromium and above would be fair game for all. Otherwise there are way too much difference under bronzium and its basically 10 vs full clear lose or 10 vs 0 win. Thats unfun. It drives new players away."

    If you want your feedback to be taken seriously, you need to be credible. None of the hyperbole.

    "I am 1.7 m, i have been matched against people that has 8m gp."

    As far as I can see this simply isn't the case. 'have been matched against people' suggests this is a regular occurrence. I believe it hasn't happened once. At the end of this season you'd have been matched up with players between 6-6.5 million 3 times in 27 matches. You also beat players of 5.2 and 4.8 million fairly and squarely. Those match ups at least should suggest to you that GP isn't the answer.

    So you're currently sitting on 2290 Skill points, which is the highest you've been. This has you in Bronzium 3. Which means you've made a fair bit of progress early and you are probably higher than the average for your GP (just under 1.8 million). In this division you should be expecting to play up (in GP) and probably average a little under 50% until you can balance your account for Bronzium.

    "Like 500 k difference for carbonite, 1 m difference for bronzium and 2 m difference for chromium and above would be fair game for all."

    But this simply isn't supported by your stats. You're having 'fair games for all' with players double your GP regularly.

    "Otherwise there are way too much difference under bronzium and its basically 10 vs full clear lose or 10 vs 0 win."

    I guess you've been fully cleared 5 of your last 7, and probably more after this bracket is done. 2 of those though had similar GP. It does look like you're probably above where you should be right now. And you're likely to fall.

    Your current bracket on paper looks a nightmare, which probably prompted this part of your post (if not the whole post). However, this is the first time you'll be meeting a player of 6.5 million.

    Of your 24 matches so far. In my opinion 4 of which shouldn't be happening (that being you facing a high GP player who appears to be not playing or sandbagging).

    Current GAC bracket
    1.7 (Silcrow) 4.3 3.2 2.4 5.7 3.9 6.5 4.7

    6.2 354-1060 *
    1.7 67 - 1056 You couldn't deal with their Geos look into this. As this will happen often. Same GP and crushed
    4.5 589 - 0 * So these players are the problem. How would you deal with this?
    2.1 1055 - 1066 I guess this is more of what you want (if you're to lose anyway)
    5.2 848 - 600 So this is where the GP argument breaks down. What do we do with this poor guy?
    3.5 553 - 1035 Again, had problems with the Geos.
    6.3 74 - 1040 * However, one attack/one win and then you didn't try.
    5.4 520 - 0 *
    2.8 592 - 531
    3.7 10 - 0 Geo problem again.
    3.8 432 - 843 Yeah just too buff for you
    4.8 836 - 838 A good example of a mismatch in GP, being a good match up
    2.5 828 - 0
    3.1 833 - 842
    2.9 843 - 620
    2.9 362 - 847 Again with the Geos
    2.4 405 - 0
    2.6 836 - 785
    ? 859 - 10
    2.1 863 - 444
    3.6 872 - 833
    2.6 224 - 206
    3.3 616 - 625 Lost on an underman attempt (or didn't have a 5th) unlucky
    1.9 438 - 851 A bit too nice of an account for you to beat.

    * = This shouldn't be happening.

    So yes there are 4 match ups of your 24 that shouldn't be happening. However, it's hardly the situation you're portraying.
  • Silcrow
    53 posts Member
    edited September 2022
    I am new to forum like i stated so i couldnt find where to qutoe a certain part of your message so, sorry about not doing that.
    About 8-8.5 players it has been twice up until now while i was in carbonite so, sadly those matches are long gone in the match history. I assume 6-6.5 is scary enough for someone like me.
    Thank you for your feedback, i will keep in mind to add visual datas next time, about my gac history tho;
    1- The general problem with geos is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat geos. Thats the reason for few throws in geo matches. Other than that sadly i didnt had reliable counter for geos in 3v3 for quite some time. Rest is about that.
    2- About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair.
    3- about 6.3 m that i attack one and not try again. It was my only shot to win, and rest was unbeatable no matter what i do. There was no way i beat full relic BH, Full relic GAS or Full relic CLS Sadly. (side note; i use full relic as all members of the team are above g13)
  • Options
    Silcrow wrote: »
    I am new to forum like i stated so i couldnt find where to qutoe a certain part of your message so, sorry about not doing that. [/qoute]

    I don't think there is that option. It's all or nothing. It certainly isn't the easiest forum to use.
    Silcrow wrote: »
    About 8-8.5 players it has been twice up until now while i was in carbonite so, sadly those matches are long gone in the match history. I assume 6-6.5 is scary enough for someone like me. [/qoute]

    Ok, well that's more pertinent and less misleading. When you were in 'carbonite' is a finished thing. So you've been very liberal with your use of the present perfect there. Although not inaccurate, the nuance is misleading. You're suggesting it's a thing happening.

    However, the truth is possibly more worrying. That some 8 million plus accounts have reached rock bottom, and as you rightly pointed out ruining the experience for new players.

    You're new to the GAC and your first game is vs an 8 million plus account............well that's just wrong. That needs to be dealt with.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    1- The general problem with geos is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat geos. Thats the reason for few throws in geo matches. [/qoute]

    How about I change what you wrote to this: "The general problem with GP is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat higher GP players. Thats the reason for few throws in GP mismatches."

    How would you form an argument that the 2 situations are different? I'm sure in your head they are very different. The stats suggest they aren't, and arguing they aren't would be difficult.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    2- About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair. [/qoute]

    Well firstly their defences were set at the earliest May? That's about when the new 'set defences' system came into place. So any defences before that would have been erased. So basically, the defences you faced are their current or near current defences.

    "They tend to missplay a lot."

    Yes they do. This is their ability and hence why you're facing them. They're a different challenge to a 2 million account that has a better understanding of the game. However, they're a challenge.

    These guys need to be taken into account and not just left out in the dry because they misplay and don't understand the game very well.

    If you match these guys by GP they'd either lose every game or be stuck in a very small pool with similar players. Neither of those is an improvement on the current system.

    Any improvements you think are good, needs to take all players into account. Especially these guys, who deserve to get wins too and a fun time too.

    Personally, I really wouldn't want to go back to playing by GP again. I definitely don't think it would be productive to go back to the time where players could go 12/0 11/1 per season again either.

    Those 8 million GP games you had are a big worry for me though. Something definitely needs to be done about sandbagging and 'now and again' players.

    However, looking at your overall experience. There's very little to worry me. You'll most likely get knocked down a bit this week, but that's how it is.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    You just delete the part you don't want to include.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Silcrow wrote: »
    I am new to forum like i stated so i couldnt find where to qutoe a certain part of your message so, sorry about not doing that. [/qoute]

    I don't think there is that option. It's all or nothing. It certainly isn't the easiest forum to use.
    Silcrow wrote: »
    About 8-8.5 players it has been twice up until now while i was in carbonite so, sadly those matches are long gone in the match history. I assume 6-6.5 is scary enough for someone like me. [/qoute]

    Ok, well that's more pertinent and less misleading. When you were in 'carbonite' is a finished thing. So you've been very liberal with your use of the present perfect there. Although not inaccurate, the nuance is misleading. You're suggesting it's a thing happening.

    However, the truth is possibly more worrying. That some 8 million plus accounts have reached rock bottom, and as you rightly pointed out ruining the experience for new players.

    You're new to the GAC and your first game is vs an 8 million plus account............well that's just wrong. That needs to be dealt with.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    1- The general problem with geos is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat geos. Thats the reason for few throws in geo matches. [/qoute]

    How about I change what you wrote to this: "The general problem with GP is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat higher GP players. Thats the reason for few throws in GP mismatches."

    How would you form an argument that the 2 situations are different? I'm sure in your head they are very different. The stats suggest they aren't, and arguing they aren't would be difficult.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    2- About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair. [/qoute]

    Well firstly their defences were set at the earliest May? That's about when the new 'set defences' system came into place. So any defences before that would have been erased. So basically, the defences you faced are their current or near current defences.

    "They tend to missplay a lot."

    Yes they do. This is their ability and hence why you're facing them. They're a different challenge to a 2 million account that has a better understanding of the game. However, they're a challenge.

    These guys need to be taken into account and not just left out in the dry because they misplay and don't understand the game very well.

    If you match these guys by GP they'd either lose every game or be stuck in a very small pool with similar players. Neither of those is an improvement on the current system.

    Any improvements you think are good, needs to take all players into account. Especially these guys, who deserve to get wins too and a fun time too.

    Personally, I really wouldn't want to go back to playing by GP again. I definitely don't think it would be productive to go back to the time where players could go 12/0 11/1 per season again either.

    Those 8 million GP games you had are a big worry for me though. Something definitely needs to be done about sandbagging and 'now and again' players.

    However, looking at your overall experience. There's very little to worry me. You'll most likely get knocked down a bit this week, but that's how it is.

    Thank you <3
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    You just delete the part you don't want to include.

    In 2022? i cant find any word to describe my shock.
  • Options
    I don't think there is that option. It's all or nothing. It certainly isn't the easiest forum to use.

    You can put different parts in separate pairs of quote tags. For example:
    Silcrow wrote:

    Here goes your essay on Foo.
    Silcrow wrote:

    Talk about Bar here.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Silcrow wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    You just delete the part you don't want to include.

    In 2022? i cant find any word to describe my shock.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Well my whole 2nd post has been deleted. This forum has serious issues with this sort of thing happening. Immensely frustrating.
  • Options
    Silcrow wrote: »
    About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair.

    You just explained exactly why matchmaking is based on “skill rating.”
  • Options
    I don't think there is that option. It's all or nothing. It certainly isn't the easiest forum to use.

    You can put different parts in separate pairs of quote tags. For example:


    You mean exactly like I did before my post got deleted.

  • Options
    Well possibly it was a 'quoting' issue by me. The message seems to be still there. It might be impossible to sort out the quotations though........

    Silcrow wrote:
    About 8-8.5 players it has been twice up until now while i was in carbonite so, sadly those matches are long gone in the match history. I assume 6-6.5 is scary enough for someone like me.

    Ok, well that's more pertinent and less misleading. When you were in 'carbonite' is a finished thing. So you've been very liberal with your use of the present perfect there. Although not inaccurate, the nuance is misleading. You're suggesting it's a thing happening.

    However, the truth is possibly more worrying. That some 8 million plus accounts have reached rock bottom, and as you rightly pointed out ruining the experience for new players.

    You're new to the GAC and your first game is vs an 8 million plus account............well that's just wrong. That needs to be dealt with.

    Silcrow wrote:
    1- The general problem with geos is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat geos. Thats the reason for few throws in geo matches.

    How about I change what you wrote to this: "The general problem with GP is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat higher GP players. Thats the reason for few throws in GP mismatches."

    How would you form an argument that the 2 situations are different? I'm sure in your head they are very different. The stats suggest they aren't, and arguing they aren't would be difficult.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    2- About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair.

    Well firstly their defences were set at the earliest May? That's about when the new 'set defences' system came into place. So any defences before that would have been erased. So basically, the defences you faced are their current or near current defences.

    "They tend to missplay a lot."

    Yes they do. This is their ability and hence why you're facing them. They're a different challenge to a 2 million account that has a better understanding of the game. However, they're a challenge.
    These guys need to be taken into account and not just left out in the dry because they misplay and don't understand the game very well.

    If you match these guys by GP they'd either lose every game or be stuck in a very small pool with similar players. Neither of those is an improvement on the current system.

    Any improvements you think are good, needs to take all players into account. Especially these guys, who deserve to get wins too and a fun time too.

    Personally, I really wouldn't want to go back to playing by GP again. I definitely don't think it would be productive to go back to the time where players could go 12/0 11/1 per season again either.

    Those 8 million GP games you had are a big worry for me though. Something definitely needs to be done about sandbagging and 'now and again' players.

    However, looking at your overall experience. There's very little to worry me. You'll most likely get knocked down a bit this week, but that's how it is.
  • Options
    Well possibly it was a 'quoting' issue by me. The message seems to be still there. It might be impossible to sort out the quotations though........

    Silcrow wrote:
    About 8-8.5 players it has been twice up until now while i was in carbonite so, sadly those matches are long gone in the match history. I assume 6-6.5 is scary enough for someone like me.

    Ok, well that's more pertinent and less misleading. When you were in 'carbonite' is a finished thing. So you've been very liberal with your use of the present perfect there. Although not inaccurate, the nuance is misleading. You're suggesting it's a thing happening.

    However, the truth is possibly more worrying. That some 8 million plus accounts have reached rock bottom, and as you rightly pointed out ruining the experience for new players.

    You're new to the GAC and your first game is vs an 8 million plus account............well that's just wrong. That needs to be dealt with.

    Silcrow wrote:
    1- The general problem with geos is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat geos. Thats the reason for few throws in geo matches.

    How about I change what you wrote to this: "The general problem with GP is not sever as it seems, when i am sure that there is no win in stiation i tend to try if i can find a team to beat higher GP players. Thats the reason for few throws in GP mismatches."

    How would you form an argument that the 2 situations are different? I'm sure in your head they are very different. The stats suggest they aren't, and arguing they aren't would be difficult.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    2- About beating 5 million accounts fair and square, i do not agree on this. They tend to missplay a lot. I do not even consider them fun. since you looked at my match history i bet you saw their defences, it seems like they placed defences at level 85 once and never bothered again, and didnt even bother to attack with their offensive teams, just getting few matches and not playing rest. I wouldnt call it fair.

    Well firstly their defences were set at the earliest May? That's about when the new 'set defences' system came into place. So any defences before that would have been erased. So basically, the defences you faced are their current or near current defences.

    "They tend to missplay a lot."

    Yes they do. This is their ability and hence why you're facing them. They're a different challenge to a 2 million account that has a better understanding of the game. However, they're a challenge.
    These guys need to be taken into account and not just left out in the dry because they misplay and don't understand the game very well.

    If you match these guys by GP they'd either lose every game or be stuck in a very small pool with similar players. Neither of those is an improvement on the current system.

    Any improvements you think are good, needs to take all players into account. Especially these guys, who deserve to get wins too and a fun time too.

    Personally, I really wouldn't want to go back to playing by GP again. I definitely don't think it would be productive to go back to the time where players could go 12/0 11/1 per season again either.

    Those 8 million GP games you had are a big worry for me though. Something definitely needs to be done about sandbagging and 'now and again' players.

    However, looking at your overall experience. There's very little to worry me. You'll most likely get knocked down a bit this week, but that's how it is.

    I do agree on Gp based matchmaking would be troublesome and do more harm than good overall. In any given system sadly there will be peoples that will be victimized and a perfect system cant be found.Yet, i think sacrificing lower brackets as victims is wrong, that place should be for newbies. if you put a GP based matchmaking at least for lower brackets, those who play but not have an idea about game will get (probably) more wins, since unlike me or a newbie that will take them seriously, they will get matched a sandbagger or something like that and squeezed up. And yes, i think they should be squuzed out of the lower brackets. I think it is fundamentally wrong to throw 0-2 m players to 4m+ players just cause they are "bad" at game. I am not saying all brackets should take GP into account but There is no reason for This guy to be in carbonite as example. (it was the first link i have found) current system doesnt have answers for inactives and sandbaggers. And as a side note, I do think ideally, current system is pretty good. The problem is it is designed with assumption "everyone will give their best" thus system will eventually break. More end game players will stockpile at the bottom as the days go. This needs to be adressed.
    About carbonite and bronzium thing, english is not my native so i really cant see the difference. I beg your pardon if that was missleading.
    The difference about "trying to find a team to beat higher gp enemies" is literally it doesnt exist. Lets say enemy has g12 geos set on defence and i have no hope to win that round. I may try to use few of my teams to cleat that geos for future reference. But for beating higher gp opponents, its something else. I know anything i have will not even scratch full g13-r5 Bounty hunter team with bunch of zetas thrown in. Even if my team happen to be direct counter, i will not have enough fire power. I still have to use my Gear 8 Phoenix on defence and still not being able to fully fill defences. I do understand what you mean tho, once you reach certain point it becomes countergame. A well made 4-5 m account can probably win against a 8 m with good counters. But that is pretty unlikely with same gp difference of 2-3m vs 6m. As you can see i have no problem with going against 2-4 m players (thats likely double of my GP.)
  • Options
    Well first apologies to all about the quoting on this thread, it's a real mess.
    Silcrow wrote: »
    , i think sacrificing lower brackets as victims is wrong, that place should be for newbies. if you put a GP based matchmaking at least for lower brackets

    Where do we draw a line though? Right now it feels like you're cares are about your experiences and not the environment as a whole. If you GP match for Carbonite and Bronzium, why not Chromium? Why Aurodium or Kyber too?

    I have matches where it's a GP mismatch and I feel 'I can only win this if they don't attack.' We get posts about players in Kyber 1 saying the same thing. Your feelings are shared through all the leagues.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    I do agree on Gp based matchmaking would be troublesome and do more harm than good overall. In any given system sadly there will be peoples that will be victimized and a perfect system cant be found.Yet,

    Yet........the more you tinker, the more you know the limitations of the system and the more potential improvements there could be. Like you, I don't think what we have is perfect and I...we would like to see some tinkering.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    they will get matched a sandbagger or something like that and squeezed up. And yes, i think they should be squuzed out of the lower brackets.

    So this is the issue for me. Let's call them 'the sandbaggers'. They're affecting an environment they shouldn't be affecting. Something needs to be done so that they don't affect environments they shouldn't be affecting. They're basically dormant Asian Hornets.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    I think it is fundamentally wrong to throw 0-2 m players to 4m+ players just cause they are "bad" at game.

    So this is where we fundamentally disagree and I feel your complaints are self serving. I've asked and I'll ask again, "What should be done with these players?" Players that play every week, but have lost 2 or so leagues? You complain that your experience isn't as fun as it could be, but you are suggesting making the experience of others worse, just because they're not very good.

    Remember the ethos of 'new' GAC is 50/50 win rates. I personally feel you're not happy with this. You were happier when you were in Carbonite and clearly won well over that to move up to mid Bronzium. Now, you're probably a little over your head you may well lose more than 50% for a while. Unless you find some solutions to your problems.

    These guys (lets call them Mr 5.2 and Mr 4.8) shouldn't be outside of our remit. They need to say within the 50/50 win rate system. How are they to achieve that if you add GP back into the mix? I mean (god bless em) they're trying. And if they're trying they deserve our support.

    For these guys I fundamentally disagree with your proposal. And there are instances of these guys on your history, just as there are sandbaggers.
    Silcrow wrote: »
    There is no reason for This guy to be in carbonite as example.

    Indeed not. I wouldn't have a problem with grouping players that don't or hardly play together. I mean these Asian Hornets have no right to our European Honey bees! However, we need to be very clear what is an Asian Hornet and what is a bit sickly European Hornet.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    The problem is it is designed with assumption "everyone will give their best" .

    I thought so too. Now, I'm not so sure. I think it might be just 'keep everybody on a 50/50 and an even distribution' environment. However, the Asian Hornet syndrome is a key problem we could deal with............isn't it?
    Silcrow wrote: »
    About carbonite and bronzium thing, english is not my native so i really cant see the difference. I beg your pardon if that was missleading.

    Your grammar was misleading. You used the 'present perfect', which talks about situations 'up to now'. Which isn't wrong, but your time in Carbonite is finished. Thus is not present.

    So yes, it is ' from the past, up to now', but that makes the reader think it is happening now or recently. However, this is not the case, the 2 cases are way in your history when you were in Carbonite.

    I think that this is a very serious point. That these 8 million accounts are established in Carbonite and are some of the first experiences for new GAC players. This is very very very wrong!
    Silcrow wrote: »
    The difference about "trying to find a team to beat higher gp enemies" is literally it doesnt exist. Lets say enemy has g12 geos set on defence and i have no hope to win that round. I may try to use few of my teams to cleat that geos for future reference. But for beating higher gp opponents, its something else. I know anything i have will not even scratch full g13-r5 Bounty hunter team with bunch of zetas thrown in. Even if my team happen to be direct counter, i will not have enough fire power. I still have to use my Gear 8 Phoenix on defence and still not being able to fully fill defences.

    But you do beat higher GP enemies though. I've showed numerous match ups in your history where you have done so. The problem is you don't enjoy doing it. I still think I can swap your argument around and it holds just as much water....

    The difference about "trying to find a team to beat Geos" is literally it doesnt exist. Lets say enemy has high relics set on defence and i have no hope to win that round. I may try to use few of my teams to cleat that high relic team[/b for future reference. But for beating well put together Geos, its something else. I know anything i have will not even scratch a well modded Geo team with Brood Alpha zetas thrown in. Even if my team happen to be direct counter, i will not have enough fire power.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    I still have to use my Gear 8 Phoenix on defence and still not being able to fully fill defences

    So this suggests a few things to me.

    1. Your GP is better suited to Carbonite. So your punching up a bit right now.

    2. Your view of GAC is a little bit romantic. You're looking for the fair 'ding ****' battle fights. Sadly, this is not always the case. Especially when you're punching up you need to cheese things. Even then you'll get situations where a player could put 2 unbeatable teams on defence, the rest is rubbish and they'll win. Or like a certain youtuber was doing. No teams on defence, just an unbeatable ship, then full clear you. Sadly, you need to adapt to these situations and cheese your way through. Not every battle will be Knight vs Knight. Often it's Knight vs peasant hiding in the mud with a hamstringing knife.
    Silcrow wrote: »
    A well made 4-5 m account can probably win against a 8 m with good counters. But that is pretty unlikely with same gp difference of 2-3m vs 6m.

    No, you're making assumptions on your situation vs what you think it's like for bigger accounts. I'd actually argue the opposite is more likely to be true. Of course each situation is different.

    The lower a player falls, the less their GP is a factor. A very well put together 1.5 million account stands a good chance vs a less well made 6 million account in Carbonite. As they're only playing with a few teams. However, you match those 2 players in Aurodium the higher GP player has much much more of a chance of winning.

    So if the 8 million GP player is ok at the game. They're meeting in Kyber. Then more GP is being used.

    Silcrow wrote: »
    As you can see i have no problem with going against 2-4 m players

    Yet you suggested a 'million difference cap' in Bronzium. So you clearly have a problem with 4 million players. What's more you're probably below average GP for Bronzium 3. So putting a 2.7 million cap on your match ups seems unfair and will affect the overall environment due to differences in match ups of players in the same division.

    Also I've shown you your history. You have had match ups where you haven't had a problem with players over 4 million. Only that you didn't enjoy the experience playing them.

    I'm strongly of the opinion that matching by GP (and I experienced and did fairly well in that environment) is not the answer. However, players artificially affecting divisions/leagues (the Asian Hornets) are a problem.

    My opinion is your seeing the occasional Asian Hornet and wanting to get your spray gun out and kill anything yellow and black. However, some of these yellow and blacks are the good guys!

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    I must comment. You should be happy that you are in bronzuim. i was in bronzuim 4 a few rounds ago, and it gave me 85 crystals per day. IDK what it is for bronzuim 3 (probably 90) but overall throughout the days you would earn many more daily crystals
    and a fancy new title. to add on to that, you won’t be there forever, i promise. it’s not exactly he best thing in the world to be dropped but if u want it then it will happen.
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    The difference about "trying to find a team to beat Geos" is literally it doesnt exist.
    Try darth vsder and traya
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    Yet you suggested a 'million difference cap' in Bronzium. So you clearly have a problem with 4 million players. What's more you're probably below average GP for Bronzium 3. So putting a 2.7 million cap on your match ups seems unfair and will affect the overall environment due to differences in match ups of players in the same division.

    Definitely below average gp of bronzuim 3. I was matched up with people with multiple gls when i was in bronzuim 4
  • Options
    Yet you suggested a 'million difference cap' in Bronzium. So you clearly have a problem with 4 million players. What's more you're probably below average GP for Bronzium 3. So putting a 2.7 million cap on your match ups seems unfair and will affect the overall environment due to differences in match ups of players in the same division.

    Definitely below average gp of bronzuim 3. I was matched up with people with multiple gls when i was in bronzuim 4

    So, having "multiple gl accounts" in Bronzium 4 is normal? then where do we put single gl people? At carbonite 1-2? then where is GAS/MALAK people? Carbonite 3-4? Then there is the ones with core teams that got pretty solid. They should be carbonite 5 i guess. Then a people that has been recently get to level 85 should be lose down to 7 th floor of hell? That doesnt make sense to me. Also, i shouldnt be considered as the "norm" here. I am talking about general experience of players. About 1 million difference tho, it was just an example, of course there is a better math out there. Make it 2 million? 3 million? but if you come here and tell me its absolutely okay for a 1.7 m to match with a 6 m with all due respect, i will not keep the talk with you.
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    Totally depends on how old your account/ roster is.
    As a new Player it is quiet easy having a GL. Bzt there a still a lot of Player at 5-6 Mio GP having no GL. So who will win?
    A focused new player with all knowledge from a big community or the older account who made it through metas before GLs?

    GP doesnt tell u anything and yes if a 8 Mio player has no skills its totally fine for him being bronzium or less.

    Best would be for the game CG would delete GP totally.
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