If you can't assist, how are you supposed to attack out of turn 20 times?

853 posts Member
edited August 2023
The current Galactic Challenge has Opportunistic Advance s one of the Feats.
"Opportunistic Advance X: Complete the battle after attacking out of turn 20 or more times."
Fine. Nothing new. We know what squads we have that can do this.
Except ...
The Global Modifer: "All units are inflicated with 10 stacks of Hesitation at the start of the battle"
"Hesitation: ... Can't assist ..."
Um, what?!
A unit loses a stack of Hesitation when they use a Special Ability. But by the time all my units have used Special Abilities 10 times, there aren't enough enemies left to attack out of turn 20 times.
Is this another CG mistake or am I missing something?
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    Counter attacks
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    Counter attacks

    Well that severely cuts down on your options, doesn't it?
    There aren't a lot of squads that can do that 20 times.
    Grrr. Annoying.
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    This is the first Galactic Challenge I've actively disliked in a long time. I don't always get Box 10 but I don't dislike the Challenge as a result.
    However finding a squad that can survive long enough to counter attack at least 20 times without slaughtering the oppeonent first and all while often being mass stunned in the process is not fun.
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    Stenun wrote: »
    This is the first Galactic Challenge I've actively disliked in a long time. I don't always get Box 10 but I don't dislike the Challenge as a result.
    However finding a squad that can survive long enough to counter attack at least 20 times without slaughtering the oppeonent first and all while often being mass stunned in the process is not fun.

    You’ll need to think outside the box

    Don’t be so full of hesitation
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    Try CLS or the 501st
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    I've managed to get Box 8 and I'm stopping there. It suddenly occured to me that I'm not enjoying this so why am I still trying?
    I used JKRevan to get Opportunistic Advance on Tier VIII but none of my squads that can counter attack can survive long enough to counter attack 20 times, and keep the opponent alive long enough to be able to counter attack 20 times, on Tier IX or X.
    So I'll chalk this one up to "severe irritation" and wait for the next one. :-)
  • StarSon
    7488 posts Member
    You decrease those stacks by using specials. Once you have zero stacks, you can assist. Easiest way appears to be JML and spam his lead special.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    You decrease those stacks by using specials. Once you have zero stacks, you can assist. Easiest way appears to be JML and spam his lead special.

    Even on Tier X, my JML squad kills all the enemies first even when I'm actively trying not to.
    I even took out my regular Jedis and replaced them with weaker ones and they then just died. Therefore still not leaving me enough to get 20 assists.
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    Gas 501st, press auto and enjoy
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    GAS 501ST does the attack out of turn very easily. BitDynasty put out a strat to get Tier X done with badly geared Hutt Cartel. Just make Boba and Embo fast, that's honestly all you need. I'm sitting with the red box right now with only 3 HC units reliced.
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    Rey, Bros, Mace and Armorer worked as well.
  • StarSon
    7488 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    You decrease those stacks by using specials. Once you have zero stacks, you can assist. Easiest way appears to be JML and spam his lead special.

    Even on Tier X, my JML squad kills all the enemies first even when I'm actively trying not to.
    I even took out my regular Jedis and replaced them with weaker ones and they then just died. Therefore still not leaving me enough to get 20 assists.

    Just have to slow play it. Always use the JML lead special and spread the damage. I did JML GMY JKL GK Shaak. Took 5 minutes or so but got it first try.
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    Stenun wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    You decrease those stacks by using specials. Once you have zero stacks, you can assist. Easiest way appears to be JML and spam his lead special.

    Even on Tier X, my JML squad kills all the enemies first even when I'm actively trying not to.
    I even took out my regular Jedis and replaced them with weaker ones and they then just died. Therefore still not leaving me enough to get 20 assists.

    Call Hoda every time, even after the stacks of hesitation drop off. Takes a while but works fine. I used JML, Hoda, GMY, Revan, JKL.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    GAS 501st. Ezpz
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    Stenun wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    You decrease those stacks by using specials. Once you have zero stacks, you can assist. Easiest way appears to be JML and spam his lead special.

    Even on Tier X, my JML squad kills all the enemies first even when I'm actively trying not to.
    I even took out my regular Jedis and replaced them with weaker ones and they then just died. Therefore still not leaving me enough to get 20 assists.

    Call Hoda every time, even after the stacks of hesitation drop off. Takes a while but works fine. I used JML, Hoda, GMY, Revan, JKL.

    That's what I was going to suggest, too. Try not to kill everybody too soon. When the hesitations drop off, call Hyoda for assist all the time. When I did that, only 2 enemies were still alive, but it was enough.
  • TVF
    36703 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    This is the first Galactic Challenge I've actively disliked in a long time. I don't always get Box 10 but I don't dislike the Challenge as a result.
    However finding a squad that can survive long enough to counter attack at least 20 times without slaughtering the oppeonent first and all while often being mass stunned in the process is not fun.

    You’ll need to think outside the box

    The red one?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    JML seems tough. I was able to get 22 with JML, JKL (nice for stuns, has a non-lead assist), Jolee, Hoda, Barriss. If I remodded JML for less protection, I could easily have gotten several more.

    Someone mentioned GAS. Hit auto, done.

    Someone in my guild ran JMK without CAT.

    I think I saw someone mention CLS somewhere.

    I got 20 in just under 5 minutes using Rey, Wat, L3, BB8, R2. Lots of chances to stall with that team.

    I'm sure there are plenty more, too. I was having some luck with IV, but didn't quite have what it takes to get DV dead before he ruined my day.
  • MilHanso
    292 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    I did IX using CLS with R2-D2, X involved too much RNG and I already had Box 8.
    Post edited by MilHanso on
    "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light"
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    It’s Galactic Challenge, not Galactic Easy.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    This one is pretty Galactic Easy in my book XD
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    This one is pretty Galactic Easy in my book XD

    What’d you use for the counters? I was planning on doing it tomorrow with morning coffee. CLS seems like the right choice or Shaak Ti.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    This one is pretty Galactic Easy in my book XD

    What’d you use for the counters? I was planning on doing it tomorrow with morning coffee. CLS seems like the right choice or Shaak Ti.

    I used GAS on Auto.

    Found a few other teams that could work on the forums and posted above... because I was bored.
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    Gas 501st, press auto and enjoy
    My gas bear it twice and I didn't get it
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    Gas 501st, press auto and enjoy
    My gas bear it twice and I didn't get it

    Try Shaak/501st. I didn’t try Gas but did it first time with that.
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    3 attempts with this group and all feats were completed. The first 2 attempts failed cause the summoned trooper would dispel Krrsantan’s taunt.
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    Has anyone suggested gas 501st yet?
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    Bounty hunters with greef works great
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    If you have SEE he gives everyone counter attack, just don’t take an auto taunt, like I did lol, barely got the feat.
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    I used jmk cat, got jmk out of bonus, and then got ult, and he got 20 while in ult. Spread the attacks out
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