Please add a consume all button to Bronzium Data cards



  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    That is easy, they didn't double the drop rate so they don't accidentally give out 2 ful carbs on a pull.
  • Options
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    I found the actual post/quote! From the former Senior Producer Carrie, via a Q&A:

    QUESTION: AaronBurrSir] Is there a technical reason in why we can't do Bronzium multipulls?

    [CVG] The technical answer is that handling a massive number of drops is not currently supported in the game. That said, it would be possible (with work) to enable that. We have been talking about what to do with the Bronzium packs and system overall, and haven't yet landed on where we think this aspect of the game should go yet. All that currency was introduced with the tournament system and was intended to be used for that. We weren't prepared for it to be used only for bronzium packs, so it will be more challenging than simply enabling that functionality.

    I thought I remembered an answer from someone saying they don't want to do this, because if everyone used them all up it would decrease their income. If all ally points were easy to spend then everyone would do it. They get money from the people on the overlapping part of the venn diagram of "people too lazy to open broziums" and "people who spend when they want stuff".
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