FOTP worth higher relic level?

I currently have my first order tie pilot at r4 and it’s probably one of my hardest hitting toons in terms of damage. I know that he only needs r3 for SLKR and I have him at r4 but I’m wondering if anyone has any input on whether or not it’s worth getting to r5 or higher. I’m currently working on getting the req’s for the finalizer but I’d like to know if he’d be a good late game toon for fleet arenas for shard placement.


  • TVF
    36611 posts Member
    Can use higher DCs at R5
    I need a new message here.
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    Yeah, Datacrons and CPit are probably the best arguments for an R5. His ship isn’t that important to the Finalizer optimal fleet and I rarely use it these days. His omicron makes him pretty good for GAC. Whether R5 will make him THAT much better is probably debatable. I’d say put those resources elsewhere or save them for now.
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    If you're still working on getting SLKR, I wouldn't worry about it just yet. However between having a ship, datacrons (R5 for faction bonus, R7 for character bonus), and just needing to survive since his omicron effect goes away the moment he dies, there are plenty of reasons to take him to high relics. Also, like you said, he's just fun and hits hard. why not level him up?

    That being said I might be a little bit biased
    first order tie pilot
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