The Mandalorian S3E5: The Pirate (Spoilers)

682 posts Member
edited March 2023
Haven't finished it yet, but was that our lovely Zeb??

Edit: I really liked this episode minus Zane and Cap't seaweed. They were just done poorly to me.
I'm surprised the "reformed" Giddeon lady wasn't immediately arrested and tried for murder, but I guess it is the future and they wouldn't possibly be able to figure out who killed the scientist... I do like her character though, I hope she gets fully fleshed out.
I do wish there was a way to track time, cause I'm sure Teva flying to Coruscant and back, then to Mando hideout didn't take 5 minutes. So was Greef and the citizens just chilling on the lava flats for a week?
Also why didn't they shoot the droid when it was outted as a rebel spy! Would have set up IG-11 but I guess we are running out of time.
Always great to see the Armourer kicking butt, though I refuse to believe they didn't hear the fighting behind them..

Can't wait for next week!
Post edited by Hexen_Jagar on


  • shanegoseman
    10 posts Member
    edited March 2023
    Yes u can see it in the outro "Steve Blum" was the actor (Zebs voice in Rebels too)
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    I wondered about that.
    Great episode, really want to get both bo and Mandos ships in game.
    Only major hangup I had was at the end with Gideon's shuttle and the beskar; why jump to mandos as the culprit when imps had been using the stuff for years?
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  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    edited March 2023
    Easily the best episode of this season. (Highly possible) Confrontation between Mandalorians under Kryze and Mandalorians under Gideon will be awesome. Pity, it won't be in this season)
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    Man I hope the poor man’s swamp thing is dead. Just a terribly done villan. It seems the budget for this season was slashed so much that they threw seaweed on a guy and called him a pirate.
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    Magruffin wrote: »
    I wondered about that.
    Great episode, really want to get both bo and Mandos ships in game.
    Only major hangup I had was at the end with Gideon's shuttle and the beskar; why jump to mandos as the culprit when imps had been using the stuff for years?

    Maybe it's Sabine's armor and she's captured by Gideon? So that's why he has the darksaber before.
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    i think its likely to be bo katans mates from the second series will have him and are either torturing him or working with him. She convinces them to come back, gideon escapes etc etc.
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    Giddeon seems a bit of a mini palp , the woman who took out the scientist and made sure the Xwing dude (I am terrible with names) from helping Nevaro is clearly working to reform the giddeon crew. Bo did say he crew scattered, so maybe they are making a living helping him now.
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    What an episode! Can’t believe zeb was in it, I wasn’t sure if he would be in ahsoka or made in live action but here we are!
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    I couldnt stop laughing at Star Wars pirate Snee and his captain Pizza the Hut/Swamp Thing.

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ltswb1
    550 posts Member
    Good episode. Was a shock to realize that was Zeb. Very nice cameo.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Sounds like there is some expert manipulator playing both the Mandos and the New Republic like a fiddle. Probably thanks to an extensive art collection...
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    Kard_1986 wrote: »
    i think its likely to be bo katans mates from the second series will have him and are either torturing him or working with him. She convinces them to come back, gideon escapes etc etc.

    I think this is the most likely theory. Would bring in natural conflict with Bo's old crew and Giddeon facing off against team Mando
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Magruffin wrote: »
    I wondered about that.
    Great episode, really want to get both bo and Mandos ships in game.
    Only major hangup I had was at the end with Gideon's shuttle and the beskar; why jump to mandos as the culprit when imps had been using the stuff for years?

    Maybe it's Sabine's armor and she's captured by Gideon? So that's why he has the darksaber before.

    Sabine gave it to Bo in Rebels and Bo lost it to Giddeon IIRC.
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    I didn't care for all the "sea elements" they threw on the pirates. I mean they are space pirates. You don't need to be very creative to realize that they wouldn't have heads covered by sea weeds. Everything else about the episode was awesome though.
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    When I saw “the pirate” as the title i thought i would meet my favorite character from CW (barely ahead of jarjar) and rebels. i didn’t expect an admiral trench with 2 arms, 2 eyes, and 20 seaweed strips covering him
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    Best episode of the season so far, but sadly this season has been pretty underwhelming. I’ve genuinely enjoyed The Bad Batch episodes more each week.
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    mt875249 wrote: »
    Man I hope the poor man’s swamp thing is dead. Just a terribly done villan. It seems the budget for this season was slashed so much that they threw seaweed on a guy and called him a pirate.

    Seaweed pirate notwithstanding, I think the visuals for this season have been the best so far. Grogu seems far more expressive and I find myself remarking at how good the effects are at least once an episode. I didn't even mind the space pirate - thought he was a little campy with a touch of nostalgia. This is Star Wars after all, a little camp is expected for me. YMMV of course.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Finally a good episode, since Mandalore.
    I cannot stand the sea-weed pirates of the caribbean wannabe space Pirate - he ****. He just looked terrible. LF should just shake their heads on that one.
    R5 was stuck on Tatooine after his "bad motivator" experience. When the Storm troopers caught up to those Jawas, who knows what happened to him. But he resurfaces on Tatooine again in the Mando series with a mechanic who has ties to Jawas.
    My point is - when was he supposed to have joined the Rebellion? That was a little weak for me.
    As for the he/she "reformed" Giddeon officer - What the New Republic are doing makes 0 sense. They willingly are taking imperials and making them work for them, in the military, with some obvious influences over their own commanders. Since when did the Rebellion "swap reason for madness", its just crazy.
    The point I am making is the Rebellion went to great lengths through the Galactic Civil War, against incredible odds at defeating the Imperial War machine, to just turn so soft and threaten the peace and stability they have created by allowing corruption to rot from within - it just doesn't make any sense. It feels like "forced plot" writing to me, just to make the sequels somewhat relevant.
    Ultimately though, good episode and Zeb was a nice touch.
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    Boo wrote: »
    Finally a good episode, since Mandalore.
    I cannot stand the sea-weed pirates of the caribbean wannabe space Pirate - he ****. He just looked terrible. LF should just shake their heads on that one.
    R5 was stuck on Tatooine after his "bad motivator" experience. When the Storm troopers caught up to those Jawas, who knows what happened to him. But he resurfaces on Tatooine again in the Mando series with a mechanic who has ties to Jawas.
    My point is - when was he supposed to have joined the Rebellion? That was a little weak for me.
    As for the he/she "reformed" Giddeon officer - What the New Republic are doing makes 0 sense. They willingly are taking imperials and making them work for them, in the military, with some obvious influences over their own commanders. Since when did the Rebellion "swap reason for madness", its just crazy.
    The point I am making is the Rebellion went to great lengths through the Galactic Civil War, against incredible odds at defeating the Imperial War machine, to just turn so soft and threaten the peace and stability they have created by allowing corruption to rot from within - it just doesn't make any sense. It feels like "forced plot" writing to me, just to make the sequels somewhat relevant.
    Ultimately though, good episode and Zeb was a nice touch.

    The new republic makes me cheer for the first order more now, and that i want rey to lose.
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    Boo wrote: »
    As for the he/she "reformed" Giddeon officer...

    C'mon man. Katy M. O'Brien. Totally superfluous (and grammatically incorrect) use of an adjective there. If you had any doubt, then maybe do the decent thing and take the literal 15 seconds to google something.

    Go fight your culture war elsewhere.
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    hi guys new players
    join our new guild for points, item, shards etc
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    Ty & have fun :)
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    hi guys new players
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    guild name : CoruscantCitizen
    Ty & have fun :)

    Not the place to advertise your guild. Trying to take threads off topic and spamming is against the TOS of the forums.
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