1 Year Anniversary!

75 posts Member
edited June 2023
Hello there,

Today marks my 1st year of playing SWGOH. Every day while I have been playing, I have been streaming my progress “Shameless Plug Incoming” ttv/Gnomersi. I stream everyday around 7:30p EST. To the wonderful individuals who watch me daily and help me through my progress, thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you all.

I also want to give credit to an amazing individual who really jump started the start of my account through his Youtube videos, F2P Padwan. Because of his guide, I was able to stay top fleet ever since I was able to participate in fleet arena. I have teetered between rank 1 – 10 and I have him to thank for that. With this, I will share what I learned over the year and what I thought worked, and what I would have liked to change.

My Mindset:
When it comes to games, I always do my research before jumping into one. I am always on the side of efficiency. I also came to this knowing that I did not want to spend a dime. I have always spent money on games (Epic 7, Hero’s Charge, Dislyte..etc.) I wanted to try something different, instead of spending money on a game that I just quit, let’s play a game for free and see if I cherish is more….And I do!

The Plan:
I look into a game and I say, What is the most important currency in this game? In this game, Crystals! How do I attain crystals?
- Dailies
- Grand Arena
- Fleet Arena
- Guild Events

"Great, which one is the most consistent?"
- Dailies
- Fleet Arena

So with that mindset, I looked at a couple guides. Ahnald, APgains, DarthLoquitar, and a few others out there. A lot of the guides I looked at were just saying “do this for that reason” but not showing you HOW to do it. This was important to me as someone who knew NOTHING (And still knows very little) about the game. That is until I found F2Ppadwan’s channel with the help of an amazing discord channel FTPnation. With these 2 resources, it helped me soar to where I am today. And with this, the journey began!

1 Year Later:
I just unlocked The Executor and am able to hold Rank 3 – 5 (Although I keep getting knocked back to 6th when it’s not my pay) at the moment. Currently working on Jabba requirements as well as Profundity requirements (Leviathan has to be much later). This has been an amazing journey so far, I look forward to seeing what the future brings. If you would like a detailed guide, just visit the stream.

May the force be with you!
Check me out everyday 7:30p est @ twitch.tv/Gnomersi where I stream my Only SWGOH account. (Lost my F2P Tag Oct. 5th, 2023)


  • Grimsie
    26 posts Member
    I'm proud of how far your account has come. I just unlocked Jabba and he's amazing! You'll really enjoy having him in your acct. Grats on Exe!
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