Where is Talon’s Timeline???

Ok… so I don’t know how many people know this, but Darth Talon is a part of the Legacy Expanded Universe comics… I say this because I had a thought of an entire new roster, 2 new GL’s, and a good spot for her… she existed in a time period literally 4 thousand years after Traya (who she didn’t really know or even follow as close as the game would make it seem), and also… well… I’d like to see Darth Krayt, and Col Skywalker added… they would be fun and I had a few ideas about them…

More about Talon though… It feels wrong to have a single unit from a time period that can have a LOT if cool things, but nothing else… then again, Col Skywalker would need Jedi Knight Luke as a preq (read the comics if you want to know why…) and that would make him a preq for 3 different GL’s currently… but I’d still take it: new skywalker at least, and no longer about Luke and anakin.


  • Options
    IMO, Talon was added for the cosplay fans and those that like Sith in bikinis
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    Range1974 wrote: »
    IMO, Talon was added for the cosplay fans and those that like Sith in bikinis

    There is a lot of truth in that, I personally think she looks really cool, a bit like a female Maul but talon is more far famous for cosplay than story. I do hear you for a character was brought in but with no in story allies or enemies so doesn't make sense. Starkiller minus Vader and palatine had the same treatment but the game is about what is commercial.

    Also For the gls they couldnt be the next Jedi Sith gls because Darth bane should be guaranteed that spot. but wouldn't prefer your suggestions a million time over any rey, rogue one, Jedi survivor, Disney characters.
  • Options
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    IMO, Talon was added for the cosplay fans and those that like Sith in bikinis

    There is a lot of truth in that, I personally think she looks really cool, a bit like a female Maul but talon is more far famous for cosplay than story. I do hear you for a character was brought in but with no in story allies or enemies so doesn't make sense. Starkiller minus Vader and palatine had the same treatment but the game is about what is commercial.

    Also For the gls they couldnt be the next Jedi Sith gls because Darth bane should be guaranteed that spot. but wouldn't prefer your suggestions a million time over any rey, rogue one, Jedi survivor, Disney characters.

    I was thinking Bane would be next… just didn’t know who’d be the next LS gl… as for the argument of the Talon love, I figured as much, but I still find it kinda odd that she’s the only one they added… otherwise, it alsojust came to me that Gideon’s Tie Fighter (the one from season 1 when we first see him) could be a possible unit… If you couldn’t already tell, I have about a hubdred unit ideas, one of those is a General Lando Calrissian from episode 6 and Battlefront 2 (2018/2019) who I really liked to do… but Idk…
  • Options
    MINI_S010 wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Range1974 wrote: »
    IMO, Talon was added for the cosplay fans and those that like Sith in bikinis

    There is a lot of truth in that, I personally think she looks really cool, a bit like a female Maul but talon is more far famous for cosplay than story. I do hear you for a character was brought in but with no in story allies or enemies so doesn't make sense. Starkiller minus Vader and palatine had the same treatment but the game is about what is commercial.

    Also For the gls they couldnt be the next Jedi Sith gls because Darth bane should be guaranteed that spot. but wouldn't prefer your suggestions a million time over any rey, rogue one, Jedi survivor, Disney characters.

    I was thinking Bane would be next… just didn’t know who’d be the next LS gl… as for the argument of the Talon love, I figured as much, but I still find it kinda odd that she’s the only one they added… otherwise, it alsojust came to me that Gideon’s Tie Fighter (the one from season 1 when we first see him) could be a possible unit… If you couldn’t already tell, I have about a hubdred unit ideas, one of those is a General Lando Calrissian from episode 6 and Battlefront 2 (2018/2019) who I really liked to do… but Idk…

    Lando from Battlefront 1 (2015) with broken power blast
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    Gideons tie fighter is a great idea, but is among other overdue characters such as Luke skywalker x wing which is prob the most wanted ship.

    The light side would be tricky to counted bane cos satele is a thought but should be conquest to counter malgus as she was not a gl over malgus (in power).

    Tbh I think the most wanted
    LS is satele
    DS is darth bane
    Neutral is Arcann
    LS ship is Luke skywalker x wing
    DS ship Gideons tie fighter or dooku ship
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Gideons tie fighter is a great idea, but is among other overdue characters such as Luke skywalker x wing which is prob the most wanted ship.

    The light side would be tricky to counted bane cos satele is a thought but should be conquest to counter malgus as she was not a gl over malgus (in power).

    Tbh I think the most wanted
    LS is satele
    DS is darth bane
    Neutral is Arcann
    LS ship is Luke skywalker x wing
    DS ship Gideons tie fighter or dooku ship

    You mean Rey's X-wing.....
  • Options
    I might start posting some of the concepts I had in Art and Media… I had a booster idea for SEE where it was Maul’s Old Master appearance from rebels…
  • Options
    Good thread
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Gideons tie fighter is a great idea, but is among other overdue characters such as Luke skywalker x wing which is prob the most wanted ship.

    The light side would be tricky to counted bane cos satele is a thought but should be conquest to counter malgus as she was not a gl over malgus (in power).

    Tbh I think the most wanted
    LS is satele
    DS is darth bane
    Neutral is Arcann
    LS ship is Luke skywalker x wing
    DS ship Gideons tie fighter or dooku ship

    You mean Rey's X-wing.....

    No i mean like skywalker (the most popular lightside character in star wars)

    I think the majority can agree we had enough of the sequel characters.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Gideons tie fighter is a great idea, but is among other overdue characters such as Luke skywalker x wing which is prob the most wanted ship.

    The light side would be tricky to counted bane cos satele is a thought but should be conquest to counter malgus as she was not a gl over malgus (in power).

    Tbh I think the most wanted
    LS is satele
    DS is darth bane
    Neutral is Arcann
    LS ship is Luke skywalker x wing
    DS ship Gideons tie fighter or dooku ship

    You mean Rey's X-wing.....

    No i mean like skywalker (the most popular lightside character in star wars)

    I think the majority can agree we had enough of the sequel characters.

    Maybe the majority of people over 50....

    Red 5 (or Rey 5 as I like to call it) belongs with Rey...

    Lets put this into perspective here... Luke joins the Rebels and they let him use one of his ships and what does he do? He immediately uses it to kill millions of people then steals it and buggers off to Dagobah where he immediately buries it in a swamp.... Then he needs a feeble old green dude to help him pull it out of the muck...

    Fast forward a bunch of years and theres Luke whining about his Jedi temple burning to the ground... So what does he do? He hops in Red 5, buggers off to some uncharted island and buries it in the ocean....

    At least now it's with Rey where it belongs.. Luke was far to irresponsible to own a nice ship like that...

  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    Gideons tie fighter is a great idea, but is among other overdue characters such as Luke skywalker x wing which is prob the most wanted ship.

    The light side would be tricky to counted bane cos satele is a thought but should be conquest to counter malgus as she was not a gl over malgus (in power).

    Tbh I think the most wanted
    LS is satele
    DS is darth bane
    Neutral is Arcann
    LS ship is Luke skywalker x wing
    DS ship Gideons tie fighter or dooku ship

    You mean Rey's X-wing.....

    No i mean like skywalker (the most popular lightside character in star wars)

    I think the majority can agree we had enough of the sequel characters.

    Maybe the majority of people over 50....

    Red 5 (or Rey 5 as I like to call it) belongs with Rey...

    Lets put this into perspective here... Luke joins the Rebels and they let him use one of his ships and what does he do? He immediately uses it to kill millions of people then steals it and buggers off to Dagobah where he immediately buries it in a swamp.... Then he needs a feeble old green dude to help him pull it out of the muck...

    Fast forward a bunch of years and theres Luke whining about his Jedi temple burning to the ground... So what does he do? He hops in Red 5, buggers off to some uncharted island and buries it in the ocean....

    At least now it's with Rey where it belongs.. Luke was far to irresponsible to own a nice ship like that...



    Luke used Red 5 to destroy a weapon of mass destruction that presumably had already killed millions. It wasn't even his plan but one formed by the Rebel Alliance. I'd struggle to pin that one on Luke.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    CG is evil enough to call it Rey's Red 5.
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I second that
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options

    BubbaFett wrote: »
    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    No see, You’re still HOLDING ON!!!
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    And us older folk can't pretend that the "new" Star Wars is targeted at the bunch of us who watched the OG3 at a drive in or in our parent's basement....
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    I think Talon was the swgoh team wanting to revisit the Legacy era later down the line
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    You know what they say about opinions right?
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »

    You know what they say about opinions right?

    …You can’t have them?
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    edited June 2023
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    Why do you think you get to pick what the good part of Star Wars is?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    Why do you think you get to pick what the good part of Star Wars is?

    Most Star Wars fans despises the new ones, u can pretend all u want that it is just me. Even as I said before the actor who player Luke skywalker in the films doesn’t even like them because they are just repeats of the origins triology and he’s even said he doesn’t believe Luke would of done the things he’s did in those films.

    You can dislike my comment but majority of Star Wars fans agree. I don’t think George Lucas likes them either.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    Why do you think you get to pick what the good part of Star Wars is?

    Most Star Wars fans despises the new ones

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • subxsimo
    125 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    Why do you think you get to pick what the good part of Star Wars is?

    Most Star Wars fans despises the new ones


    Some of you guys are just naive. Do you own research and find out how popular the Rey triology really is. It’s like you work for Disney.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Stokat
    833 posts Member
    subxsimo wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    subxsimo wrote: »
    It can only be lukes ship.

    -Rey uses anakin then lukes lightsaber.
    -Is a skywalker like Luke and anakin.
    -enemy is a family member like L&A
    -Was born an orphan like Luke.
    -Found on a desert planet like Luke and anakin.
    -The “chosen one” like anakin and nearly luke.
    -uses the millennium falcon with chewbacca like luke.

    Let’s not Rey take any more of lukes story

    The past is the past... Let it die... Kill it if you have to...

    -Kylo Ren

    I disagree, you can’t dismiss the good part Star Wars and replace it with the fugazi starwars

    What is the good part of Star Wars again?

    Original and sequel. Rebels and clone wars are good as well. I don’t how people like the first 6 films and would defend the garbage they released as the new era. The worst thing I’m not old at all I just agree with mark hamill on the those films. Imagine 3 films about a niece and nephew of darth Vader. :) hahaha

    Why do you think you get to pick what the good part of Star Wars is?

    Most Star Wars fans despises the new ones


    Some of you guys are just naive. Do you own research and find out how popular the Rey triology really is. It’s like you work for Disney.

  • Options
    LOL! Love a good my opinion is the end all be all debate.

    Solo was the best Star Wars movie of all.

    Rey is better than Luke.

    Luke is a terrorist.

    The sequel trilogy is better than the prequel trilogy.

    Darth Bane would be impossible to put in game, because he would have to only have one ally.
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