Grand Arena Issues?

Hey everyone, I am fairly new to SWGOH, I joined in May 2023, and I am finally nearing the point when I'll hit level 85. I have a couple of teams that are good, but I am not sure I'll be ok enough for Grand Arena. I'm certain there Is a ton of rewards that help me progress from Grand Arenas and now the panic is setting in.

Teams I think are alright:

First Order : Leader - KYU, Phasma, First Order Officer, Sith Trooper, Kylo Ren
Phoenix : Leader - Hera, Zeb, Kanan, Chopper, Ezra
Empire (weaker) : Leader - Palpatine, Darth Vader, Moff Gideon, Grand Moff Tarkin, Stormtrooper
Rebel (CLS Event Team - weaker) : Leader : Han Solo (Stormtrooper), R2-D2, Princess Leia, FarmBoy Luke, Old Ben

My ships are not as great as I would like them, so I'm aware I need to work on them.
If anyone can tell me how Grand Arena works in the early leagues, that would be great, and any tips and tricks are welcome. Thank you all in advance.


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    Hi OP - I’ll let others comment on your roster and teams but some general survival tips for GAC:

    Study SWGOH.GG to see what the current form teams are on both offence & defence
    Ditto for counters - it’s a good dataset even if you don’t always have the roster depth to make best use of it
    Don’t be surprised or put off if you encounter much stronger rosters - the ladder system means less active players can drop down the leagues and results in some very asymmetric matches. It is what it is and if you’re lucky you may occasionally win a mismatch. Most importantly don’t get frustrated
    A 50% win rate is a good result in GAC - in fact 4/9 wins is ok too in effect. Especially early on that means you’re doing fine
    You get reasonable rewards even if you lose - as long as you take part. Always have a tonk even if it looks inevitable
    Use every encounter to learn something
    Use every event to have fun

    Enjoy the new possibilities
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    THE most important skill in the GAC, especially for newer accounts, is not get frustrated by extremely bad matchups. Get used to fight where you can and accept defeat where you are clearly outmatched. And don't forget to attack at least once.

    And quick tip for the roster - use Captain Rex. Even with low stars and gear it turns mediocre Phoenix team into excellent one for beginner's account, and with 7*, relics and omicron it's one of the strongest non-GL teams available.
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    Hortus wrote: »
    THE most important skill in the GAC, especially for newer accounts, is not get frustrated by extremely bad matchups. Get used to fight where you can and accept defeat where you are clearly outmatched. And don't forget to attack at least once.

    And quick tip for the roster - use Captain Rex. Even with low stars and gear it turns mediocre Phoenix team into excellent one for beginner's account, and with 7*, relics and omicron it's one of the strongest non-GL teams available.

    Thanks, I'm not going to be upset I've seen how many people get upset during these insanely different match-ups, but I'm not sure I am going to go for Captain Rex, since he's only 1 shard and a hard node. Maybe once he's boosted but otherwise, I am not looking for Phoenix as a main team past the next few months. Appreciate your input nonetheless.
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    Wed_Santa wrote: »
    Hi OP - I’ll let others comment on your roster and teams but some general survival tips for GAC:

    Study SWGOH.GG to see what the current form teams are on both offence & defence
    Ditto for counters - it’s a good dataset even if you don’t always have the roster depth to make best use of it
    Don’t be surprised or put off if you encounter much stronger rosters - the ladder system means less active players can drop down the leagues and results in some very asymmetric matches. It is what it is and if you’re lucky you may occasionally win a mismatch. Most importantly don’t get frustrated
    A 50% win rate is a good result in GAC - in fact 4/9 wins is ok too in effect. Especially early on that means you’re doing fine
    You get reasonable rewards even if you lose - as long as you take part. Always have a tonk even if it looks inevitable
    Use every encounter to learn something
    Use every event to have fun

    Enjoy the new possibilities

    Thanks! Telling me that most people have around 50% does numb the panic so I salute you. That being said, what kind of rewards should I be looking forward to receiving? As far as I am aware you get crystals per win/defeat, but I don't know anything else on the matter.
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    You need to focus on Captain Rex.

    Captain Rex with the Phoenix characters can destroy some of the Galactic Legend teams in the game.
    There are YouTube videos of the team beating some GL’s on auto.

    It is a Top Tier Non-GL Meta team.
    You have everything built except the 1 Character that makes the team amazing.

    With out Rex, the team will just be a throw away team.
    All the resources used to build them up only to discard them.


    Your other big issue which you need to work on ASAP is Fleet Ships.
    Fleet Arena is more important vs. GAC or Squad Arena.
    Fleet Arena is going to hold you back far more than any other thing.

    It seems you waited a long time to do it.
    Ships take 2 to 3 times longer to farm vs. characters.
    You probably need to focus all resources on that to be honest.
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Another unquotable post...

    1- Ships take the same time to farm as unaccelerated characters do
    2- Rex is not accelerated
    3- OP needs to build multiple base teams for GAC not focus on one team / character
    4- At least you didn't recommend SEE

    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    Early on focus on building up as many leaders as possible. This will give you more viability early on. Leader abilities in early GAC is vastly underrated.
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    DemonSlayr wrote: »
    Thanks! Telling me that most people have around 50% does numb the panic so I salute you. That being said, what kind of rewards should I be looking forward to receiving? As far as I am aware you get crystals per win/defeat, but I don't know anything else on the matter.

    You get daily crystals for participating; crystals for each round; prizes at the end of each weekly event (ie 3rounds) and at the end of each championship (ie 3 weekly events) - check the rewards tab in the GAC mode or see the screenshots below (if they upload, I’m in a medieval fortress with thick walls & medieval data connections)

  • PlayerJ
    210 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Another unquotable post...

    1- Ships take the same time to farm as unaccelerated characters do
    2- Rex is not accelerated
    3- OP needs to build multiple base teams for GAC not focus on one team / character
    4- At least you didn't recommend SEE

    The OP is in Carbonite.
    The OP doesn’t need multiple base teams for GAC.

    No idea what your talking about.
    The OP only needs 4 Ground + 2 Fleet teams

    The OP needs:
    - 1 Strong Fleet Team
    - 1 Semi-Strong Fleet Team
    - 2 Strong Ground Teams
    - 2 Semi-Strong Ground Teams

    If enemy player has weak Fleet, you set your strong Fleet and put level 1 heroes in defense.

    You keep all your best ground teams for offense and win due to enemy not clearing your fleet.


    If enemy player has decent Fleet, you set Semi-Strong Fleet + 1 Strong Ground team in Bottom wall.

    Than you set level 1 heroes in front of ships + in back of bottom back wall.

    Than you hope you can win.


    If enemy player has 9 mil GP, it doesn’t matter what you set. You just attack to get 10 banners.

    Than hope they don’t come online so you can win.
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    The OP has admitted his ships need improvement.
    I think the OP needs to do the improvement ASAP.

    Some Beginner Guides which exist for 2023 recommend for players to start with paths leading to Galactic Legends.
    They focus on Core teams to unlock GL’s.
    They focus on Ground related Events.

    Other Beginner Guides which exist for 2023 recommend for players to start with paths leading to Capital Ships.
    They focus on Fleet teams to unlock the powerful Galactic Capital Ships.
    They focus on Air related Events & Dominating in Fleet Arena.

    The below pictures are the Air related Events which exist in the game.



    You get Fleet Currency
    You get Fleet XP
    You get Fleet Ability coins
    You get Zeta’s


    If you do well in Fleet Arena, you can buy extra Zeta’s from Fleet Shop.
    You will also get Gems per day.


    Lastly, the material needed to make Gear 13 equipped can be farmed in the Fleet Battles.
    They are on Floor 4 & 5 of the Fleet Battles.

    You need a very strong Fleet team which can force it way up the Fleet Battles so you can begin farming Red gear.


    This is why I recommended focusing on Captain Rex.
    Captain Rex is only 1 character.

    You should have plenty of energy left over to fix your Ships.
    You can farm the Ships + Pilots to the Ships with all energy left over.

    By doing the above recommendation, you do a 2 prong attack on improving your account.
    1 - Your Phoenix team becomes monster team which is Late Game Viable.
    2 - Your Fleet team becomes a lot better which can help you gain Zeta’s, Gem’s, & Red Gear.

    Again if you don’t want to follow my advice, It’s okay.
    I’m not going to be upset.
    Your free to do what makes you happy.

    I am just telling you the above information because I don’t know if you are aware of the above information.
    You said your new and so there is a chance that you don’t know.
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    PlayerJ wrote: »
    [A whole lotta stuff]

    Right now I really need to work on my ships, as I don't have anything for anyone. Ahnald's 2023 farming guide video states I should work my way toward Hounds Tooth, Slave I, IG-200, Imperial TIE Bomber, Imperial TIE Fighter, TIE Advanced x1, and Xanadu Blood. They all seem like they should be good in the long run, and as far as I know, can help me obtain Executor.

    I 100% need ships in order to get more zeta's because I'm at level 84.5 without any of them. I know since I haven't really worked well on them, it has backtracked me a couple of months, but I think that it will be worth it when they are all farmed.

    For now, I don't have any ships but I am working on my Geonosians for Padme, and on the side I am working on their ships. Sure they're only at a few stars a piece, but it should be good in the future, at least until my main fleet is done. Plus, it could serve as a mid-fleet in Grand Arena.

    For the past few weeks I've been simming Slave I each day 5 times, and it's activated, and it has a little over to get the next star. Executrix will be who I'll have as my capital ship until I get Executor but again, I'm expecting it to take at least a few months.

    I appreciate the time you took to input all of your information, and I will take it into consideration moving forward. Cpt. Rex is really good, and probably won't be accelerated until next July when he came out, so it might be good to start on him after ships and what I have going on now.

    All of my normal energy is going to Wicket, and Threepio and Chewie, since I am trying to get a good CLS team for Grand Arena, and I just unlocked CLS last week.
    The rest is kind of just getting thrown around at Beskar Mando requirements since I hadn't really thought too hard about what else to use for it.

    I sim all 5 times on the first 2-3 hard nodes in Fleet Battles 2, for Slave I because I can't get past the 3rd page yet.

    I'm currently working on a mix of teams including Jedi Training Rey, CLS, Geos, BH, and Ewoks. Hope this clears up a little bit of things, and thanks again for the reply.
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    I have watched dozen different Farm Guides.
    I will admit Ahald Farm Guide is the most entertaining to watch.

    However, I do think Ahald Farm Guide is more ground focused vs. ship focused.
    Ahald does try to emphasize the importance of ships.

    The problem is Ahald Ship recommendation isn’t Early Game friendly.
    Ahald recommends a Bounty Hunter Fleet with mixture of Empire Fleet.

    The problem is the Bounty Hunter Fleet is more of a Middle to Late Game Fleet.
    A lot of the Pilots & Ships are on high level NOD’s.

    There is actually a great Guide by YouTuber named Darth Loquitur who sort of demonstrate what I’m talking about.
    Darth Loquitur Guide isn’t going for a Galactic Legend.
    Darth Loquitur Guide is aiming to dominate the Fleet and pick up 1 of the 3 Galactic Capital Ships.

    The players you need to be afraid of are not the ones following Ahald Guide.
    The players you need to fear are the ones following Darth Loquitur Guide.

    Darth L. breaks down the time line into a week by week process.
    Than he showcases a flow chart + a visual time line.

    Darth Loquitur recommendation for players is to build Early Game Fleet to get a strange hold on Fleet.
    It doesn’t seem important, but Fleet related content is the best value in the game.

    I, personally, think you should make a Bounty Hunter Fleet.
    I think everyone in the game should make 1 at some point.

    However, I would also consider the Early Game Fleet team.
    The Early Game Fleet team Darth Loquitur recommends is the Geo Ships + Kylo REN Ship
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    I have a curious question:
    What Galactic Legend do you plan to get first?
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    Week 6 - For my Account
    I have 2 ground teams + 1 air team.

    Phoenix: Ground Team
    Hera, Captain Rex, Chopper, Ezra, & Kansan

    Phoenix: Air Team
    Ackbar, Phantom, Ghost, Bigs, & Wedge

    Empire: Ground Team
    Emperor Palpatine, Vader, Royal Guard, Tarkin, & Thrawn

    Comparing rosters, it does seem like the OP has been doing a different strategy vs. me.

    It looks like the OP has chosen a spread out approach. It’s interesting because the OP does have more ground teams & journey guide progress vs. me.

    The only see 2 flaws with his approach.
    1- It looks like the OP gears, energy, & mods are spread thin.
    2- It looks like the OP ships have been neglected.

    The approach I have been doing is more compact.
    I have managed to get few heroes to G12.

    I think my teams might be stronger, but I just have to few of them. It does hurt me on some resource events.

    However, I have been doing very well in Squad Arena + Fleet Arena.

    I broke #404 in Squad Arena
    I broke #10 in Fleet Arena

    Maybes, it can offset some of the lack of resources from event? I don’t know, but it is interesting to think about nonetheless.
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    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Week 6 - For my Account

    You've been playing for 6 weeks and have a G12 character? Did you use hyperdrive?
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    PlayerJ wrote: »
    A whole lotta stuff
    I'm not "fearing" anyone, I'm just having fun as a f2p player. Journey-wise I think I've done fairly well, but yes, my gear isn't 100% efficient.

    I don't know who to invest in just yet, but I do have a solid first-order team and an upcoming CLS team. I have BH farming as well as mara jade, a ton of ships, wicket, and chewpio in order to have my CLS team and the ships for, well everything it seems like.

    I appreciate you sharing your thoughts but I don't want to alter the way I play based entirely on what someone is telling me to do because, to me, that seems like I should just let them do it rather than me.

    My BH team is a bit weird because I just hit 85 and just got Bossk unlocked yesterday so he's only at 4/25 and isn't activated yet. I am going to probably use Greedo, IG-88, Dengar, Cad Bane, and Boba Fett. Greedo is a bit wacky but if it doesn't work out, I'll have Bossk a bit higher and I think most BH are used for Jaba in the long run so it won't be wasted.

    My JTR progress is getting a bit better, in a week or two I should have her unlocked I just need more credits lol.

    My CLS team is sort of put on hold until I unlock the rest of his team.

    My BH aren't great yet so they're just being farmed and not upgraded.

    My Brood Alpha is getting closer to the maximum level and might get him in a month or two due to the lack of crystals.

    Anyway, thanks again, but I will try to go my way just with the addition of help from the community.
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    About ships- i would build one strong fleet for fleet arena and offensive GAC. then just put the trash fleet on defense and cover it with a rly good defensive team so that you don’t lose that fleet.
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    DemonSlayr wrote: »
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Week 6 - For my Account

    You've been playing for 6 weeks and have a G12 character? Did you use hyperdrive?

    Yeah, I bought the Hyperdrive Bundle.

    However, a player told me the Hyperdrive Bundle is only about 4 - F2P weeks.
    The Hyperdrive helps accelerate some progression, but it’s not like a crazy amount of progression.

    I am like 6 weeks with Hyper Bundle or 10 weeks F2P.
    I think that is what the progress equals from what I was told.

    As far as my advice goes, you don’t have to follow it.
    Its ok if you want to do different strategy.
    Do what makes you happy!

    We are both beginners and it is interesting to compare and contrast.
    It can help us learn new things.

    For example:
    I haven’t started on CLS event.
    I was focusing on other things.

    Was the CLS event very difficult?
    Did you need high level units?
  • DemonSlayr
    18 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Woah, they said it was only worth 4 weeks of f2p? It took me 5 months to get to level 85 dude. And the hyperdrive includes stuff to get the level 85 guys at 5 stars. Bossk, NIhilus, etc.

    Hyperdrive to my knowledge saves at LEAST 6 months of progress f2p. You get so many 5-star characters and ships and access to everything right away like zetas, gac, conquest, etc.

    And if I remember they give you everyone at level 80 or 85 which saves 5 million - 6.5 million per character.

    I just found out it is 65 characters at level 80 and gear 8 WITH ability levels at 5. For new players, the value is over 6000 dollars and saves up to 2 years of time if you were to farm regularly.

    I understand if you like comparing yourself to people in terms of progress because I do as well, but maybe pick someone who is around your level and GP. I don't mean to sound rude but that was a wild take.

    Also yes, CLS was hard, and I don't have the requirements to fill out his team, but I did get him after about 3-4 weeks. (I had already had Obiwan and a couple of others at 7 star)

    CLS is a good team so I'm working on them, if you need help on the event lmk
  • DemonSlayr
    18 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    a whole lotta stuff

    If you would like to send me over your acc, I could help you a bit. I've only played 5 months but I've been constantly watching videos old and new, and all these other things that I have a bit of knowledge on early game strategies, goals, and more.

    If you don't have a acc, I suggest going there and getting one because it is an incredibly useful tool to everyone of all galactic power.
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    When you buy the Hyper Bundle, it adds around 700k Galactic Power to your account.
    I saw a video of a guy saying it’s around 4 weeks for F2P.
    I saw another video saying it’s around 10 weeks for F2P.

    Whether or not, the video’s were true is different matter.
    I haven’t played the game as F2P for 4 or 10 weeks so I wouldn’t know.

    I do know it isn’t 2 years.
    It accelerates an accounts progress, but it’s not accelerating the progress by 2 years.

    You have shown your account on SWGOH.
    You have said that you have played for about 5 months and SWGOH says your GP is around 750k.

    I think the Hyper Bundle is probably accelerating a person progress by 1 to 5 months depending if the F2P player is a Try Hard player or a Causal player.

    It’s crazy, but the Hyper Bundle doesn’t add as much as you think.
    A F2P player can catch up and even move further ahead if the Hyper Bundle player isn’t careful.
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    It can't be 1-5 months because it took me 5 months of using all my crystals on refreshes, and all my dailies, and bonuses to get to 85.

    Plus you get characters and ships that take months to unlock the farm.

    I don't know what kind of math you've done, but it's incorrect.

    Yeah a f2p player can catch up only if the hyperdrive bundle player stops playing entirely. Even then it would take months to catch up. It's weird that you think that it's not that much progress.
  • Lumiya
    1548 posts Member
    DemonSlayr wrote: »
    It can't be 1-5 months because it took me 5 months of using all my crystals on refreshes, and all my dailies, and bonuses to get to 85.

    Plus you get characters and ships that take months to unlock the farm.

    I don't know what kind of math you've done, but it's incorrect.

    Yeah a f2p player can catch up only if the hyperdrive bundle player stops playing entirely. Even then it would take months to catch up. It's weird that you think that it's not that much progress.

    This is incorrect.
    I started in January 21.

    If you establish from the beginning a good fleet you can very much stay on top. The crystals you earn in fleet will give you a huge boost.

    I was the first in my shard with Negotiator, had the Finalizer as a counter for Exe, was also the first with Profundity and have Levi. Exept for holidays or rare occasions where I was busy, I always get 1st place in fleets and before they removed crystals from squad I was in top 20 eventhough I had hoarding accounts with HDB in my sqad Arena and I also share the fleet shard with spenders and they did not stop playing.

    The most important things imho are to get into a good guild, which means having an account that can help the guild and focus from the go on fleets. For that it is quite important to know which route you are going to take with your roster to avoid spreading yourself too thin and therefor needing longer.

    I knew I wanted to go for Negotiator, so I started to work for example on Anakin and Snips + their ships etc as soon as I could. Which also gave me a good start for Padme, which helped me in squad Arena.
    For dark side ships and characters I concentrated on KRU and other FO ships aswell as Geos(needed her for Padme anyway) because I knew I wanted to go for SLKR as a first GL.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Lumiya is correct.
    I have been playing game for 7 weeks so far.

    Week 1 - I didn’t have rank
    My Fleet Arena wasn’t unlocked at the time.

    Week 2 - I bought Hyperdrive Bundle
    My Fleet Team was able to reach top 21-50 payout

    Week 3 - I made a mistake!
    My Fleet Team was able to reach top 11-20 payout
    I thought my team was doing great so I didn’t focus on my Fleet team.

    Week 4 - The Rise of the F2P almost ruined me.
    My Fleet dropped back down real hard.
    I almost got kicked out of top 50
    I barely manage to stay in rank 44

    Week 5 - I made come back
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Lumiya is correct.
    I have been playing game for 7 weeks so far.

    Awesome..... Post your GG
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Lumiya is correct.
    I have been playing game for 7 weeks so far.

    Awesome..... Post your GG

    I never created one.
    It’s unaffiliated to the game.
    It could be a site filled with hackers.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Lumiya is correct.
    I have been playing game for 7 weeks so far.

    Awesome..... Post your GG

    I never created one.
    It’s unaffiliated to the game.
    It could be a site filled with hackers.

    You don't have to
    That's irrelevant
    It's not
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Just post your ally code if you have nothing to hide.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Just post your ally code if you have nothing to hide.

    Hiding? LOL
    What would a 7 week player hide from?
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Poor choices?
    I need a new message here.
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