Discuss the latest Conquest communication

They are now saying an update to adjust Conquest's Hard Mode will be going out tomorrow (if I understand correctly, they want it to be part of the normal update, released at the normal time, which would be early afternoon between 2pm and 4pm Pacific).

As expected, only when the update is complete and the adjustment is considered adequate will they be issuing compensation.

I think this is awkward b/c 2 days is a while to go without making expected progress on the 40-victory feats. That said, if the compensation included 30 banners towards the next Crate tier, we won't be any worse off and many might be better off. So the timing of the update (about 50-52 hours into Conquest) and the compensation for the problems are tied up into a single knotty issue. That makes final analysis of this CG plan impossible until at least tomorrow, but I thought we should at least have a thread where people get notified that a fix is on its way and to discuss... whatever people want to discuss about it before it's here.


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    Exactly. It all depends what the "compensation" is. If banners are given out or the conquest term is extended a few days, that makes sense, because its otherwise very difficult to make up for lost time here. I guess they could also give out conquest energy and stamina consumables, so that you could use the same team for feats multiple times and replenish their stamina. I would think crystals to make up for energy refreshes done due to overly difficult nodes would also be appropriate
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    What a novel idea, communication! SMH
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    2 upnaught shards and we are really sorry the absolute best these jokers will do
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    I’m sick of feats that don’t track any progress, I’m tired of scrambling to try and meet the new toon feats each time, now many feats are focused on recently released toons which make it that much more challenging due to them not having been maxed, or just even upgraded to relic 1. So when I hear people complain that there is not evidence of them trying to force people to purchase things, i think they totally are. So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.
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    1- I think crystals for starters, minimum 500 (some to replenish what many lost and a few hundred for inconvenience).

    2- As Seedy said, we have lost at minimum one day and in some cases two depending how far along you are, so the addition of keycards would be in order, I think 30 would be fair.

    3- A handful of stamina consumables to help those of us chasing feats get caught up without having to extend the conquest.

    I don't agree on extending conquest if only for the fact that it messes with the usual game schedule and could potentially cause other issues with Proving Grounds etc.
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    1. Push conquest out an additional 48 hours
    2. Give all players 100 x 3 conquest energy tickets (a little more than 2 days worth of regen)
    3. Give all players enough stamina consumables to push a squad or 2 from 0% to 100%

    Anything else would be great but those 3 things would go a long way to at least bridge the gap players are currently stuck behind.
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    We lost a lot time, crystals and the trust... I don't want any crystals - I want a conquest which makes more fun. This conquest was too frustrating...and we have to play it another 12 days or more...
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    CWC x3, Taron Malicos x3, 100 crystals, 100 conquest energy is my prediction. No meaningful apology or explanation, no future attempts to do better by testing content. It’s taking 2 days to fix something so ridiculous it should have been caught prior to release by any reasonable testing. I wonder how long it would have been if it was a game mode that didn’t have an active revenue stream like passes.
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    it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed.

    I won't say that "greed" isn't a factor, but I will add a couple things to that.

    1. CG is a corporation. Its purpose in life is to make money. Greed is woven into its fabric, but that doesn't make it any different from Pharma companies or petrochemical companies or hospitals.

    2. Objecting to the idea that CG is both greedy AND incredibly stupid is not the same as objecting to the idea that CG is greedy. I don't think that CG sabotages Conquest progress on purpose to sell more Conquest Passes. But that's not because I believe CG isn't motivated by money. They are. They're literally required by law to be motivated by money. It's illegal for the corporate board to fail to maximize shareholder profit, with only small amounts of wiggle room for consideration of other values, primarily through the backdoor of corporate branding (the idea being that companies can use their self-professed values to distinguish themselves from their competitors in the marketplace).

    3. I am a critic of unregulated capitalism. It's bad. But regulated capitalism is the best economic system humans have yet developed for meeting the material needs of human beings. If corporations are "too greedy" and the exceptions for non-profit motivations in corporate decision making are too narrow, that's a problem for the government to take up. The government can adjust the regulations for everyone if the system is out of balance, but CG isn't evil for operating under the profits-to-the-exclusion-of-almost-everything system. That's the system that we have created, as voters and as consumers. Critiquing the system is fine, and I do that, but it's both pointless and unfair to critique CG (assuming it's not breaking the law) for participating in the system that we all have collectively created.

    Greed is what it is, and yes it's part of CG. But I don't believe that the conspiracy theories that get bandied about are credible ... mostly because I don't think that CG could be so incompetent as to believe that sabotaging player fun leads to increased profits.

    Instead I think that they make the lesser errors of failing to anticipate what increases player fun. And they make a lot of those errors. And I wish they would get better. But "they're greedy so they hurt people on purpose so we will give them our money" doesn't remotely ring true to me.
  • Profit
    282 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    How about removing the next 2 conquests and triple all rewards. And then stick to that schedule so we have one working conquest and then some well earned stress free time. Thats all the compensation I need
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    CWC x3, Taron Malicos x3, 100 crystals, 100 conquest energy is my prediction.

    No Clone Wars Chewie, No Peace!
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    it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed.

    I won't say that "greed" isn't a factor, but I will add a couple things to that.

    Instead I think that they make the lesser errors of failing to anticipate what increases player fun. And they make a lot of those errors. And I wish they would get better. But "they're greedy so they hurt people on purpose so we will give them our money" doesn't remotely ring true to me.

    Perfectly stated. Couldnt agree more.
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    1000 crystals plus a bunch of consumables which includes the two needed for feats. What I expect is far less.

    My reasoning is 500 crystals per mistake (releasing it as they did and then calling a non fix a fix). I’d also like a clear statement on whether this was just buggy content or was there a goal of increasing the difficulty of conquest that just went too far likely due to under testing.
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    I’m sick of feats that don’t track any progress, I’m tired of scrambling to try and meet the new toon feats each time, now many feats are focused on recently released toons which make it that much more challenging due to them not having been maxed, or just even upgraded to relic 1. So when I hear people complain that there is not evidence of them trying to force people to purchase things, i think they totally are. So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.
    So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.

    Whether we like it or not, part of being a corporation is a requirement to generate revenue for the shareholders that buy your stock. Many people hold EA stock in their investment portfolios and have way more invested in the company than the cost of a monthly conquest pass or a couple boxes of crystals.

    That being said, it's not unlike any other corporate business in that it still needs to keep it's customers happy so that they stay on, return and make more purchases. I certainly don't think this was a case of "corporate greed" since their goal should never be to make broken content that ticks everyone off (and make no mistake, this was broken content).

    It's OK to be mad at poor content releases, but sometimes a spoon is just a spoon.
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    I’m sick of feats that don’t track any progress, I’m tired of scrambling to try and meet the new toon feats each time, now many feats are focused on recently released toons which make it that much more challenging due to them not having been maxed, or just even upgraded to relic 1. So when I hear people complain that there is not evidence of them trying to force people to purchase things, i think they totally are. So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.
    So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.

    Whether we like it or not, part of being a corporation is a requirement to generate revenue for the shareholders that buy your stock. Many people hold EA stock in their investment portfolios and have way more invested in the company than the cost of a monthly conquest pass or a couple boxes of crystals.

    That being said, it's not unlike any other corporate business in that it still needs to keep it's customers happy so that they stay on, return and make more purchases. I certainly don't think this was a case of "corporate greed" since their goal should never be to make broken content that ticks everyone off (and make no mistake, this was broken content).

    It's OK to be mad at poor content releases, but sometimes a spoon is just a spoon.

    All they did was make me not buy anymore conquest passes regardless of make good pack we will be getting tomorrow
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    I’m sick of feats that don’t track any progress, I’m tired of scrambling to try and meet the new toon feats each time, now many feats are focused on recently released toons which make it that much more challenging due to them not having been maxed, or just even upgraded to relic 1. So when I hear people complain that there is not evidence of them trying to force people to purchase things, i think they totally are. So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.
    So when anyone sees the type of **** occurring with this conquest, it’s entirely natural to believe it’s caused by corporate greed. Why wouldn’t we when we encounter it with nearly every update. I said what I said.

    Whether we like it or not, part of being a corporation is a requirement to generate revenue for the shareholders that buy your stock. Many people hold EA stock in their investment portfolios and have way more invested in the company than the cost of a monthly conquest pass or a couple boxes of crystals.

    That being said, it's not unlike any other corporate business in that it still needs to keep it's customers happy so that they stay on, return and make more purchases. I certainly don't think this was a case of "corporate greed" since their goal should never be to make broken content that ticks everyone off (and make no mistake, this was broken content).

    It's OK to be mad at poor content releases, but sometimes a spoon is just a spoon.

    All they did was make me not buy anymore conquest passes regardless of make good pack we will be getting tomorrow

    And that's fine, when companies like EA make mistakes that displease their customers there will always be folks like you who decide they won't be making purchases with them again.

    Circle of life : Corporate version
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    We are also entitled to our beliefs and have the power to change the system. Change often arrives when things regress into untenable states. Our complaints go nowhere, into the void. That’s why we must give our all against those we encounter, even those whose responsibility is just the fabled “help desk” that doesn’t help anything, because without them complaining to their counterparts NOTHING WILL GET CHANGED.
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    Sairiki1 wrote: »
    We lost a lot time, crystals and the trust... I don't want any crystals - I want a conquest which makes more fun. This conquest was too frustrating...and we have to play it another 12 days or more...

    Yeh, I'm F2P but spent a lot of time (way too much in hindsight and taking into account latest issues), grinding to get Malicos from last conquest cycle.
    It was tedious trying to 'cheese' a lot of feats, and boring with the ones I could do easily but had to do many times, but felt an achievement (and time well spent!) when unlocking.

    This I think is a good reason why CG have made it so much harder....they made no money from me, and many others that got a premium character the same way. I guess the 'Force balance' was Trench and Scion :)

    I've had a good enough run since the game launched, but greed seems to have taken too much of a hold now for a mobile game that's made/makes billions doesn't it?
    I'll never understand why some people have to want so much more and keep squeezing, but I'm happy with that.

    Anyway, as I keep seeing on the gambling adverts appearing everywhere "When the fun stops, stop"
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    I have re-assessed my situation and decided its no longer worth doing 3x50 and 3x100 refreshes and buying the conquest pass, in order to get the red crate for conquest character and a reasonably decent datacron set. Instead it makes more sense for me to only do 3x50 refreshes and get a lower crate, wait a few months more for the character unlock through proving grounds and live with a smaller, weaker datacron set.

    I will be saving over 4k crystals per conquest season. Sure my guild will suffer marginally in TW, and I may drop a GAC division because my datacrons are worse, but overall I save more crystals for roster growth. And more importantly I save more time instead of grinding out 100 Tusken Warrior kills.

    I dont know about you but as a child I have always dreamt of playing a game where I have to get 100 Tusken Warrior kills, and I envy those you who successfully complete this feat and fulfil their dreams.

    CG have successfully engineered an environment that I have discovered actually encourages me to spend to less money, save more time, and progress faster.
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    Just bump everyone to red crate unlocked and then they have an extra month to fix and test all issues. It will also give CG an incentive to improve quality control for future releases.
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    I dont know about you but as a child I have always dreamt of playing a game where I have to get 100 Tusken Warrior kills, and I envy those you who successfully complete this feat and fulfil their dreams.

    OK, that was pretty good :)
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    I have re-assessed my situation and decided its no longer worth doing 3x50 and 3x100 refreshes and buying the conquest pass, in order to get the red crate for conquest character and a reasonably decent datacron set. Instead it makes more sense for me to only do 3x50 refreshes and get a lower crate, wait a few months more for the character unlock through proving grounds and live with a smaller, weaker datacron set.

    I will be saving over 4k crystals per conquest season. Sure my guild will suffer marginally in TW, and I may drop a GAC division because my datacrons are worse, but overall I save more crystals for roster growth. And more importantly I save more time instead of grinding out 100 Tusken Warrior kills.

    I dont know about you but as a child I have always dreamt of playing a game where I have to get 100 Tusken Warrior kills, and I envy those you who successfully complete this feat and fulfil their dreams.

    CG have successfully engineered an environment that I have discovered actually encourages me to spend to less money, save more time, and progress faster.

    In the past 3x50 has always been enough for me to get red crate, without the pass. I don't know if that will be true for this conquest... but I only ever went into 100s because I was bored and wanted to progress farther than I normally would have on that day.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    I dont know about you but as a child I have always dreamt of playing a game where I have to get 100 Tusken Warrior kills, and I envy those you who successfully complete this feat and fulfil their dreams.

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    If they refund the energy, let me accept it so I don't sit not earning energy for hours. if it's crystals, to be fair they does not compensate for the lost time in the event where the feat difficulty has almost doubled since little overlap in feats per sector or global now. Sure 14x Tusken wins in sector 4 may help get 100 tusken warrior kills but 14 wins with one squad is really about a 4-day journey and unless the treasure node has changed, my tuskens could not mirror the old version. Maybe I can squeeze a jawa and cere into a squad for a S1 mid boss win now (rey with the vol van disk, likely). It should not take hours to plan how to play a game.
    What about the speed up of Bad Batch on treasure node 1? Was that intentional too?
    Moderators can slap my hand again, by CG devs are just not doing very well with player content.
  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    Give the players difference between gold and red crate, not counting gear boxes, those are harder to easily calculate.

    As far as not fully developed and ready, it is the way most things have gone sadly. I see it daily. Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Does it mostly (80%) do what it should? If yes release it and fix/update it later.
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    Insulting .
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    Also let’s add the B Leia node accelerated muck up to the list.

  • Ganmiri
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    October 4th is here, CG
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    What's significant about October 4th
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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