Massive Reduction of Datacron Material

69 posts Member
edited October 2023

Above a screenshot of the material I got due to the end of life of the „archaic rites“ Crons. Compared to previous times, it’s way less. Overall it has been 30 crons (~7 or 8 level 9, ~ 10 to 12 level 6 - 7, the rest level 3 to 4).

Currently lots of things are happening, that don’t make you feel comfortable with what’s going on. Maybe it’s really time to evaluate whether it might be the better choice to stop playing this game after starting it in November 2015 (…at least I think that’s the time when it has been initially released).
Post edited by CG_Tusken_Meathead on


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    mark 2 return seemed really low :(
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    And yet again, no communication about that...
    Unbelivable all the incompetancy surrounding every release recently... and we are use to it for years...but now, it's getting on an other level...
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    Agreed. Seems like a very big difference between what I received this time and what I received at the last expiration (having similar amounts of DCs for each time)
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    if they had made a change the other way I feel like there would be a big post about how they are listening and doing great things for the datacron economy, instead stealth nerfs and crickets (maybe there's a line in an update somewhere at most)
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    @dhwo you’re quite right to consider whether you continue playing or not. Ask yourself - do you still enjoy it, do you like the way CG conducts itself. Which is more important to you? I’m done at the end of this Rote - I’ve had enough of CG. Nearly rage quited so many times over the last year or two, but after this conquest I leave with a big smile on my face. Thanks CG for making this a very easy decision.
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    yeah I think CG may have overestimated how many more straws they can put on the camels back, and then dropped a whole bale of hay on there. right after 45M of data cache vaporizes for nothing (between the conquest mess and these lower mat returns) would be a pretty good time to hang it up...

    I wonder why they don't also reduce the cache amounts, I guess they want people to FOMO what they could do with all of that and buy the mats with crystals, well things bend until they break
  • NoWy
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Wow, didn't even realize this after the whole conquest fiasco. CG really mastered the skill blind siding players with multiple problems so they might miss out on some. What a load of crap from this company. I hope this thread gains as much traction as the conquest posts. Seems like a lot of players like me decided to sign into the forums because of the latest issues. Dang.
    Post edited by NoWy on
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead can you speak on this matter?
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    This thread happens every time.

    Does anyone have an actual comparison to last time?
    I need a new message here.
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    I agree with OP. Last set I was able to make 3 level 9 DC even before the old set expired. This time around I didnt even gets materials for a single lvl 9. This is definitely not just a stomach feeling.
  • Lumiya
    1548 posts Member
    I noticed this aswell. I couldn't level the new Cron like I could the last one and I had more and higher Crons than before that one, so I should have been able to level now more.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    TVF wrote: »
    This thread happens every time.

    Does anyone have an actual comparison to last time?

    last time seemed inflated as i had thousands of mats, so i would want to compare this to the set before that, however i can't remember how it shook out.

    that said, it feels extremely small
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    Yep, I think it's true, I had a lot of lvl 3-6 and a couple of lvl 9 from the set 8, and with the materials I've got from, only could build two lvl 6 datacrons for the new set, really weird
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    I couldn't even get one new datacron to level 9, only got one to level 8. It always seems like less because many of us make a lot of level 9s and can't even make one level 9 with the trade-in.
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    And yet again, no communication about that...

    I remember when datacrons were announced they set each set's expiry materials would be different

    Did they ever say otherwise?
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    This thread happens every time.

    Does anyone have an actual comparison to last time?

    This is also the first set where the minimum requirement for a L9 datacron is a r5 unit

    So the conversion might be different for those sets with lower relic requirements
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    Evidence enough?
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    No because you've provided zero context
    I need a new message here.
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    Also, you can’t compare the dust rates between different sets, only sets that use the same resources.

    However what IS an issue they haven’t addressed, is that the difficulty at the beginning of conquest prevented many players from being able to reach the DC node in sector 1 before dust, farm new DCs, and then dismantle the old set and spend down their reserves manually, to preserve more of their stockpile. The fix to conquest didn’t come until after the dust. So that does represent a massive resource drain on the community.
  • dhwo
    69 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    No because you've provided zero context
    What context do you need? I think it’s pretty obvious that on top are the rewards when set 8 has expired and bottom when set 9 has expired.

    Does it confuse you that the pictures are different? Nevermind…this thread can be closed from my side…no longer interested.

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    dhwo wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    No because you've provided zero context
    What context do you need? I think it’s pretty obvious that on top are the rewards when set 8 has expired and bottom when set 9 has expired.

    Does it confuse you that the pictures are different? Nevermind…this thread can be closed from my side…no longer interested.
    But unless we know exactly how many datacrons were converted, it’s really not clear what’s happening.
  • dhwo
    69 posts Member
    It has been a similar amount with respect to quality and quantity.
    Alone by having a look on the Mk1 and Mk3 material, that is different by a 40ish factor, you see that there has been a change. When looking at the Mk2s the difference is less significant.
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    dhwo wrote: »
    It has been a similar amount with respect to quality and quantity.
    Alone by having a look on the Mk1 and Mk3 material, that is different by a 40ish factor, you see that there has been a change. When looking at the Mk2s the difference is less significant.
    But isn’t the first set of pictures from your current Steadfast Resolve datacron mat inventory? Which will almost certainly include a stockpile of unused materials from Conquest runs that you didn’t use?

    I’m happy to accept the exchange is different, and indeed lower than it had been, but to claim those screenshots make it “pretty obvious” is a stretch. There are too many additional factors we don’t have details for to make this “obvious”.
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    393 posts EA Community Manager
    I've sent a note out to the team in charge to take a look
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    I've sent a note out to the team in charge to take a look
    Nice. What did you do the past week though? Just wondering because the set in question expired a week ago.
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    I've sent a note out to the team in charge to take a look

    Please tell the team to keep reducing the materials until datacrons no longer exist.
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    393 posts EA Community Manager
    From what i've gathered, the set you referenced had a number error that increased the amount of dusting than normal and the last dusting has the correct dusting that has been on other sets.

    For visual representation, cause I'm a visual learning, it would look something like this


    Where ^ is the set being referenced as the high mark (The incorrect number)

    And - which is the previous Datacron sets dusting recipes
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    That's interesting. Was there a post last time a set expired that the dusting was incorrect? People maybe got used to that number and hence posted here. Just a thought...
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    So there was a bug. CG stayed silent and let the community believe otherwise and hoped the community wouldn’t notice the bug fix?
This discussion has been closed.