The game client been updated?

The game update was released on the play market on 10/4/2023. There is not a word about this on the forum. What's in the update besides the standard description?


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    loss of datacron materials is what this update was about.76mb in size
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    Not sure but my guess is a preloaded update that squashed the previous round of datacrons. I don’t think the promised “fix” has been pushed out yet
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    Boss at end of Tier 2 still unbeatable...some say they have beat it, but w/7 GLs and decent discs, nothing for me. Reminds me of monkeys and a football.
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    Boss at end of Tier 2 still unbeatable...some say they have beat it, but w/7 GLs and decent discs, nothing for me. Reminds me of monkeys and a football.
    wait till you get to sector 4 boss fight darth vader and emperor palpitine, its unwinnable with relic9 teams

  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    It was just a minor version update. Probably some other bug fixes and such. Completely unrelated to conquest and datacrons. We'll know exactly what was in it after they do the content update later today.
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    [/quote] wait till you get to sector 4 boss fight darth vader and emperor palpitine, its unwinnable with relic9 teams

    That boss battle was my absolute highlight this conquest. It was really great and fun.
  • Jml727
    119 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Stephen970 wrote: »
    Boss at end of Tier 2 still unbeatable...some say they have beat it, but w/7 GLs and decent discs, nothing for me. Reminds me of monkeys and a football.
    wait till you get to sector 4 boss fight darth vader and emperor palpitine, its unwinnable with relic9 teams

    Did you read the modifier? Tells you to essentially just survive until you get the special button that ends it. Not sure if its X amount of moves or health removed from both. Both were in red for me when it popped up but i had it on auto for a bit. 3*

    Edit: It says ability is reduced when non leader ally takes a turn. So should mean just survive on auto for a bit then its over. Dont take in teams that can get stunned easily.
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