Gear lookup not working properly

I am getting tired of the gear lookups not working. You click on a toons blank spot and click find and 1/2 the time right now it only shows Crystal purchases and farming locations not the other currency locations. So then I go into the store and see the gear sitting in the Arena shop. Shard Shop or Guild Event Shop. So annoying is this only happening to me?


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    If the piece can be crafted are you searching for the entire piece or the crafting parts? That could be a reason for the search issues. Got screenshots to show what you're seeing?
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    They are pieces. I don't know how long it has been going on but I started noticing a week or do ago when I went In only minutes after the stores refreshed so I vould buy Kyro materials and none were listed. So I know the guild store has kyro every refresh for GET2 and GET3 so I knew something was wrong. Sure enough when I went into the store they were there. So now I notice it all the time. If I do the lookup and it only shows Crystal options and farming locations I don't trust it and I go look through all the stores manually. And most of the time I find them somewhere.
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    Screen shots are bad because you may think I am hiding the options but here you goqrkp9gncujxx.jpg
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    Mine is working fine:
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    That's the weird thing sometimes it works fine ohher times not
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    That's the weird thing sometimes it works fine ohher times not

    I believe once you have visited the store it’ll work correctly but until you do the backend hasn’t “learned” yet that the item is available.
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    That's the weird thing sometimes it works fine ohher times not

    I believe once you have visited the store it’ll work correctly but until you do the backend hasn’t “learned” yet that the item is available.

    This was my experience this morning after searching for both kyros and not seeing any. As soon I opened the shop and then went back to the character search function, they both showed up. Not sure if this is intended, but at least it's not much effort to just open the shop before searching.
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