Multi crew ships, I have a question

So we know how ships are affected by the power of the crew, my question is are ships with more crew just stronger (not just by having more abilities) but have higher stats due to more members, or are higher crew ships harder to get strong because each member contributes less if there is more of them?
And what happens to crewless ships? (Like vulture droid)


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    Ships with more crew members aren’t necessarily going to be stronger.

    Crewless ships will all be the same so long as they are maxed out, in terms of both levels and stars.
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    Does that mean the power contributed is more or less divided across members?
    Like a 3 crew ship needs 3x the upgrades to crew?
    And crewless are cheap to lvl up once you can farm them?
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    This is what I was told by a Veteran Ships Player.

    Along time ago, The highest gear a character could go was gear 12.
    The game didn’t have Relics at that time.

    All Crew-less ships power level/strength was set to gear 12 characters.
    This means Crew-less ships were the strongest ships in the game due to not needing a crew member.

    The Ship Tier List was:
    1 - Crewless Ships
    2 - 1 Crew Ships
    3 - 2 Crew Ships
    4 - 3 Crew Ships

    The Crew-less Ships were considered the best because you only needed the ship with out needing to invest in other stuff to power up crew member.

    The 3 Crew Ships were considered the worst because you needed to power up ship by investing in multiple characters which would divide ships total strength by 1/3.


    When the game released Relics, A Veteran Ships Player told me the game didn’t reset Crew-less ships.

    They kept the Crew-less ships power/strength at gear 12.
    This caused Ships with Crew members with high Relics to begin overpowering Crew-less ships.

    The Ship Tier List currently is:
    1 - 1 Crew Ships
    2 - 2 Crew Ships
    3 - 3 Crew Ships
    4 - Crewless Ships

    This is what highest to lowest looks like when you factor in Crew Members with high Relics.
    Relic Crew Member Ships simply begin to be to strong for Crew-less ships to keep up with.

    Again, this is what I was told.
    It could be right or wrong.
    I am still new so I don’t know, but it does make sense.
  • Salatious_Scrum
    2353 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    Ranzono wrote: »
    Does that mean the power contributed is more or less divided across members?
    Like a 3 crew ship needs 3x the upgrades to crew?
    And crewless are cheap to lvl up once you can farm them?

    Take the Marauder as an example. It has 3 pilots, they all have abilities you will need to spend resources to upgrade so the ship can perform at its best. So in a way, yes the more pilots a ship has the more resources it takes to fully upgrade it. Crewless ships will of course take less, since it has no pilot abilities to speak of.

    Power doesn’t really matter, so it’s not something you ought to consider. It really only ever matters when you’re talking about how much GP you can use to deploy in TB.
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