New Raid - Motion Sickness

Do we think that CG has a option to disable the background? If the Raid is like GL Leia Tier 5 then i dont want to look at that background stuff every raid (and you are basically forced to do raids in swgoh)


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    This new raid is very concerning for me. I've been watching all the video footage and then recently did the Tier 5 of GL Leia and I get very sick very fast.

    There is no possible way I can play this game mode with the background moving like that. I hope there will be some option to help those of us that suffer from motion sickness in video games. I was really looking forward to this raid too and hadn't even considered my motion sickness until it hit me watching video footage.
  • SickDuck
    3 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    CG either doesn't have to budget or doesn't care in any way about making this game accessible. They are unlikely to change the raid to suit those that get motion sickness, just like they STILL have small red font on blue backgrounds that are impossible to read for people with mild colorblindness. They are painfully aware of the vast number of people with a variety of disabilities that wish to enjoy this game, but they have continued to ignore those needs.
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    I also suffer from ear motion problems they need to have options to turn off motion
    Post edited by Drim on
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    SickDuck wrote: »
    They are painfully aware of the vast number of people with a variety of disabilities that wish to enjoy this game, but they have continued to ignore those needs.
    They'll create a new character that suffers from motion sickness to express their support.

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    But, but, but…. They put Drogan in the game! CG and Disney woke!

    Just don’t ask them if Finn is on any official advertisements or Poster Art in China.
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    I'm sure in a futuristic world like SW, they can fix motion sickness.

    They can probably fix Captain Drogan too.
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    Thankfully, it looks like you can auto your raid attempts and get the 70-80% of your possible max score (if played manually), which is probably good enough for most of us. That means you don't actually have to look at your phone, except to hit "Auto" and then "Submit" when it's over. Plus you can use your time during the run to do something else like trim your nose hairs or clean out your belly button. Problem solved!
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    KDC99X wrote: »
    Thankfully, it looks like you can auto your raid attempts and get the 70-80% of your possible max score (if played manually), which is probably good enough for most of us. That means you don't actually have to look at your phone, except to hit "Auto" and then "Submit" when it's over. Plus you can use your time during the run to do something else like trim your nose hairs or clean out your belly button. Problem solved!

    or they could just give a still background option.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    KDC99X wrote: »
    Thankfully, it looks like you can auto your raid attempts and get the 70-80% of your possible max score (if played manually), which is probably good enough for most of us. That means you don't actually have to look at your phone, except to hit "Auto" and then "Submit" when it's over. Plus you can use your time during the run to do something else like trim your nose hairs or clean out your belly button. Problem solved!

    or they could just give a still background option.

    One solution is within your control
    I need a new message here.
  • YolkyWarEagle1
    373 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    TVF wrote: »
    KDC99X wrote: »
    Thankfully, it looks like you can auto your raid attempts and get the 70-80% of your possible max score (if played manually), which is probably good enough for most of us. That means you don't actually have to look at your phone, except to hit "Auto" and then "Submit" when it's over. Plus you can use your time during the run to do something else like trim your nose hairs or clean out your belly button. Problem solved!

    or they could just give a still background option.

    One solution is within your control

    ok you got me there but still, getting 70-80% of what you would normally get adds up.

    another option within your control is keeping a barf bag in your back pocket, but that may not be ideal.
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    I just ignore what’s going on in the wider screen background and focus my eyes only on the buttons area. Each toon except Leia ult only has 1-2 specials, and there’s only two enemy toons to hit, so just keep spamming the specials and only use basic when you have to. Really helped me with the eye strain, only have to pay full attention to the Leia ult run.
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    I may be wrong, but isn’t motion sickness triggered from seeing it and not taking it in? or maybe it’s the other way around?
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    I may be wrong, but isn’t motion sickness triggered from seeing it and not taking it in? or maybe it’s the other way around?

    its caused by seeing a movement, but your balancing organ in the ears are not tracking a movement.

    The eye and the balancing organ are starting to "fight" and both want to win in telling the brain wether you are moving or not.
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    No matter what the cause, if users are experiencing serious issues it should be fixed.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    What did you do?
    You understand that my head is immediately spinning and sick of such an image change!
    Do you think about the health of the players at all? And if someone has a health problem? And if someone has epilepsy?
    Return the rewards to the previous raid!
    And let the players choose what is better for them!
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    The fact that you are making changes in the game is very good. Thank you for this from us!
    But you have to think about those players who can harm these changes very much!
    And why do you do in the game - "only so and no way"?
    Why don't you leave a choice to the players?
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    Just adding to the choir on this. This raid triggers motion sickness for me in under 15 seconds and I get a headache from it that lasts for about 2 hours after. About 20% of my guild has reported some level of motion sickness from it as well. Yes, I know I can auto it. And that’s exactly what I ended up doing. That doesn’t make this ok though. :disappointed:
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    I don't normally get motion sick - this set me off; I hit auto and turned away from the phone. Not an enjoyable experience at all.
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    Its totally unexplainable to me that nobody of them have spend even a second to think about accessibility
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    Ive had multiple ear operations, epilepsy, motion sickness if i turn a corner too quick. CG need to have a rethink on that fast background because even if its a small % of people who suffer, it can cause serious harm. My last epilectic episode resulted in needing a shoulder replacement. I do get that some like and i cant criticise CG for trying sonething but there are issues with this raid.
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    Have a button next to the speed one on top left corner that opens up the options "motion" (wat we currently have) and "static" (which would set up a static background picture). Problem solved.
    But that would cost precious development time and it doesn't make money, so nahhh.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    This raid is hit auto, put your phone down and repeat. Super engaging and riveting content. But seriously it causes a headache, dizziness and discomfort.
  • Rius
    373 posts Member
    It’s not just motion sickness for accessibility issues. It’s too complicated with so much text. As a dyslexic, that is not what I want in a mobile game. I will wait for a streamer to solve and follow their strat. Not my usual style but it’s not intuitive enough during battle so just auto played myself today.
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    The "hit auto and do something else" is just a half solution. This must also be dealt with on the developer side, because content that causes serious health problems cannot remain in the game.
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    Also hit unistall and do something else it's a solution... How it's possible to release this kind of product, I could be wrong but I don't read anywhere in the "release notes" that this game could create health problems, so I suggest you to fix or block the new raid
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    Under EU law (and presumably some related US/UK/rest of the world laws) that any product that can trigger epileptic fits has a legal obligation to warn users of this risk

    I suspect (but do not know) that the same thing would apply to nausea and/or motion sickness

    I am thus fairly certain that CG will be left with several legal alternatives:
    1. Remove the motion
    2. Remove the game mode
    3. Add an ability to turn off the motion
    4. Add some warnings at login about the potential issue
    5. Stop providing the game in various parts of the world

    Of these - there are some that are clearly more financially astute than others - shall we say
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    Under EU law (and presumably some related US/UK/rest of the world laws) that any product that can trigger epileptic fits has a legal obligation to warn users of this risk

    I suspect (but do not know) that the same thing would apply to nausea and/or motion sickness

    I am thus fairly certain that CG will be left with several legal alternatives:
    1. Remove the motion
    2. Remove the game mode
    3. Add an ability to turn off the motion
    4. Add some warnings at login about the potential issue
    5. Stop providing the game in various parts of the world

    Of these - there are some that are clearly more financially astute than others - shall we say

    I don't know anything about EU law, but comparing nausea to an epileptic seizure is... it makes me think you don't know what one of those things is.

    I agree they should do something about the scrolling background for people who tolerate it poorly, but this is a stretch. Let's try to keep things in perspective.

    I have no doubt that some people are having difficulty with this and it should definitely be addressed. So far no one in my guild has mentioned it.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Herd nerfer does make a good point. If anyone, such as myself, has a reaction to a certain element of a game we have a personal responsibility to choose how we interact with the game. The number of people mentioning effects of headaches and dizziness seems to be high so CG could try and implement good ideas suggested by others such as a static background.

    I think CG trying new content is always welcomed and if they react to feedback, great, if not people will just auto and not really get involved. I dont think there will ever be a perfect fit for all and whether its motion sickness, dyslexia or even common colour blindness there will always be something that CG hasnt thought of.
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    If CG cared even a little bit about the apparently small subsection of the community that is negatively affected by the moving background, they would have released it with a way to not be that way. People have been bringing it up since the Leia event launched a couple months ago. Good luck with your nausea for the next 9 months.
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    I've said I'm sick of this game a lot over my years of playing, but this is the first time I've ever meant it literally. Got a headache from the eyestrain of trying to read tiny numbers against a moving background (even with a 10" tablet and reading glasses) and a slightly unsettled stomach after 6 submitted attempts and a few restarted ones. I would have liked to have tested more comps but couldn't.

    Full Auto for me until the next new raid drops unless they add an option to freeze the background.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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