Drop Chance of The Comeuppance

The chance of a fragment falling out depends on the energy spent. However, considering that when purchasing additional energy for 200 crystals at the last “Galactic Chase”, the players were able to assemble the “Marauder” ship only at 5*.
Will the drop rate be increased? Or should we prepare for the fact that we will have to buy additional energy for 800 crystals for the entire 7 days of the chase?
@CG_SBCrumb , @CG_Tusken_Meathead


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    I thought a bunch of people did better than that in past chases. I tried to do a search for the Marauder chase thread, but was unable to find it. Maybe someone else can have better success searching this forum. There should be some good data there.
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    Maybe the GL Ticket bug will affect this Chase as well. Got to 7* Marauder last time thanks to it.
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    Screerider wrote: »
    Maybe the GL Ticket bug will affect this Chase as well. Got to 7* Marauder last time thanks to it.

    It won't. That only happened if you were farming LS/DS GL tickets AND the the chase was happening on the same node type. Since the chase is happening on fleet arena, there's no chance that people will get more drops just because they're working on GL tickets.
  • CrispyFett
    997 posts Member
    edited January 18
    did they say it's on fleet nodes? I didn't see that
    edit- nvmind, got the in-game message now
    Post edited by CrispyFett on
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    60 shards after 2220 energy, so 2.7% drop rate thus far, I've seen reports ranging from 2-3%, so about as it has been for other chases
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    1980 energy used for 70 shards = 3.5%
    I expect that to slow down but so far so good.
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    My drop rates have been terrible. Got 9 shards from over 500 energy. Disgusting.
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    22/820 for me
  • rickertron
    345 posts Member
    edited January 19
    20 for 27.99
  • Fieldgulls
    427 posts Member
    edited January 19

    Zorii pack in the store should have 60 shards not 30
    Post edited by Fieldgulls on
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    23/900 NRG here. Haven't done today's refreshes, that's just 800 from the stored energy from yesterday + 100 a bit later (that was mostly but not all stored energy).

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    41 currently as of today just did 3 x 50 crystal refreshes. So roughly 360 energy over 2 days for 720 energy for 41 so 4.6% drop rate so I hope my luck holds
    Sometimes a door is just a door
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    I had 1140 energy banked, have done 9 refreshes per day and am sitting at 9/85 (so I've earned 154 shards). My rough math has me at 3.3% drop rate, although with 4 days left id need to dip into some 400crystal refreshes to make 7*
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    I’ve been doing 50, 100, & 200 refreshes. I still need to avg 44 shards a day. Looks like 400 will be in my future if I want to get it to 7*.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    On average, it's cheaper to buy shards from shipments than pay for 400 crystal refreshes.

    Not saying you can't spend to get it a couple weeks early, but if you're willing to pay that, you can wait a couple weeks to save a bit of crystal cash.
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    I personally also question how much this ship is going to lift resistance fleet. Is it really worth the 400's (potentially even the full 200's) to get it 7*?
    What is it going to give you that will pay back that investment of crystals, aside form the satisfaction that you now have it?
    This is assuming you do not have a massive hoard of crystals that need to be spent on something :)

    I've done 2 days of 200's, planning on doing just the 100's aside from those two days and expect to hit 6* and be happy with that. Then regular farming for a bit once it drop to nodes and that should be fine for me.
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    Is it really worth the 400's (potentially even the full 200's) to get it 7*?
    What is it going to give you that will pay back that investment of crystals, aside form the satisfaction that you now have it?

    Yeah, usually I want something I spend crystals on to provide an actual ROI, and I don't. know how much return I will actually get.

    That said, long farms on Hard Nodes are tedious and frustrating, so rather than "satisfaction that now have it" I would sub in the related but different statement "relief that I'm not going to have another hard node farm in my future".

    I'm still not saying it's worth 400s, since the drop rate is so bad that you can simply buy blueprints in the Shipments for 100/shard and you get more for your money on average, but it's definitely worth the 200s, and I might very well spend 400s if the drop rate were better. Sure, it's way more expensive than just finishing later when it goes to farm, but farms aren't fun and this is a game, so maximizing my fun is its own ROI.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    edited January 22
    There is no hurry to get any ship to 7 stars and waste crystals.

    I don't get this 5 ships needed requirements as the capital ship counts and with that, the resistance already have 5 ships. The Comeuppance is the 6th.

    I learned pretty quickly after spending a lot of crystals on refreshes for the Doritos ship and its still crap at 7 stars, even with a R7 pilot in a FO line up.
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    The Dorito isn't great, but it works well enough -- not great, just well enough -- in a Levi fleet of Sith ships.
  • Gawejn
    1130 posts Member
    The Dorito isn't great, but it works well enough -- not great, just well enough -- in a Levi fleet of Sith ships.

    Hm, i dont use this ship at all. So hard to say it works at all...
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Gawejn wrote: »
    The Dorito isn't great, but it works well enough -- not great, just well enough -- in a Levi fleet of Sith ships.

    Hm, i dont use this ship at all. So hard to say it works at all...

    I don't even have a Dorito, but the Dagger works exactly as well as I need it to.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Sometimes a door is just a door
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    1 day left, 44 shards away from 7* with "only" 200 energy refreshes (ie, no 400s). A good day (and a good RNG from the web store, although yesterday I got the 50 energy and went 0/5 on shards) and I can make it without buying shards or doing the 400s (I agree with seedy, 400s aren't economical)
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    That's excellent, Dr. JoJo.

    I'm 37 shards away, but I have to spend extremely heavily.
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    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    That's excellent, Dr. JoJo.

    I'm 37 shards away, but I have to spend extremely heavily.

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    4hrs left in the chase for me... I'm probably going to need my first 400 energy refresh
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    I'm crossing my fingers for you, @thedrjojo . I haven't done my refreshes for today, but I'll report back when I do.
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