So... any news on Jedi Knight Cal event?

5 posts Member
edited March 7
I mean, we had all the token and zeta events around cals characters, and it made sense that the event would come back somewhere around early January, but cg gave us a back-to-back bo katan event. I won't talk about this whole wait-around for an event thing; it makes no sense to me but having a character's event 2 times for more than half a year is a bit, let's say, frustrating. Do i miss the bigger picture here? Is there a good reason behind this?
Post edited by CG_Tusken_Meathead on


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    You basically described why they do it. It's frustrating so next time they have an event for a new character, players are more likely to spend so they're not frustrated again.
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    sigsig wrote: »
    You basically described why they do it. It's frustrating so next time they have an event for a new character, players are more likely to spend so they're not frustrated again.
    They could at least do it like the executor for example. Or put a timer until the next event like they did with Grand Inquisitor.

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    The second Jedi cal event was 4 months after the first. What reason is there to believe it won’t be 4 months in between the second and third? That puts it due around feb 25th. Get ready!
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    sigsig wrote: »
    You basically described why they do it. It's frustrating so next time they have an event for a new character, players are more likely to spend so they're not frustrated again.
    They could at least do it like the executor for example. Or put a timer until the next event like they did with Grand Inquisitor.

    People spent months complaining about GI not coming back.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    mt875249 wrote: »
    The second Jedi cal event was 4 months after the first. What reason is there to believe it won’t be 4 months in between the second and third?

    Lots of reasons
    I need a new message here.
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    The way it is going we are going to go a whole 3 months of Conquest with a feat that requires JKCK and no JKCK event. Yes, you can get the max crate without that feat, but it is annoying.
  • StarSon
    7492 posts Member
    I mean, we had all the token and zeta events around cals characters, and it made sense that the event would come back somewhere around early January, but cg gave us a back-to-back bo katan event. I won't talk about this whole wait-around for an event thing; it makes no sense to me but having a character's event 2 times for more than half a year is a bit, let's say, frustrating. Do i miss the bigger picture here? Is there a good reason behind this?

    Actually, "standard cadence," put the earliest possible return at the end of January (i.e. now). EC's (Bo's event) have always been a bit of a wildcard, though I suspect it was just a marketing test for them to bring it back so quickly. As for Legendary Events (like JKC and GI), we generally expect it every 3 months, but that has often not been the case, so there's really no way to know. You just have to be ready ASAP and then wait.
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    Actually, "standard cadence," put the earliest possible return at the end of January (i.e. now). EC's (Bo's event) have always been a bit of a wildcard, though I suspect it was just a marketing test for them to bring it back so quickly. As for Legendary Events (like JKC and GI), we generally expect it every 3 months, but that has often not been the case, so there's really no way to know. You just have to be ready ASAP and then wait.[/quote]

    ☝️ This 100%
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    Amen. I was about 20 shards shy during the last JKC event, and now this wait has been excruciating! At least tell us when it will be so we can plan accordingly. It would have been nice to include on the February look ahead...
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    The more we talk about him and stir the flame the more they’ll postpone lol
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    The more we talk about him and stir the flame the more they’ll postpone lol

    Restart the clock!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    I miss the Malak panic
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    I miss the Malak panic

    Never forget👊🏻
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    393 posts EA Community Manager
    I'll make sure to add a note in my next report to the team.
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    Once the second event came 4 months after the first, the standard cadence was busted. We’ll have it and the end of February. Mark it down!
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    mt875249 wrote: »
    Once the second event came 4 months after the first, the standard cadence was busted. We’ll have it and the end of February. Mark it down!

    No it wasn't. And we may or may not have it at the end of February. Might not get it back until June.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    Once the second event came 4 months after the first, the standard cadence was busted. We’ll have it and the end of February. Mark it down!

    No it wasn't. And we may or may not have it at the end of February. Might not get it back until June.

    It was definitely 4 months in between! Thats different than the usual 3 month cadence. Either way there’s no need to be angry about. Live a little.
  • StarSon
    7492 posts Member
    mt875249 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    Once the second event came 4 months after the first, the standard cadence was busted. We’ll have it and the end of February. Mark it down!

    No it wasn't. And we may or may not have it at the end of February. Might not get it back until June.

    It was definitely 4 months in between! Thats different than the usual 3 month cadence. Either way there’s no need to be angry about. Live a little.

    Sorry, it was directed at
    the standard cadence was busted

    I know it came back after 4 months the first time. But the reason I put "standard cadence" in quotes is because there isn't one, except that after a year it goes to the JG as a permanent event.
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    Copy that! I hear we’re getting the Bo event again. Crazy!
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    Didn’t they learn the first 2 times lol
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Learn what?
    I need a new message here.
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    I guess you don’t know anything 🤷‍♂️
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    They’re trying to squeeze a specific audience but they’re not falling for it lol
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    They’re trying to squeeze a specific audience but they’re not falling for it lol

    Do you have data to back this up?
    I need a new message here.
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    Is this a weekly question now?

    The game has been around for what 7+ years I think.

    The cadence has pretty much always been 3 Months (90-Days) with some wiggle room to make it 60-120 on rare occasions. Why keep asking every week?

    If it was March & we still hadn't seen it, maybe THEN its time to speak up.

  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Is this a weekly question now?

    The game has been around for what 7+ years I think.

    The cadence has pretty much always been 3 Months (90-Days) with some wiggle room to make it 60-120 on rare occasions. Why keep asking every week?

    If it was March & we still hadn't seen it, maybe THEN its time to speak up.

    There is no cadence anymore.

    GI had a 180 day gap

    Bo has come back monthly

    Everything is up in the air now
    I need a new message here.
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    2 examples in 7 years isn't "up in the air" really, more like the exception that proves the rule.
  • StarSon
    7492 posts Member
    2 examples in 7 years isn't "up in the air" really, more like the exception that proves the rule.

    Not only is it actually 3 examples, but they are the most recent 3. None of them have followed what we believed to be the standard cadence. It's clear that such a thing just doesn't exist anymore.
  • Skynobi
    31 posts Member
    edited February 6
    I mean why would they make the more free to play option more readily available when they can make pay to play Bo available? That would be crazy! (Coming from someone who spends money on the game)
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    Actually, there is nothing holding them back from releasing both at the same time. I didn't expect the JKCK event until after Conquest had finished, since he was required for a feat, but now that Conquest has finished they can bring it back any time. The longer they wait, the more time people have to finish the requirements, so the less money they make to help people rush to finish them.
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