DC on sector1 bonus1

About the DC rewards on sector1 bonus battle 1 I did more than 10/15 battles there this season to get a good stack of them and then I went to check my inventory and I have none new DC? Why? Shouldn’t be one very battle?


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    No, it's a pretty low drop rate.
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    How should you get DC? If not there?
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    I’m 0/11 this conquest, other guildmates are hitting 20-30% drop rate. Sometimes RNG is just not there for you. You can get them for ally points, shard shop tokens or crystals in the datacrons shipment tab.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    I tracked 18% before the node changes last run, and 19% since. I'm fairly certain based on my data that they reduced the cache and mat rates, but not the DC rate.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Pingalhas wrote: »
    About the DC rewards on sector1 bonus battle 1 I did more than 10/15 battles there this season to get a good stack of them and then I went to check my inventory and I have none new DC? Why? Shouldn’t be one very battle?

    That seems like horrible rng.
    Like TVF I don’t feel any difference from previous runs, however I haven’t tracked my drop rate. I do recall a few runs back Ihad terrible rng for a bit and it can be super frustrating.

    One question though, since they added more bonus nodes are you 100% sure you are hitting the one that awards DCs?
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