Friday Check In


  • LordDirt
    5124 posts Member

    I am grinding a lot of SD though, and if I ever get a better handle on the timeframe and come to the conclusion that I have enough SD that I can spare some for the Bo reqs, then I'll pick her up then. Otherwise she waits until after the raid teams are done.

    You have plenty of time to farm Gungans, Bo is worth the investment. She can beat LV, SLKR, JMK, Dark Moff and Inquisitors
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Franke wrote: »
    Getting bane to relic lvl 8.
    After that continue to farm kelleran, paz and ig/grogu to unlock bo

    you should commit Bane to r9

    Are we sure he's not going to get nerfed?
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    TargetEadu wrote: »
    If you’ve got “disposable” R9s,
    I have 20 mats banked, and the only toons I've given R9 to are the 5 I listed above (3 Reqs, 2 GL Tanks).

    I'm likely to just keep them banked, but I was curious once Ultra mentioned it.

  • Schwartzring
    1507 posts Member
    edited April 9
    I convinced people that they could get the next box without burning out or putting in too much effort, and now we get the next box every time.

    The downside of this is... as the official raid cheerleader, I feel self-imposed pressure to hit the next raid running with all-r8 Gungans, Amidala, PK, and nuQGJ.

    There's nothing wrong with that plan, of course, except that since I don't know the actual time frame for this, I'm extremely reluctant to relic up anything I don't have to.

    1. What box did you now achieve get to?

    2. Wow, all R8? That's a lot, I'm thinking 7 will be my goal for the one's not required to be there already.

    3. I can't imagine it would come before "Late" Summer (August).
    Still too many toons & Leia isn't that old yet. But who knows.

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    Building Tuskens.

  • Zombefyer
    635 posts Member
    edited April 10
    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    I'm still diving into my lackluster mods and really need to finish my Jabba GL

    I've unlocked GL Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I'm now focused on getting his Ultimate ability unlocked.

    Then I might go for Doctor Aphra
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    1. What box did you now achieve get to?

    Only the 424M box. I said my guild was being lazy about it. our Bot-estimated raid score is 525M or something like that, so it was always easily possible, just no one was making it a priority.

    To be fair to my guild mates, no one asked them to make it a priority, and no one person was going to boost us from the 340-350M people were putting up to 424M, so I think it made a lot of sense for individuals to decide not to put in the effort if the guild wasn't putting in the effort.

    And like I said, the guild leaders have been asking for improvements in other areas, and you can't demand everything all at once or people get fed up and stop having fun. I think it was probably best to have someone like me who wasn't an officer come at it from the perspective that no one gets hurt or sanctioned or penalized for not putting in effort, but here's the data and here's where we would easily be at if we tried a little bit harder.

    2. Wow, all R8? That's a lot, I'm thinking 7 will be my goal for the one's not required to be there already.

    Yeah, it's a lot. But I did full r8 for Jabba's squad, as did many others, so this is just doing the same as I did for Jabba with the Gungans/JarJar + adding 3 individuals. It's more than I did then, but as the official raid cheerleader, I feel like it's a reasonable amount more. People are going to want to know what they can get for their extra relic mats, and I need to be able to tell them.

    3. I can't imagine it would come before "Late" Summer (August).
    Still too many toons & Leia isn't that old yet. But who knows.

    Based on the new intended timeline, we could get it as early as 4 months from now... but yeah, I guess that's early August isn't it? Maybe I should just drop the mats on nuBo now and then focus on raid teams.

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    Just unlocked Starkiller, gonna get him to relic as well as Old Boba, the work on JKL farm. Slowly after work on getting some random toons up for ROTE.
    Once a Jedi, always a Jedi. Wait... never mind.
  • AdmiralSnackbar0
    21 posts Member
    edited April 10

    Ultra wrote: »
    Franke wrote: »
    Getting bane to relic lvl 8.
    After that continue to farm kelleran, paz and ig/grogu to unlock bo

    you should commit Bane to r9

    Have to disagree there. He is extremely effective at R8 or R7. Trying to think of what new thing he would be able to counter at R9 that he can’t a little lower, and coming up empty. I think saving R9 mats for GLs or key tanks is a better priority.
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    Trying to think of what new thing he would be able to counter at R9 that he can’t a little lower, and coming up empty.

    This has always been a key deciding factor. There's almost never a team that a particular comp can counter at r7 but can't at r5. Since I've never had a close battle with Bane, I can't imagine needing r9 for anything other than TB requirements.
  • Ultra
    11574 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Franke wrote: »
    Getting bane to relic lvl 8.
    After that continue to farm kelleran, paz and ig/grogu to unlock bo

    you should commit Bane to r9

    Have to disagree there. He is extremely effective at R8 or R7. Trying to think of what new thing he would be able to counter at R9 that he can’t a little lower, and coming up empty. I think saving R9 mats for GLs or key tanks is a better priority.

    Oh yeah, GLs always take precedence over any other toon if you haven't R9 them yet
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    424 posts EA Community Manager
    Working on tier 3 of the Jabba event now, out of GL Tickets
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    Working on getting inquisitors up to reva mission stuff. Just about got GI where I want him
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    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    I'm still diving into my lackluster mods and really need to finish my Jabba GL
    Working on getting malicos(sadly not available at the moment 🥲) and almost getting GL Rey with getting BB7 to r7
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    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    I'm still diving into my lackluster mods and really need to finish my Jabba GL

    Just finished the Bo-Katann quest, now looking at hoarding and getting Gungans
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    I'm working on my inquisitors now, I've neglected them because I hated the way they forced them on us
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    I'm working on my inquisitors now, I've neglected them because I hated the way they forced them on us

    Well, at least they're not doing that with JarJar and the Gungans!
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    I'm working on my inquisitors now, I've neglected them because I hated the way they forced them on us

    Well, at least they're not doing that with JarJar and the Gungans!

    Well, I'm also running out of toons to unlock, other than conquest characters, the only ones I haven't got are Bo, Cal, Reva and GI.
  • _Marec_
    118 posts Member
    UFUs and struggling to farm zetas for them :'(
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    424 posts EA Community Manager
    Jabba has been unlocked

    Barely able to get him up to G6 haha but Im sure that'll gain some steam tomorrow with my new energy refreshes
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    Go, Meathead!
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    Casual (and new, lv.56) player here working on building exclusively the toons from the sequels. So far that worked alright, but I'm afraid my fleet will be a hot mess and not even remotely competitive (Comeuppance, TIE Silencer and Resistance X-Wing, commanded by a very confused Tarkin who was told to pretend that his name is "Pryde").
    The next milestone I'm working towards is BB-8 - still need one more 5* to even be allowed into the next stage.
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    I just took Bo Katan Mand'alor to R7. Now I just need more zetas and omicrons.
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    Getting Bo requirements geared for new gameplay upcoming and the gungans for future raid.
    Then back to the signal data perpetual grind.
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    Scraping together Omicrons for anything other than Galactic Challenges
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    After chowing on some smoked Nerf brisket bbq, I think I’m going to work on my nap levels… wake me when we drop out of hyperspace -.- zzzzzzzzz
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    Grinding for bronzium....
  • Azpiri
    33 posts Member
    I just acquired Bane, and trying to relic him. Stuck on G10 (and kyros) at the moment. Since acquiring him, I have since acquired/upgraded my Sith Datacron to become a 'Darth Bane' datacron. I've already got his omicrons in place, just need to get the final 2 zetas.

    I was content to get him to R5, but it looks like R8 seems to be the finish line for him. I was going to put Vader or Talon with him, as these are the two "homeless" Siths that I currently own. No, I don't really have a strong Piett/Imp team. No, I don't have a strong Sith Tri team. I think Talon's revive would be wasted with Bane, though it's being wasted now since I don't have her a team to go to.
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    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    I'm still diving into my lackluster mods and really need to finish my Jabba GL

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