Grand arena, why are people letting me win?

Hi so I’m in Kyber two wi4bwlld4ekp46.png
7mill gp never touched a datacron never will. The past 3 matches in what I’m sure my opponents could easily beat me they attacked once and stopped. Is Kyber one that bad or something?


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    Some people don't like 3v3. Other people prefer to spend a whole hour of a saturday with the family instead of playing gac. Multiple possible reasons.
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    More and more people are finding GAC less enjoyable overall both 3v3 but also 5v5. Less people put in effort and even the gac streamers are finding less engagement from viewers on it
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    One of my issues is that I work a lot (Not that other people don’t), and I forget to fight. So to mitigate losing out on rewards, I will fight a team and beat them, that way if I have time I can do it, but if I don’t, I don’t lose out on rewards. That’s one verifiable reason right there.
  • LordDirt
    5092 posts Member
    Always hated GA, I usually just do bare minimum
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Appreciate it, was scared that if I made it to Kyber one it would be a terrible place but glad to hear that isn’t what the issue is.
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    Also, with new squish, K1 isn't what it used to be. Easier to make it and stay there than before. So effort levels are down. For example, see my last 6 matches (.gg in sig)
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    That makes sense I was more confused on the consistency of the people knocking out one team then just stopping. As if I was missing something.
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    If you want to understand an individual’s behavior do you:

    1) ask the person directly
    2) create a forum thread asking other people to guess as to why the person behaved the way they did

    I guess you went with #2
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    That’s the order!
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    Beau0216 wrote: »
    If you want to understand an individual’s behavior do you:

    1) ask the person directly
    2) create a forum thread asking other people to guess as to why the person behaved the way they did

    I guess you went with #2

    I have given up messaging opponents in GA. Most people simply deny my request to chat. A number of times I simply wanted to congratulate my opponent for beating me, but my chat request was denied. So in defence of the OP, maybe they also were denied in their attempt in asking people directly.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    That’s the order!

    The point is you should only be doing number 1. No one here can answer the question.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    That’s the order!

    The point is you should only be doing number 1. No one here can answer the question.

    Number 2 is the best option on Wednesdays
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
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    Mostly I do one battle and go about my business in 3v3. Unless I'm just really hurting for crystals, it's not going to get my effort and attention. Rarely I'll actually put in some effort, but that's mostly just when my daily crystal spend ticks up. Don't overthink it - it's not about people 'letting you win' so much as it's people not having the time or the inclination to engage.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Maybe boring dying game, too much time consuming. Better live the real life and just do the minimum
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    One word:
    def: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
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    TVF wrote: »
    That’s the order!

    The point is you should only be doing number 1. No one here can answer the question.

    I have had this type of conversation 3 times this week with guildmates and in game friends. Mostly people are like OP and are curious as to what’s going on. I think it’s a valid topic :)
    Seems to boils down to time or people who always do the min. To collect at least base rewards.
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    Pulsipher wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    That’s the order!

    The point is you should only be doing number 1. No one here can answer the question.

    I have had this type of conversation 3 times this week with guildmates and in game friends. Mostly people are like OP and are curious as to what’s going on. I think it’s a valid topic :)
    Seems to boils down to time or people who always do the min. To collect at least base rewards.

    Speculating is fine, but the only person that can answer OP’s question is their opponent
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    LastNeuron wrote: »
    Maybe boring dying game, too much time consuming. Better live the real life and just do the minimum

    Game has been dying since launch.
    I need a new message here.
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    I’ve tried contacting them, never get a reply so I went here. I think it’s fair to ask questions.
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    I’ve tried contacting them, never get a reply so I went here. I think it’s fair to ask questions.

    Of course it's fair, and a healthy conversation doesn't hurt anyone.
  • Disruptor92
    853 posts Member
    edited April 14
    TVF wrote: »
    LastNeuron wrote: »
    Maybe boring dying game, too much time consuming. Better live the real life and just do the minimum

    Game has been dying since launch.

    If you think about it, if you keep saying that the game is dying every single day, the day where it ends up being true will inevitably come at some point. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  • JediMasterVader
    49 posts Member
    edited April 14
    The players active are 300k. I think we will be good for sometime. Plus you like the game or you wouldn’t be here, and it’s great to have a game with a community that has passion for the franchise! So let’s enjoy what we have!
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    TVF wrote: »
    LastNeuron wrote: »
    Maybe boring dying game, too much time consuming. Better live the real life and just do the minimum

    Game has been dying since launch.

    Just like in real life…every day is a day closer to dying. Why would this game be any different?
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    I’m not here to discourage conversation or to comment on the merit of the topic.

    As TVF and prettyfly rightly pointed out (and several people seem to have misinterpreted) from my original comment is that the only way to arrive at the correct conclusion as to an individual’s behavior is for that person to explain themselves. If they refuse to do so, you will never understand their behavior. Just a fact.

    You can speculate as you like, but it’s effectively worthless to do so, save for you satisfying the desire to engage in a dialogue. If you find the dialogue to be satisfying, well, that’s a win for you. Personally, I don’t like asking questions of an audience who are wholly incapable of answering them, but that’s just me.
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    Doing one battle just keeps you ticking over.
    Who has the time to spend about an hour doing a full clear in 3v3 gac especially if there's no guarantee of winning.
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    Doing one battle just keeps you ticking over.
    Who has the time to spend about an hour doing a full clear in 3v3 gac especially if there's no guarantee of winning.

    Presumably all of the people who fully clear in GAC
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    edited April 15
    Doing one battle just keeps you ticking over.
    Who has the time to spend about an hour doing a full clear in 3v3 gac especially if there's no guarantee of winning.

    My first two full clears this week were for 2080 and 2072 banners, which encouraged both my opponents to give up after scoring just one win each.
    I need a new message here.
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    Sometimes I’ll do an attack and think I’ll have more time to finish later, then I end up not. Or sometimes I’ll just forget entirely.
  • rickertron
    341 posts Member
    edited April 15
    I like competition. I take on all comers in GAC, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Sometimes the opponent puts forth a: weak effort, strong effort or no show. That is the life of competition. I Like GAC.
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    3v3 is horrible. I auto one battle and then usually don’t bother again unless I’m just really bored.
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