Friday Check In


  • LordDirt
    5170 posts Member
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    Playing the wait for Gungans to be farmable game so minus daily tickets/conquest energy I’m hoarding. Your announcement today that Jar Jar event is on May 4th confirms what I thought was going to happen in that only the whales (or the REALLY smart F2P player with a substantial crystal reserve) are going to be able to go after him.

    This is the way it always goes.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    Playing the wait for Gungans to be farmable game so minus daily tickets/conquest energy I’m hoarding. Your announcement today that Jar Jar event is on May 4th confirms what I thought was going to happen in that only the whales (or the REALLY smart F2P player with a substantial crystal reserve) are going to be able to go after him.

    This is the way it always goes.

    Oh yeah I know. I wasn’t even upset. I expected it to happen

    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
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    working on gearing and modding Dr Aphra along with building a team for her then working towards SEE GL then Jedi Cal the new bo and the remaining 4 GL's
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    I'm waiting for TB rewards from the cancellation
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    GL Rey --> Executor --> SLKR currently.
    Guild also wants Geos, and 3 characters to R5 for future ROTE.

    Afterwards, JKL into JML into Jabba.
    Then maybe Leia & Profundity, Inquisitors, Nightsisters, ...?
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    Leveling up a UFU team
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    I'm grinding and focusing on getting my characters for c3po and darth Revan good
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    I am grinding zetas and signal data in preparation of the upcoming BKM event. Anxiously waiting for the news about May 4th inbox and all the associated bonus drops that come with May 4th to be released.
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    Waiting for all Galactic Legends to be Galactic Legendary characters, like you said they were supposed to be.

    Seems like you just keep releasing non-GL characters to beat them.
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    Grinding shards to unlock rey(jedi training) along with my journey to level 85
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    Lord Vader. I’m so close to finishing the relic grind of requirements. Just got Nute Gunray to relic 7, with Zam Wessel and Tarkin at relic 5 still. Dooku is at relic 7. I’m going to get Zam and Tarkin to relic 7 before Dooku to relic 8, but good grief has it taken forever. I’ve still probably got a month or so left of this dang grind.

    Just got Malak finally as well. So I’ve been working him up.
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    I want to grind on Gungans and tried to take advantage of the Target gift card promo, but it did not work. I get to the part when I click to claim and the button does not work and I can’t claim it. I am not the only one as there are others in the forum with the same issue. EA support has been no help and I would like to receive the bonuses I was promised. Please help! 1lk04eemztg5.jpeg
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    Kiaowe wrote: »
    I want to grind on Gungans and tried to take advantage of the Target gift card promo, but it did not work. I get to the part when I click to claim and the button does not work and I can’t claim it. I am not the only one as there are others in the forum with the same issue. EA support has been no help and I would like to receive the bonuses I was promised. Please help! 1lk04eemztg5.jpeg

    Ahnald did the "restore purchases" option in game and that seemed to work as I recall. Worth a shot?
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    How about you fix your game that constantly freezes and crashes so we can even have a chance to grind for something? My game froze like 10 times in 24h. Playing on S23 Ultra
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    Endlessly farming signal data.
    Endlessly farming mods.
    Oh and farming Boss Nass shards & LV reqs
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    Leviathan grind. Droid Brains are a killer.
  • Perses
    11 posts Member
    edited May 3
    I was farming jarjar, however after spending 2 hours doing the bull of rng that the event is finally got him r9
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    Question for double drop, on website it's from the 4 to the 8 but ingame it's from the 4 to the 6
    Which info is the good?
  • Minho16
    2 posts Member
    Finishing my farm for Jabba, one character left!
  • MasterSeedy
    5209 posts Member
    Minho16 wrote: »
    Finishing my farm for Jabba, one character left!

    Nice! Congrats!
  • Capt
    4 posts Member
    Focusing on the God awful kyrotech grind because every character needs a ridiculous amount and the drop rate is so awful. So to have any form of a decent team you have to go through countless hours of getting at best 1 or 2 after spending 200 crystals on refreshes not to mention the ridiculous amount of time wasted trying to unlock GL Ultimates.
    Also wondering when cg will pull their heads out of their backsides and fixing this before everyone starts abandoning this game like lotr heroes.
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    Relic for Phoenix Squad
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    Working on Inquisitors for my guild. With the nightsisters pack I'll have all my nightsisters relic since I just got Merrin R5 two days ago. After inquisitors probably Sith empire to finally get my Malgus since I've had him g9 for a few months working on other stuff
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    442 posts EA Community Manager
    I know it's not Friday but Jar Jar Tier 5 2/2 Phase is whopping my butt
  • MasterSeedy
    5209 posts Member
    I feel for you, Meathead.

    Unfortunately I am not even JJ eligible, so I do not have the pleasure of true commiseration with you.
  • Gavsta
    203 posts Member
    Gungans that are farmable, the G12-13 gear needed for Queen Amidala and the Gungans when they're available.
    Missing farming signal data whilst I farm Tarpals ..... another few weeks without farming signal data after having finished STAP will be annoying....
    But, happy I've got STAP as they're much fun... so I guess Tarpals will be good....
    Current Gungan progress, getting there...c1cbg87ii8av.jpg
  • MasterSeedy
    5209 posts Member
    Yeah, I prioritized STAP to r5 after I ended up with his Datacron. Fun to play with.
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    What are you grinding?
    What are you focusing on?

    I'm still diving into my lackluster mods and really need to finish my Jabba GL

    I'm working towards jmk!!
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    Got my 5th GL, from last August I unlocked 5 of them. Now I am heading to my 1st capital ship from journey, Leviathan. It's going to take at least 5-6 months, but I hope it's worth it. I have unlocked, Jedi Cal, Ben... Kyrotechs and Zetas are what I need and I can't step up to the needs. Anyway, enjoying the game... One minor hickup, what the hell where you thinking with the Challenge that demands 5 Gungans... Jeez!!!
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    After totally being excluded from zeta drops, for what? Heck if I know. It's like I'm being punished for no reason. Terrible decisions like this make me wanna step back from this unfair garbage. Zeta drops shoulda been for everyone equally, or no one. Horrible, horrible way to exclude tons of players randomly from one of the most needed critical materials, while giving others an absurd amount of something that takes months to get normally. Really sickening and stomach turning.
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