Friday Check in PT 2

435 posts EA Community Manager
Sound off with your achievements this week or what you're looking to work on through the weekend.

Personally I just finished off my Jabba Zetas thanks to the drops, but now I need to get any mods for him cause apparently I have none.


  • Saranay
    15 posts Member
    Unlocked GI :)
    But I am in terrible need of Zetas,... so many chars unlocked and new releases but it is simply not possible to keep up with the Zetas in this game :'(
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    Thanks to the additive drops, got 3 of 4 Gungans to R5 and only 20 shards to go for Phalanx. Ahead of schedule to get the Bombad General himself.
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    Farmed a lot of Gungan shards, so refocussing to get Jar Jar when he returns! All my big accomplishments happened last week before the last GAC lock-in like finally getting KAM (he really needs to be made more accessible) and relic'ing him. Also getting my JKA close to 300 speed to pair nicely with QGJ and KAM!
  • Magruffin
    832 posts Member
    7* one Gungan, got the others almost all to 6. Gearing up said gungans will be next
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    2 out of 4 Gungans completed, the other two are close
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • LordDirt
    5145 posts Member
    Finishing up Gungans
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • fam
    4 posts Member
    Level 77 here, still haven't received any of these new player updates.
  • Reaver11
    32 posts Member
    Still waiting for Fury Class Interceptor to hit the legendary token store, now that it is likely nixed from the conquest store. Only need 14 shards, and will make or break me getting Levi this month.
  • Lumiya
    1582 posts Member
    Trying to get the Kyros together so I can relic Bane. After that, level the remaining 2 toons up for my Cere Squad with Malicos.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • TargetEadu
    1644 posts Member
    Just got an R7 Ben Solo. A few more relics to catch up on, then onward to JKL and JML.
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    Buying a new keyboard after breaking f5 key :)
  • Niemand
    12 posts Member
    Farmed 3 out 4 G-men to 7 stars. Phalanx is lagging behind by 13 shards.
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    Unlocked LV. Now the farm for ultimate materials begins.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Won my GAC today, which keeps me in k1 through next week
    I need a new message here.
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    Hoarding for Reva unlock during next TB
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    TVF wrote: »
    Won my GAC today, which keeps me in k1 through next week

    How’s brag camp going 🤪
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Won my GAC today, which keeps me in k1 through next week

    How’s brag camp going 🤪

    Extremely well!
    I need a new message here.
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    GI relic'd, now I'm getting my inquisitors ready for Reva
  • Franke
    139 posts Member
    Still bo reqs, so close to getting them done but wont be ready this time, next round shes mine.
  • Zumwan
    363 posts Member
    Finishing Profundity requirements, it's the last capital ship I was missing. Now I wait till July to unlock
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    Just wrapped jabba’s ult, now working on unlocking Rey. Tier 2 is being butts.
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    Almost got ult for LV - need only 11 ds currency for him, 6-star 3 gungans and one of them was already 7 star before bonus drops
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    Nearing "completion" of my Tusken squad. No plans to go beyond R5 at this time.xnf9l73e4i4w.png
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    For existing players that were 85 before May, can we get captain rex shards? I'm farming him, but saw the new player changes. Wondering if that impacts existing players.
  • MasterSeedy
    5194 posts Member
    3/4 Gungans done, but it slaughtered my g12 cache.

    At 10 att/day my last gungan will be done in a bit less than 3 weeks, but I have plenty of crystals for emergency shards if necessary. What I'm concerned about is making sure that I don't have to buy g12 gear for crystals, because that stuff is expensive.

    Kyros are also a bit low, 450 computers and 250-300 shock prods, but that only matters when I unlock JarJar. Everyone who is not 7-stars is g11 just waiting on non-kyro finishers that are star-locked. Everyone who is 7 stars is already g12 or relic. So although I'm low, I don't currently have any unlocked toons waiting on Kyros.

    My biggest concern is, of course, the raid. I never liked the Gungans and would probably leave them g12/r1 if not for the raid (it's hard to say whether I would even bother to collect JarJar in the short-to-medium term, though long term I always collect everything).

    The other significant concern is, as always, Signal Data. I'm farming the easiest SD right now. I have over 900 of the hardest, and I've got 250-300 of the medium, IIRC (though I'm not completely sure about that one). but it won't take much to get my final Gungan to r5, so I should be ready for that in a few days -- long before the shards are ready.

    All in all, I'm in an okay place. I'd rather have MQG and POW done, and I'd rather have a larger g12 cache, but things are pretty good right now. Looking forward to having all the raid relics done so I can get back to doing the toons I'm interested in.
  • Taliana
    72 posts Member
    I’ve been looking at the new squish, based on a number of people asking about it.

    I know the kyber correction overshot and kyber had gotten to be larger than intended (32%! Ouch!) and needed a squish down, which the new formula will do. But I am concerned about two parts.

    1) the effects on Kyber1 (and perhaps k2, I reserve judgement there) are outsized with the linear formula for Kyber squish - if I understand from original dev comments, we want k1 to settle somewhere around 10% of 20% of active GAC players or 6k, but as of week 2 it was down to ~4300. It will rise a bit in weeks 3 and going into the following month, but then the next squish will hit. If we take another 40% hit to kyber1 next month like we did this month, it’s going to start looking ugly real fast. And that’s the same problem we had before the fix.

    2) it hasn’t solved the outlier problem. ”Floater” accounts in aurodium won’t get a large banner boost due to the uniform squish applied to aurodium, but whoever set the formula forgot to put rails on the chromium squish, so the accounts with outsized skill ratings in chromium still got the +200-400 banner lifts that put them in top of kyber range. Their time in aurodium won’t be enough to push them down.

    Which all comes together in #3 - please please please keep a very close eye on this and adjust as necessary even on a monthly basis, even if it does make my hobby more work figuring out what they did ;-)

    Other than that things are good. We’ve got some DSA friends who have come over to the game with their servers shutting down, and the new player onboarding procedures for them are lovely! So many kudos for the new player improvements.
  • Taliana
    72 posts Member
    (Also, for mods don’t forget to check the mod store every time you remember! Buy almost anything that has +5 speed and 2 of (offense% health% protection% defense%) as long as it has a decent primary. And do your 3x50c mod shop refreshes for slicing materials every day. If you do that, you should unusually keep up with your new toons’ mod needs.

    And never ever ever miss a smugglers run! Or SR #2 now that you can run it…. Jabba boush Kwook Skiff +1, usually boba or greedo, play manual until you get skiff’s ability landing potency on boush, then auto, you should win ~2/3 low effort.

    Not that I’m a mods geek or anything.)
  • Elswyr
    11 posts Member
    As of yesterday I'm the proud owner of a 7 star BB-8. It's not much in the grand scheme of things, but I'm happy, because I worked towards this goal basically since I took the game up again. Took me a month to activate him and 83 days altogether to seven-star him.
  • enlguy
    90 posts Member
    Unlocked **** after two years of farming, and still needed to spend crystals on two BH ship packs. Now another 400 to go, averaging 1-2 shards a day even with refreshes. So another year or so to get **** to 7*. All JKL toons about ready to go. FIX SHIP DROPS! I don't see myself sticking around that long, if it's truly going to be like this...
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    Just so you know, the 13th letter of the alphabet followed by the 6th has a vulgar meaning as well as being the abbreviation for the Millennium Falcon. I got what you were saying from "BH ship packs" but it may help communication to just call it "The Falcon".

    Carry on.
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