
26 posts Member
Is anyone going to say ANYTHING About Dooku... He is by far the most OP character right now, no joke. Him as lead is just ridiculous, and 75-90% of all top 20 teams in my arena have him as lead. Against AI, he almost guarantees one stun, with the exception of a double stun, and any AOE you do to their team they dodge atleast once or twice out of the five. I think it is getting out of hand, and very annoying now that everyone uses dooku as lead. He never was a horrible person, but with this new stupid leader buff it is just too much. Comment what you please, Just think it is time to fix it now. Thanks for reading ^^ :)


  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    He was the most balanced out of all the characters before they fixed his leader ability (which doesn't make much sense because of his character being counter focused, but whatever). Now he's simply the most annoying, but I don't think the developers should do anything just yet. With the defense update coming soon, other characters will be useable in arena and Dooku, QGJ, Sid, or Phasma lead being required will no longer be the standard. Just be patient for about 2 weeks and everything should be fine.
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    Stun him. Done.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Only thing i will say is I'm glad teams have a chance on defense. I know it's all luck, but nice to lose occasionally against a.i.

    Question for people, did you lose at all against a.i. Prior to this? I didn't. I'm not saying this is the answer, but auto win on offense isn't either.
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    He is the only character I have encountered that pulls of 5 ..yes FIVE consecutive attacks in a row, and people have been complaining about him for awhile now. Personally I wont fight a team with him on it, nor will I spend a single penny again until he is normalized.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Nope. Dooku is simply unbeatable.
    Might as well just give up.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    13 of the top 20 on my shard are NOT dooku leads, so while annoying, he is beatable.
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    Opusone wrote: »
    Only thing i will say is I'm glad teams have a chance on defense. I know it's all luck, but nice to lose occasionally against a.i.

    Question for people, did you lose at all against a.i. Prior to this? I didn't. I'm not saying this is the answer, but auto win on offense isn't either.

    This is the reason 100%

    Before the Dooku fix the only time I lost an arena match was when the app crashed. I loved wining sure, made weeks of 500 gems but could also get knocked back from first to 50 overnight sometimes.

    Dooku allows the defense we have all wanted. I'm still using my full Jedi team on offense but am now leaving in evasion team for defense. Wake up and find myself maybe back to 18 on a bad weekend.

    Give in and join the darkside! If you only knew the power!
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    And he dodged it and has offense up
  • Plague_Inc
    451 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tower1972 wrote: »
    He is the only character I have encountered that pulls of 5 ..yes FIVE consecutive attacks in a row, and people have been complaining about him for awhile now. Personally I wont fight a team with him on it, nor will I spend a single penny again until he is normalized.

    It's okay because without a buff or Sid/Boba lead, those attacks don't do much damage. And those 5 attacks normally are against different people because the AI is dumb.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member

    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Dooku is the Boogeyman
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Dooku is the Boogeyman

    Baba Yaga!
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    Today I lost my last match because he went full Beaucoup. You never go full Beaucoup. Turned around a full hp 3v2 and I got slaughtered.

    Considering he is easily one of the three biggest nerf cries (behind only GS and maybe Rey), how was it seen to be rational to give him the best leader in the game right now?
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    The only thing I wish they did with dooku lead is make the dodge either higher or add another buff for sith toons and lower the dodge amount for non sith
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Eeth Koth, who knew, amirite?
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    Olle wrote: »
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    And he dodged it and has offense up

    You need more than one on your team who can stun. I run Daka and Ventress and sometimes Eeth as well on particularly bad GW nodes. That's three characters who can stop him.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate him too. But I'm not crying over him. If he's on the team I'm battling, I maximize on stun.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Nope. Dooku is simply unbeatable.
    Might as well just give up.
    Dooko is really really very easy to beat :neutral: GS or Rey usually 1 shot him even when he's the leader.
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    BTW you can't stun a leader ability. also stun is probably the ability that is most resisted evaded even with Dooku leader buff

    the point isn't that Dooku team is unbeatable, the point is you throw any semblance of strategy since RNG seems to be the new META.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    lunarwolf wrote: »
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    BTW you can't stun a leader ability. also stun is probably the ability that is most resisted evaded even with Dooku leader buff

    the point isn't that Dooku team is unbeatable, the point is you throw any semblance of strategy since RNG seems to be the new META.
    What do you mean by "you can't stun a leader ability" ???
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    lunarwolf wrote: »
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    BTW you can't stun a leader ability. also stun is probably the ability that is most resisted evaded even with Dooku leader buff

    the point isn't that Dooku team is unbeatable, the point is you throw any semblance of strategy since RNG seems to be the new META.
    What do you mean by "you can't stun a leader ability" ???

    It means even if you succeed at one-shooting him, his teammates still have the dodge/offense up ability...
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Benr3600 wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    lunarwolf wrote: »
    Ouchie wrote: »
    Stun him. Done.

    BTW you can't stun a leader ability. also stun is probably the ability that is most resisted evaded even with Dooku leader buff

    the point isn't that Dooku team is unbeatable, the point is you throw any semblance of strategy since RNG seems to be the new META.
    What do you mean by "you can't stun a leader ability" ???

    It means even if you succeed at one-shooting him, his teammates still have the dodge/offense up ability...

    Is not that the point of a leader ? To apply buff on a whole team ?
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Eeth Koth, who knew, amirite?

    ☮ Consular ☮
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    He's only in maybe 50% of the top teams in my server and honestly he's not that big of a deal. This is coming from a Full Jedi team not even maxed out in a server where the top 100 teams use maxed squads. And I took Rank 2 today...
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Dook needs heal ability then maybe I'd call him OP but as of now he's just someone you need to learn how to play against.
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    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    If Dooku's leader ability gave everyone the counter and bonus attacks that he gets, then I'd be crying.

    Honestly, the only leader ability that I have come to see make any real difference is Phasma.
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