Easiest way to balance Rey?



  • Plague_Inc
    451 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Looks like I explained horribly in my OP. What I meant to say was instead of nerfing her damage because of her speed, make her do less initial damage, so many people, including me, didn't waste all their time hard node farming her. Basically the OP describes a way to stop her from killing someone by herself first round with only her, GS, or QGJ being the only way to stop her from doing that. I would prefer her being left alone, but if they had to do something, then do what I said in the OP or something similar.

    They're already working on a solution to OHKOs, there's no need to request a change because they are already making it.

    I just edited my that post for clarity... Looks like I'm too tired to properly explain myself. I don't actually want them to change her though, but if they do, I want them to not just super nerf one of her attributes.

    They don't need to change her because they are effectively changing everyone else.

    I know but this thread was made assuming what happened to Poe will happen to Rey. Basically if they implement the changes AND decided to nerf her for some awful reason (or maybe the changes help her more than the devs want and then they have no choice), then I don't want them to decease everything good about her like they did Poe. If they really want to change something, or they have to for balance reasons, then I want them to not just super nerf her speed and attack into the ground. I'd rather them do something different, like make her unique not activate until her second attack or something like that.

    You're asking for changes and a nerf! Just wait until the next update, then assess her.

    Pointless thread is pointless/10

    Read it again. I'm not asking for it. I'm saying if it does happen, then this is how I would like them to do it.

    The change is happening whether you like it or not. The fact is that Rey will be weaker relative to the rest of the characters.

    This is happening. 100% guaranteed.

    So when you ask for changes they are additional changes to what is already happening.

    They don't have to change a single thing about Rey and she will be negatively affected by buffs to other heroes. On top of that (which is once again happening) you also want her to be even weaker.

    You want her to have a weaker first attack when she is lucky to even get one attack in. Or you want her to not have powerful attacks until she takes damage, but once she takes damage she is dead before she gets a chance to attack. Either one of those is a nerf pure and simple.

    If you want a massive rework to give her 15k hp and medium damage and medium speed then just say so, but if you nerf her damage then something else has to be buffed for example health.

    She is a very balanced hero. She doesn't need any changes. The only problem there is with her is the OHKOS nature of arena, which is being addressed.

    Give the Devs a few weeks to sort this out then you can ask for changes after that.

    Direct quote from the 3/18/2016 developer update: "Speed will now be important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase."
    Rey's damage WILL be nerfed, unless they are only talking about GS (who doesn't really need it anymore) or some other fast character that actually does damage (assuming not Dooku, Daka, Sid, or Poggle because their damage is not that great). So unless Rey is not fast enough to make the cut (which I doubt), she will be nerfed. My way fixes the too fast with too much damage problem. Basically, she will not do as much damage as usual first turn, but will do usual damage after the first turn (where fast + high damage is not the best because it gives less of an advantage after the first turn).
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    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Direct quote from the 3/18/2016 developer update: "Speed will now be important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase."
    Rey's damage WILL be nerfed, unless they are only talking about GS (who doesn't really need it anymore) or some other fast character that actually does damage (assuming not Dooku, Daka, Sid, or Poggle because their damage is not that great). So unless Rey is not fast enough to make the cut (which I doubt), she will be nerfed. My way fixes the too fast with too much damage problem. Basically, she will not do as much damage as usual first turn, but will do usual damage after the first turn (where fast + high damage is not the best because it gives less of an advantage after the first turn).

    The introduction of Fortitude should mitigate OHKOS, thereby making Rey weaker relative to other heroes.

    The key words in Jesse's post were 'generally speaking'.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Direct quote from the 3/18/2016 developer update: "Speed will now be important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase."
    Rey's damage WILL be nerfed, unless they are only talking about GS (who doesn't really need it anymore) or some other fast character that actually does damage (assuming not Dooku, Daka, Sid, or Poggle because their damage is not that great). So unless Rey is not fast enough to make the cut (which I doubt), she will be nerfed. My way fixes the too fast with too much damage problem. Basically, she will not do as much damage as usual first turn, but will do usual damage after the first turn (where fast + high damage is not the best because it gives less of an advantage after the first turn).

    The introduction of Fortitude should mitigate OHKOS, thereby making Rey weaker relative to other heroes.

    The key words in Jesse's post were 'generally speaking'.

    And what I've been trying to say the whole time is that IF Rey in included in that blanket of faster characters getting a damage reduction, then I would rather it be the way I described it, more of a first turn damage reduction instead of a permanent damage reduction because it is so hard to farm her. I would rather they left her alone, but IF they change her, then make it not so bad for those of us who spent all that time farming her. If it still sounds like I am asking for a nerf or really want all Reys to be unuseable, then please reread everything I have said in this thread. Hopefully it will all make sense and I will have explained it properly. I will read this all again when I wake up, and if I find I was extremely unclear (or just unclear in general), then I will apologize for making your life harder.
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    i think damage reduction means damage reduction. I don't see how it can be interpreted differently, its plain as day. When he says "generally speaking" he is being "general" by not naming exact characters or specific stat adjustment amounts. But it should be obvious which characters will likely get nerfed. The question is how much stat adjusting will be done.

    High speed, high dps characters like QGJ, GS and Rey most certainly fit in those categories.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You are being perfectly clear.

    You want to protect your time investment.

    If you dont like the changes, complain.

    No sense future tripping with no hard evidence.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    You are being perfectly clear.

    You want to protect your time investment.

    If you dont like the changes, complain.

    No sense future tripping with no hard evidence.

    First off, thank you. Glad to know that tired me who is up too late still makes sense (sometimes). Secondly, the reason I'm "future tripping" is because if they go ahead and nerf Rey, then I doubt they will "un-nerf" her or lessen it later. If a dev sees this and thinks "That's a neat idea, we should try that instead", then Rey will have gotten less of a nerf than she might be getting. Basically, It feels like her nerf will be set in stone if it happens. This thread might stop it or change the way they nerf her. That's what I really want because it's a lot easier to change the plan or stats or abilities for any character when the community playing the game has no ideas what changes you have in mind, and you can recieve no backlash if you decide to nerf/buff/change a character in a different way than previously agreed upon (if they were just planning to nerf her physical damage by 300 or whatever number, it would be much easier to change their plan when the community doesn't know what they plan to do and can't demand they go with they nerf they originally planned to dole out upon the character before they changed it).
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You are not considering the time, money, and effort they have already devoted to the changes.

    Also, Rey is who YOU want to protect, but others might want THEIR investments protected.

    Where would it end?

    Development schedules are created months in advance of release. (I am guessing)

    You cant stop progress.
  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    An easy fix: anyone with Foresight buff deals 25% less damage or something. Being unhitable and incredibly powerful is insane. There should be some type of trade off for foresight.
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    Plague_Inc wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    For all we know, she is the definition of balance and will not get changed at all.
    We have been given very little info on the balance pass.

    While true, I feel like the nerfs are only for QGJ, Rey, and GS. They are the ones I've heard the most about at least.

    Edit: I mean heard the most complaining about them killing a fast character before it can move, not heard the most about CG nerfing them.

    Basically u want someone you don't have/use nurfed?

    Beauty of this is the longer you play the less it matters... You have everyone at some point so what they do matters not... Just put another player in your lineup!

  • Jsnazz
    349 posts Member
    Easiest way to balance Rey? Add a 50% miss on all her attack and 100% getting shot in the face if she target enemy with projectile weapon or ability.
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    Telaan wrote: »
    I'm not sure this will even be an issue post update. We gotta take a wait and see stance at this point.

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    Eventually faster toons will have damage toned down.

    Combat system needs a little tweaking

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    Also from the 03/18/16, very important to this topic.

    "The goal is to mitigate (but not entirely eliminate) situations where characters can be killed before they’ve had any chance to act."

    Does this mean Assist attacks are toned down? Does this mean individual abilities (passive & attacks) are toned down? Who knows.

    With the addition of level 80, I think we will see true glass cannons in this game (No glass cannons in this game currently at level 70). It will take a few months, but it will get there. High damage with low HP/defense. Where characters can kill or be killed fast.

    I think there are other things to worry about in the update.
    "Defense will now be more significant in the battle."
    "The “Advantage” ability is changing. It will now be a guaranteed critical hit for a single action."

    This is going to drastically improve certain characters. This could lead to quicker battles. Not sure if anyone has thought about it much. I am hoping they test everything properly or watch the forums light up.
    Bye Forums.
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    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I hate,really hate being hit by Rey, and even more so trying to hit her back on a Dooku lead.

    that aside i really think her damage is fine giving the incredibly hard farm. My feeling is the harder to get the better they should be.

    She is super easy to take out when not evading. Now Gs - just squish that bug and make him go away! Lol

    I still have not even activated her myself. Will wait until enough for 6*

    Took a 16k crit from her in arena today. It was great

    She is currently due to be the fastest toon in the game at 80 or 90 forget which, so no one will be able to do anything to her. You lose a character first time every time.

    It's not rocket surgery.
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    I am sorry you are having a hard time with Rey.. If you kill her she can't hit you.
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    Rey is particularly a pain with Dooku Lead, RG, Daka, GS

    but that said. Rey is still easy to deal with if you have QGJ lead.

    RNG sometimes just makes your life miserable.

    can't be helped
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    I am sorry you are having a hard time with Rey.. If you kill her she can't hit you.

    I found out the hard way in GW, she OHKO on her first turn, I was like, nope... now every match I see rey in I make sure shes gone first. Good thing she has like no health or armor so its no prob. Unless there's RG.
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