What to spend crystals on?

1093 posts Member
Ok so I've been consistently getting #1 in arena so my crystals are piling up. I do the extra 50 for both rg nodes, 2 energy refills and 1 cantina refill each day. What else should I do? I am 100% f2p
Any suggestions?


  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Do the 200 cantina refresh and the 100 reg when you can.

    If you are farming any hard node ppl you can always buy there shards when they show up in shipments
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    2nd cantina refresh, 3,4,5 regular refresh, refresh hard nodes that you are farming, hold on to them for later.
  • Options
    MEGA chromium 8 packs ! like me :)
    Inglorious Blasters I Guild Leader I 'We drink a lot of tea.'
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    MEGA chromium 8 packs ! like me :)

    Not this
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Have you 3* all missions?

    Do you win GW every day?

    If not, maybe work on improving those teams?
    If so, then you could try collecting everyone.

    Or you could just declare yourself winner and move to another game.
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    MEGA chromium 8 packs ! like me :)

    Lol say I do get a good toon what am I going to do with a 4* toon I have no way of getting more shards for?
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Have you 3* all missions?

    Do you win GW every day?

    If not, maybe work on improving those teams?
    If so, then you could try collecting everyone.

    Or you could just declare yourself winner and move to another game.

    Yes, yes and yes lol thanks for the help
  • Options
    Phipps wrote: »
    Do the 200 cantina refresh and the 100 reg when you can.

    If you are farming any hard node ppl you can always buy there shards when they show up in shipments


  • Options
    godgiven45 wrote: »
    MEGA chromium 8 packs ! like me :)

    Lol say I do get a good toon what am I going to do with a 4* toon I have no way of getting more shards for?

    Yeah I admit some characters will be sitting there at 4 stars for a long while, my Darth Maul is becoming rather dusty :( but from my experience I have pulled farmable Characters such as Poggle, Han and Kylo :) you can get farmable characters aswell, I am after the characters I like but eventually they will all be farmable. Makes a change from the constant grind, roll the dice !
    Inglorious Blasters I Guild Leader I 'We drink a lot of tea.'
  • Options
    Buy 12 single chromiums... The singles have better drop rates than 8x, but only in mulitples of 12 for some reason...
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    I'm in the same place you are, I get the second (200 crystal) cantina energy refresh. In addition to cantina shards and shipment tokens you get credits and t3 mats, all of which are pretty useful. Also exp to get to 80 faster.

    Personally I think chromiums are absolutely horrible value, wouldnt suggest unless you plan to get 200+ packs.
  • Options
    When new to the game because you have so many characters to unlock I suggest buying chromiums but after you get a sizeable roster use crystals to replenish cantina and regular energy. When you progress well and are sitting between 51-100 in arena, I suggest using the 50 crystals to replenish after your 5 battles if it means you can get into a better tier before the daily prize. It gives you your 50 crystals that you invested back but more shipments and credits.
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    Good advice but I have been playing since December and get #1 in the arena most days without even using a refresh
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Well, 2x cantina and 4x normal will run you 600 crystals, should soak your daily inflow and get you speeding along towards lvl 80, at least as fast as a f2p can expect to. That's what I'm doing `\(o_O)/`
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    Well, 2x cantina and 4x normal will run you 600 crystals, should soak your daily inflow and get you speeding along towards lvl 80, at least as fast as a f2p can expect to. That's what I'm doing `\(o_O)/`

    This is what I was thinking. What characters should i farm on hard nodes besides rg? Not really interested in rey or fotp. I find them too squishy for my liking.
  • Options
    godgiven45 wrote: »
    medetec wrote: »
    Well, 2x cantina and 4x normal will run you 600 crystals, should soak your daily inflow and get you speeding along towards lvl 80, at least as fast as a f2p can expect to. That's what I'm doing `\(o_O)/`

    This is what I was thinking. What characters should i farm on hard nodes besides rg? Not really interested in rey or fotp. I find them too squishy for my liking.

    I'd say you're going the right path with RG but you're sleeping on Rey and FOTP. That's why RG is so good he's the squishy savior. I'd say go for them too brother.
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