[VIDEO](updated) Showing scary Dooku team who's boss

1656 posts Member
edited April 2016
I keep reading that Dooku+RG+ damage is the new meta. And true, my Jedi team can't beat it. So I went back to my old Clone setup, and look what happened. ^^

Different teams will be good against different opposition. It's a rock-paper-scissor game, not a this-toon-is-better-than-that game (although I'll definitely agree that some teams are generally more useful than others).

Whichever team people will start claiming to be the new "meta", if I can find it on my shard, I promise to seek it out, beat it decisively with a "non-meta" team and post the video. The meta is a lie, and believing that lie takes the diversity out of the game.


UPDATE: New video, with ST Han instead of RG

I think I had RNG somewhat on my side this battle. Opponent got a few good dodges (Rey would have been killed before she got a turn if Rex had hit in the beginning), but they only delayed the inevitable. I got plenty of stun resists. These opponents can really pick you apart if they get lucky and manage to stun three of your toons in the beginning of the battle.

It may look like I focus on many different toons here, especially with Rex's regular attack. The battle is all about delaying the opponents from using their power moves, until I get a chance to finish them off. This can be seen very clearly when I take down GS. I largely ignore or try to stun Dooku.

ST Han didn't get much done in this battle unfortunately, but kept the others alive a few attacks longer, which was all I needed. In battles where Han survives longer, it becomes even more difficult for the opponent to get attacks in.

Number of regular (full turn meter induced) actions:
Clone team: 27
Dooku team: 11
Post edited by Nonemo on


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    I LOVE your way of thinking and I look anxiously forward to more of your videos! Great job man!
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    **** son
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    Nice video, though you got lucky, as I don't think Dooku's evasion bonus kicked in once on the opposing team.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Nice video, though you got lucky, as I don't think Dooku's evasion bonus kicked in once on the opposing team.

    They got a total of three dodges. See how ATK upped Rey killed off RG for example. Also, offense upped Dooku vs Clone Sergeant.
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    I agree with @designingsean . I think you got lucky. If the evasion bonus was working, or if some of the enemy attacks were more focused, I don't think you would have won.

    Still a good video, but how many of these same battle situations do you think the clone team would win? Winning once every few battles wouldn't justify having a clone team in my opinion.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    SlyKrysis wrote: »
    I agree with @designingsean . I think you got lucky. If the evasion bonus was working, or if some of the enemy attacks were more focused, I don't think you would have won.

    Still a good video, but how many of these same battle situations do you think the clone team would win? Winning once every few battles wouldn't justify having a clone team in my opinion.

    Absolutely true. I would hate to be accused of cherry picking just the good fights. So far, I've battled three Dooku teams similar to that one today. I beat them twice, and lost once due to Rey dodging a lot of attacks and gaining offense up. The strategy with Dooku definitely works, and my goal here isn't to claim that it's all bad. I'm only out to prove that you can actually stay very competitive and still have fun with a personalized team. And that we'd all have more fun if more of us did.

    Btw, here's a few pics of my top 20 at the moment. This is where I'm hanging out with my Clone team. :)http://m.imgur.com/a/myCY4
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    His fives retaliate wasn't needed either, I've said in other posts too that some synergies work better against some teams. It's definitely the reason to get as many team setups as possible I.e. Jedi team, droid, resistance, clone, evasion, tank plus heal, speed team etc etc. Many say the droid team is dead too but mine still can hit rank 1 and when grievous and lobot become more available that team could once again be dynamite.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Awesome just awesome. Your vids are legendary!
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    I was espousing the same setup but with JC instead of Phasma in another thread and people just couldn't wrap their heads around the TM momentum you build with the clones.

    Combined with RG as a shield and in my case JC for a rapid cooldown healer, it's pretty solid. I took out a maxxed Dooku led DPS squad in GW using the clones and my guys are only moderately geared / leveled.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • BrobiWanKenobi
    277 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @Nonemo if CG releases General Kenobi with clone synergies, I'm coming to your house to steal your account. Those clones are too sick.
  • WildGrunt
    1230 posts Member
    @JherenKharr looks familiar? :)
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    amazing. VERY nice bro, very nice.
    when i saw at first that rey isnt getting stunned, i thought: Really ? rey isnt even stunned, he got no1 to instakill rey/gs/daka before RG taunt and he gonna survive that ? no way he win.
    but that clone sergeant doing some nice dmg lol. gg man :)
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    I thought the same thing about 30 seconds in. How can you win this? No double stun and only a few dodges, are you sure you fought dooku and not his cousin Rickey?
    Btw, has anyone else noticed that when Rey is on a dooku team she dodges more than any of the other characters? It's like trying to hit sidings with a jedi.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    amazing. VERY nice bro, very nice.
    when i saw at first that rey isnt getting stunned, i thought: Really ? rey isnt even stunned, he got no1 to instakill rey/gs/daka before RG taunt and he gonna survive that ? no way he win.
    but that clone sergeant doing some nice dmg lol. gg man :)

    It's all about turn meter control really. I use Rex's regular attack, Sarge's special and RG's stun (and of course Phasma's and Fives' slow) to keep their heavy hitters pinned down, and then I take pot shots at the rest of the team. As soon as RG and Daka are down, I can start playing more offensively. Getting a debuff on Rey helped out a lot in the beginning even if she wasn't stunned.

    There's a lot of strategy involved, but then that's when this game is the most fun. :)
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I thought the same thing about 30 seconds in. How can you win this? No double stun and only a few dodges, are you sure you fought dooku and not his cousin Rickey?
    Btw, has anyone else noticed that when Rey is on a dooku team she dodges more than any of the other characters? It's like trying to hit sidings with a jedi.

    Yep, I've definitely noticed this. Rey seems to have an excellent hidden dodge modifier or some such. She dodges so often in a Dooku team.
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    I've farming sarge like hell atm haha
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    Amazing team. Good Job.
  • RamzaBeoulve
    100 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @Nonemo if CG releases General Kenobi with clone synergies, I'm coming to your house to steal your account. Those clones are too sick.

    General kenobi needs to happen. Immediately
    75 posts Member
    I agree because old ben is out so yeah
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Do you still believe Phasma is the best choice, despite her being faster than the other toons?
    I saw you hesitate on her first turn.

    Wouldn't someone else make more sense? I'm thinking ST Han for TM, Daka for maximum annoyance or Lumi for durability.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Good question really. Thing is, due to Rex's leadership ability, Phasma can go either early or late. Depends on whether your team gets AOE'd or assist attacked and critted a lot or not. If the enemy crits a lot, all the Clones plus RG go before Phasma, and then her Victory March is a no-brainer. Other times it's a much tougher call.

    A problem with Victory March is that if you activate it when RG is taunting you are reducing the uptime of the taunt by a lot. That happened to me a few times, and you risk losing toons that way. So I'm right now skilling up Saint Han to try instead of either Phasma or RG. In theory it should be great.
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    Love the clones - thanks for sharing!
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I just gotta share, I just had an awesome victory vs #1 with Rex (L), Sarge, Fives, Saint Han and Phasma, vs Dooku (L), Daka, Rey, GS and RG. They even had everything going for them. Stunned Rex first round, revived Rey, GS dodged a lot. But I won with four toons left standing and only lost Han in the last seconds due to Dooku counters. Saint Han plus Clones is an amazing combo, possibly better than RG.

    When I renew my battle allowance I'll try and make a vid of a battle with the modified team and post it here.
  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
    Nice setup. I didn't realize clones had so much TM manipulation
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    How long did it take you to 7* sarge? Mine is taking ages haha
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    NEW VIDEO (now with ST Han)

    I think I had RNG somewhat on my side this battle. Opponent Dooku team got a few good dodges (Rey would have been killed before she got a turn if Rex had connected with special move in the beginning), but they only delayed the inevitable. I got plenty of stun resists. These opponents can really pick you apart if they get lucky and manage to stun three of your toons in the beginning of the battle. Which happens maybe 20% of the time. You can't win them all.

    It may look like I focus on many different toons here, especially with Rex's regular attack. The battle is all about delaying the opponents from using their power moves, until I get a chance to finish them off. This can be seen very clearly when I take down GS. I largely ignore or try to stun Dooku.

    ST Han didn't get much done in this battle unfortunately, but kept the others alive a few attacks longer, which was all I needed. In battles where Han survives longer, it becomes even more difficult for the opponent to get attacks in.

    Number of regular (full turn meter induced) actions:
    Clone team: 27
    Dooku team: 11
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Leaner619 wrote: »
    How long did it take you to 7* sarge? Mine is taking ages haha

    It took forever and a day to get Sarge maxed. But he's well worth it :)
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    Nicely done nonemo! Love those clones, hope they put Rex back up in the pack.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Well there's still that TM dilemna where you can't really use all your TM gains, here you couldn't really take advantage of Rex's whatever-it-is-called dispell/TM gain skill.

    I wonder if ST Han isn't overkill though, or maybe Phasma is.
    I was wondering if FOO would fit here, but you'd have to take ST Han out.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Well there's still that TM dilemna where you can't really use all your TM gains, here you couldn't really take advantage of Rex's whatever-it-is-called dispell/TM gain skill.

    I wonder if ST Han isn't overkill though, or maybe Phasma is.
    I was wondering if FOO would fit here, but you'd have to take ST Han out.

    Well, I don't really feel that I need to max my turn meter gain. As long as I keep my Clones going and keep my opponents down long enough to finish them off, it's all good. For now, I feel that ST Han is great because of the taunt. But I really like the idea of FOO and Phasma in the team. I'll have FOO ready for arena in another two weeks or so, I'll make sure to try it out properly then!

    Theorizing, though, it'll all boil down to early crits. At lv80, Dooku, GS and Rey will all go before FOO. FOO gets a well needed +10% health bonus though, and lands at ~14,5K HP. So he may or may not survive.

    If he gets critted, he likely dies and the Clones gain 10% turn meter and Rex will likely intercept Rey for next action. He can then drop her turn meter by 15%, which makes her drop behind Clone Sergeant, who will hopefully drop her even farther by 50%, and Phasma will then work to keep her turn meter being the others until she's dead.

    In the other scenario, FOO can drop Daka's turn meter by a lot, and set all the others up for going next. This scenario doesn't seem as favourable as the first one though. It would mean that Dooku, GS and Rey had already gone and none had critted. That's very rare. But if it happens, I probably have two toons in low yellow right off the bat. From there on, I can probably still keep manipulating. But it seems like a weaker starting position. So I suspect FOO would not be all that useful, as it looks now.
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