How many SWG alum?

2844 posts Member
Anyone here besides me fondly remember the DWB, Corvette runs, Krayt hunts, and blowing up the ISD?

Anyone here besides me still feel bitter about what they did to us?
Anyone here besides me hesitate to install this, knowing what happened there?
Anyone here besides me going to boycott similar future products if they screw us over again?
Anyone here besides me think that reparations in this game might make up for it a little?

I endured the 3 Random Class Mastery Jedi unlock, the Padawan Trials, the FRS, Knight Trials, Visibility Bounties, the CU, the NGE, Restuss, and Mutant Pets.

I preordered Kashyykk and Mustafar.

I spent hundreds on the CCG.

Hours upon hours farming PLCs and BLs, Holocrons, rare resources, air and land kill count achievements, and DNA/Enzymes.

Walking across the planet searching for that magic grid point to get your POIs was mind numbingly boring and tedious, and survying for that perfect resource with decent density was no joke either.

Boy I miss it...

I will never forget what Sony did to the most beautiful thing I had ever played.


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