What does your Squad Arena Top 100 look like?

Of course, you can't see the whole squad, and every server is different. But who are the squad leaders?

Here's what mine looks like:

62 - Dooku (of course)
20 - QGJ
18 - Other


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    40 Dooku
    40 QGJ
    20 Other mostly mix of Phasma and HK with a Chirpa and a Finn? in the mix.
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    It all looks the same.
  • FuriousFrog
    118 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    45 QGJ
    25 Dooku
    15 Phasma
    6 HK 47
    4 Sid
    4 Lumi
    1 Poggle
    No other leaders are used and the top 25 are all Dooku and QGJ teams with the exception of 1 Phasma team at #6 and the Poggle team at #23. There are no Lumi or Sid teams in the top 60 and no droid teams in the top 20.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    The usual, but there's an exciting change up of a Ventress at #10 and a Barriss at #45.
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Right now it looks like

    71 6* QGJ lead
    71 5* RG
    71 7* Luminara
    71 5* Rey
    71 7* GS

    I've a feeling that'll be changing soon though.

    That's my team but many others are similar with a healthy mix of Dooku in there. A few Poe/droid teams hanging around still.
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    We've got a guy with Ackbar in the top 100.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    22 dooku
    35 QGJ
    1 ima gun di
    5 sid
    16 phasma
    3 poggle
    1 anakin
    1 ig88
    4 luminara
    5 hk47
    2 admiral ackbar
    2 ventress
    1 han
    2 bariss
    And a yoda on #101

    Might be the most diverse arena out there :)
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    #1 is Admiral Ackbar, as well as one other.
    - 36 Dooku's
    - 30 QGJ's
    - 6 Sidius'
    - 2 Lumi's
    - 2 Barriss'
    - 9 Phasma's
    - 2 IG88
    - 4 Poggles
    - 6 HK's
    - 1 Ahsoka

    So 36 Dooku, 30 QGJ, and 34 Others. So basically you have the OP, the OP counter, then everyone else not caring. I'm #100 and go between QGJ, Lumi, and Windu depending on the opponent but left it with QGJ for defense.
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    36 QGJjjjjjediiiii
    33 Doku evade madness
    11 Phasmas
    10 Poggle/HK
    7 Dart Sids (one of them is me)
    And some others
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    All 7*, G9, and L73. Typically place in the top 20 every week.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    The last two days I've been able to reach rank 30 with mine (I was in the 100 for a month or so prior).

    QGJ (L)

    All are level 73, 6*, and max or almost max gear (I didn't precraft and am currently working on the 50-of items)
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
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    scca325is wrote: »

    All 7*, G9, and L73. Typically place in the top 20 every week.

  • scuba
    14110 posts Member
    Top 50
    38 Dooku
    10 QGJ
    1 Luminara
    1 Asajj
  • twaller
    123 posts Member
    My top 100 is roughly
    40 dooku
    10 HK/poggles
    2 AAs
    1 barris
    1 Han
    And the rest sid/phasma/lumi
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    #1 is currently an ahsoka =P thats new ;D
  • Tohu
    81 posts Member
    63 dooku
    16 phasma
    12 qgj
    2 poggle
    2 sid
    1 lumi
    1 bariss
    1 yoda
    1 savage
    1 ig88
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    I just want to take this moment to marvel at the fact that 10+ people took the time to count the number of times each leader appeared in their rankings. The nerd synergy is strong B)
  • McPot45
    133 posts Member
    you guys have way to much time on ur hands if you would spend it counting the leaders of the top 100
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    McPot45 and Heywood. You do realize that you are browsing THE FORUM of a game. Thats not even a game itself, its a forum about a game! What a waste of your precious time OMG!!! Quickly quit this and go on with your life!

    Now in more serious note: knowing how are the servers doing gives allot of info, for those who are smart enough...
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    GajoNikado wrote: »
    McPot45 and Heywood. You do realize that you are browsing THE FORUM of a game. Thats not even a game itself, its a forum about a game! What a waste of your precious time OMG!!! Quickly quit this and go on with your life!

    Now in more serious note: knowing how are the servers doing gives allot of info, for those who are smart enough...

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