Proposal: Change leader of leader dies

2972 posts Member
edited April 2016
Right now leader effects persist after death of the leader. What if instead, if your leader is killed you move to the leader ability of whoever is in your second character spot (and so on).

1) Encourage us to level other leader skills
2) Add tactics to how you position your line up
3) Add more tactics to how to engage an opponent. Imagine killing squishy Dooku and being done with dodging for that match!

1. More resources for us to grind, I guess
2. Devalue generic non leader characters


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    I love it! That's a great idea and it does add a whole other dimension to the strategy of the game. You got my vote
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    Interesting idea....
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Actually, it's not a bad idea....except get rid of Dooku, then you have Lumi in the second slot and Sid in the 3rd....yikes.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    Nah. It's fine how it is. Dodge is a pain, but do you want to go from facing a GW team with GS (no leader ability), and moving into dodge, then auto-heal, then etc?
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    That would demolish some team comps with ease but it would add some spicy decision making. With that said, i don't know if it would improve the game since it would have as many positives as it has negatives.
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    Not a bad idea, I could see the game working that way
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Actually, it's not a bad idea....except get rid of Dooku, then you have Lumi in the second slot and Sid in the 3rd....yikes.

    Still better than dodge offense up the whole time.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    That would demolish some team comps with ease but it would add some spicy decision making. With that said, i don't know if it would improve the game since it would have as many positives as it has negatives.

    I suppose it would discourage generics,good point.
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    I think it would make toons without leader abilities suddenly weaker. It would add strategy to the game though. Its hard to say if it would break the game or make it better.
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    In order: QGJ (L), Ahsoka, Ima, Aayla, Old Ben.

    QGJ grants initial speed advantage. Most squishy + can grant o up so taken out first by opponent.

    Ahsoka comes next. High damage and lowish health. Grants evasion with TM boost. Next to be targeted by opponent.

    Ima time. Grants additional counter chance to Aayla. So you have to target him first.

    Aayla. Good luck stunning her.

    Finally OB. Let the dodgefest wind down the clock, just in case :)
  • 49er
    25 posts Member
    Interesting idea! Sounds fun
    "Sanitation?!" --- 793-259-249
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    The main problems I can see are
    A) not all toons have a leader ability
    B) it overlaps and kinda destroys synergy as you can't really do both consistently throughout. It would really need to be one or the other.

    It might be fun as an alternative game mode or challenge but wouldn't like to see it in the main game personally
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    I would like it if the leader didn't switch, but when the leader dies the leader ability is gone.
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    also, a pretty big problem is that a LOT of toons have no leader ability. The idea is still cool tho
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    Maybe if there was one "2nd in command" who's leader ability kicks in when the Leader dies, bt no further than that,
    That way it wouldn't make characters without leadership skills irrelevant.
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    Nice idea - it would definitely downgrade generic characters but I am more than OK with that. I think it makes sense that a leader's ability dies with them....they are just not there to provide that leadership any more. New leader steps up and brings their own flavour match.
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Great idea !
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    Hmm noo...
  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Aero wrote: »
    Right now leader effects persist after death of the leader. What if instead, if your leader is killed you move to the leader ability of whoever is in your second character spot (and so on).

    1) Encourage us to level other leader skills
    2) Add tactics to how you position your line up
    3) Add more tactics to how to engage an opponent. Imagine killing squishy Dooku and being done with dodging for that match!

    1. More resources for us to grind, I guess
    2. Devalue generic non leader characters

    ... Or just cancel out the leader ability altogether once the leader dies.

  • DavionThunder
    213 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I have a better idea how about when you kill the leader the next leader's ability adds to the first lol. How's that for insanity :D
  • Guyver
    26 posts Member
    I do not think toons without leader abilities will get screwed. Basically because if you plan a team according 5 subsequent leader abilities you will be planing a team based on having 4 casualties, which does not sounds very promising. This idea can work very well, as the way I imagine it: you pick one leader and then you consider a second one to kick in if the first dies, two will be enought to plan a strategy (the first one might be more a glass cannon type --e.g. QGJ (speed); the second one a more bulky one -- lets say Mace Windu (offence -crit heal).) the rest of the toons are selected according their capabilities of adaptation to both leader abilities (they might have leader abilities but are not necessarily consider as part of the strategy)... following the case above it might make sense that at least two of them are jedis.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    Awesome idea!
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    What happens if the leader gets rezzed? Would it change back to their ability I wonder. I kinda like having just the second slot ability and that's it because that's the only way to keep leader ability-less characters around
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    You have my vote
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