Ewoks Arena Fail

I love my ewok team

Arena takes 5 minutes

Ewoks take half an hour to gang bang royal guard



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    Who cares, arena is boring as sin anyway, at least it might be amusing with ewoks.
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    Sin is exciting.
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    Sinning with Ewoks is most exciting until you run out of time :/
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    Just getting my ewok squad up to power and been running them the last couple nodes of GW (when the squads are pretty strong.) They hold their own really well, but using the auto button seems key...both for the time it takes and personal sanity. With the auto button, the little furballs are whirling dervishes...they just keep hitting and wear them down (I use RG as my 5th.)

    Manually hitting all those buttons would be a drag.
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    So true, Ewoks own all the single player modes where there is no timer.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Use ST Han as 5th member! Then put RG in to hold position
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    I've been experimenting with Chirpa Elder Teebo RG Daka. Don't have Han but he's been popping up a lot lately.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Need scout in there to. He is you damage dealer.
    Han is great for protection an TM manipulation
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Well yeah, Scout is the Ewok glass canon, so get him if you want damage.
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    I just seven starred and gear 9'd Chirpa, his basic is actually real strong and improves even more with loads of those stun bangles and 15% extra damage omega pad boost on his basic. Him lead and elder with level 8 basic add decent turn meter to non ewok toons
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    I have scout but find Daka and RG handier. Then you have two stunners one auto taunt two rezzers and three healers. Low damage is the weakness hence the 5 minute limit struggles. I prefer Teebo to scout for utility and soon at level 78 he will have some stealth fun added
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Absolutely chirpa is essential to the squad. You really need all 4 to use them reliably IMO. If you Don't have scout need a Rey or other high damage dealer. Scout also drops opponents TM on his basic.
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