Chief Chirpa or Teebo lead?

I just bought the Ewok bundle and I now have a 4* Chief Chirpa, a 4* Teebo, and 3* Ewok Scout and Elder. Now I haven't leveled them up or heard them up very much but I was wondering who should I use as lead. Teebo gets pretty good team stealth which helps with survivabilty but is Chief Chirpas leader ability better? Also who should I use as my 5th toon. I want it to seem logical so not Rey, Jedi, droid, or Sith. I was thinking Chewie for the taunt and he kind of fits with the teddy bear squad theme. Thoughts?


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    Also I'm not going to use it for Arena becuase I'm not dumb this is purely for a fun time playing and maybe going for 3*ing nodes so that I can sim.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    7* them to be Arena viable, this is not dumb.

    Chirpa lead is better because it boosts damage.

    Chewie totally fits.

    I am using this team as well, it is fun.
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    IMO definitely Chirpa. Teebo is a better hybrid lead. Good for a slow tank squad as his random stealthing can prevent focussed fire and increase TM
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    I'd use chirpa as lead - +dmg and +tm
    I use chewie with my ewok squad for early GW rounds and it is fun.
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
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    Thanks, to 7* would take way too long even with this event but I probably will hear them up and get them to level 70 at least for a pretty good B team I'm GW. Which brings up another question kind of unrelated but if you revive a toon in a GW battle can you use them in the next battle or are they dead for good?
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    If you revive in GW, toons stay around as if they never died in GW. Ewok Elder has been a life safer in GW for me.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If the GW round passes with a dead toon, it stays dead.
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    Gotcha so an Ewok squad is probably the way to go in GW, at least for a B team.
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    Alternate between the two depending on the enemy composition. Generally Chirpa will be better. But Teebo is an easy farm so go for it.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • ObranVox
    134 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Be sure to use Teebo as lead in the event, stealth recovers health and they get the Chirpa perks eventhough he isnt leader.
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    I've tried both and prefer Chirpa for an Ewok squad, but as another pointed out Teebo does decent say in the Tank challenges.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Chirpa for ewok team over Teebo all day... His TM on hit gain for basic attacks plays into his own skills and boosts the overall lackluster damage of the ewoks.

    Teebo's stealth leader skill can either help or hinder you depenadant on luck... If the wrong character winds up out of stealth (ewok elder) then it can cause some serious problems for your group.

    This is for arena or GW battles.. For the tank challenge Teebo is the best leader
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    I just bought the Ewok bundle and I now have a 4* Chief Chirpa, a 4* Teebo, and 3* Ewok Scout and Elder. Now I haven't leveled them up or heard them up very much but I was wondering who should I use as lead. Teebo gets pretty good team stealth which helps with survivabilty but is Chief Chirpas leader ability better? Also who should I use as my 5th toon. I want it to seem logical so not Rey, Jedi, droid, or Sith. I was thinking Chewie for the taunt and he kind of fits with the teddy bear squad theme. Thoughts?

    Grats on your purchase supporting the environment. If I didn't just buy a crystal pack day of update I'd buy this for sure.
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    Can't see past either Daka, ST Han or RG for the 5th character.
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    There is one on my server running the 4 Ewoks with RG. Absolutely impossible to beat. With the current meta, investing in Ewoks is not a bad thing IMO
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    Yeah I'm mostly F2P with the exception of this pack and a couple of Crystal packs. I'd say about $200-$250 total over my time playing. Still no Aurodium packs popping up but that's another issue. My point being that farming Ewoks is very difficult. Teebo and Chirpa not so much, but to my knowledge Scout only has two hard nodes and Elder has 3. I just unlocked Shard shop via Eath Koth but even that sucks. What's the best way to farm Ewoks?
  • Darksidecalls2me
    140 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Currently, if your iOS this new event, it drops you about 2 shards per on level 1, so 6 a day, and 4-6 shards per on level 2, so about 12-18 a day. My guys aren't ready for level 3 yet but you see the pattern.
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    Currently, if your iOS this new event, it drops you about 2 shards per on level 1, so 6 a day, and 4-6 shards per on level 2, so about 12-18 a day. My guys aren't ready for level 3 yet but you see the pattern.

    Yeah but to get my 3* to 4* that means I need 30 of their shards each so I need to do level 1 5 times if I just want one of them. Another 5 days for the other and this is if the RNG gods bless me with the drops I need. I see you point but even with the event farming is ridiculously hard for these teddy bears.
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    Honestly to 4 star is not bad, Teebo is in GW shipments, EE is in the cantina node, pick either ES or Chirpa and go for one. Either seems viable, Chirpa is best Ewok leader and ES hits hard.
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    Honestly to 4 star is not bad, Teebo is in GW shipments, EE is in the cantina node, pick either ES or Chirpa and go for one. Either seems viable, Chirpa is best Ewok leader and ES hits hard.

    What node is EE in? He's not in any of the cantina nodes. ES and EE are only in Hard nodes, two each. ES is in Light side 1A and then again at 8D, while EE is im 2C and 8C. So for me they only have the one early hard nodes. I'm level 73 so I'm a ways away from unlocking the 8 battles.
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    Gotcha so an Ewok squad is probably the way to go in GW, at least for a B team.

    Ewoks can be an A team in GW just makes it longer but it can be fun. Sometimes I switch tanks between STH and RG, depends on the match up and where STH cooldown is, and the normal of a suicide squad once and a while.
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    What node is EE in? He's not in any of the cantina nodes. ES and EE are only in Hard nodes, two each. ES is in Light side 1A and then again at 8D, while EE is im 2C and 8C. So for me they only have the one early hard nodes. I'm level 73 so I'm a ways away from unlocking the 8 battles.

    I guess I'm smoking crack, he came up in my arena shipments so when I clicked on him it showed an extra place at that specific time and I misread it, no cantina

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