Not enough time, change to time limit per character action.

Even if I use the Auto function, I still do not have enough time to win the battle. I will end up having all 5 of my characters, and the enemy only has 1 and it is still considered a draw. I think the arena is messed up since the changes were made. It is impossible to win within the given time limit.

If the concern is to just keep the battle moving, then instead of a total time limit of 5 minutes, why not put a time limit of 5 seconds or 10 seconds per action. If you do not select an action within that time frame, your character forfeits its turn.

The time limit of 5 minutes is supposed to be there to prevent someone from entering a battle and just staying within it so that no one can attack you, but if we have just time limits for each move instead, the battle would progress and the issues would be eliminated.


  • Susbirder
    30 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I just ran out of time on an arena battle, and I went as fast as I possibly could. Much of the delay was from all the darned dodging and evading that's going on now, and some of it is from the animation involved in the character actions. Something needs to be done to either make the 5 minute limit work, or else make something like Cody suggests.
  • Options
    Agreed. The animation of dooku prancing around five, six, SEVEN hits in a row chews up immense time. The increase in dodges chews up even more time. I've been 5 on 1 trying to fell fives for two and a half minutes because the first two and a half were taken up watching old man dooku strut around endlessly.
  • Silke79
    20 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I had this problem for the first time to day when I myself is lvl 75 and my opponent was lvl77 I had killed of 3 of his char and only lost one of mine and would have won the match if the time didn't run out at ended with a draw.

    Im fore the ide of 5-10 sec per action instead of this 5 min that is to little time now with protection field and if you face a team with the highest in health and protection you don't have any chance to kill that team in time.

    But instead of forfeits your move at the end of your time you can have that your char does the basic attack on the opponent char that are targeted.
    Ally Code: 555-171-875
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