Galactic war

Does any one like the galactic war?


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    I love it. best way to get upgrade mats and $ on a daily basis.
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    I don't. The reward character shards need more diversity and the opponents you face towards the end seem to exponentially outclass my best fighters who are practically maxed out. I used to be able to complete the circuit maybe once out of 8 to 10 tries. Now I seem to never get past the 8th round.
  • MasterSeedy
    5083 posts Member

    Loving the credits, droids, & shards you get is not the same thing as loving the Galactic War itself.

    Galactic war is boring, it throws the same teams at you multiple times per day, and then the next day it throws those same teams at you again. The opponent selection algorithm is terrible, but not because of bad balance (I had a long win streak, but am now back to finishing most days, but not all). I struggle against certain teams not because they have clever synergies, but because I can't afford to lose a single one of my best toons until node 10 at the earliest and if I put in my best toons against a team that outstrips them in stars, levels & gear (as starts to happen around node 6), it can be hard to keep them all alive. And yet, if I go too far down my inventory, I might as well not put in anyone at all - each toon is gone with a 1HKO, and when I put my best toons back in they face exactly the same challenge they faced before.

    None of the challenge is new and different opposing squads requiring new and different strategies. Also, none of your successes early on help you in the later stages - the AI's next squad is totally unaffected whether you do well or poorly against the last squad. GW just recycles the same popular Arena teams with a few more stars and a few more levels every single round.

    When it's both boring AND highly time consuming if you want to try to actually win (because you need to retreat and try something different several times to get through a battle with your characters more-or-less intact), then it's a disaster.

    If it's going to be boring, it shouldn't be time consuming - why make us spend extra time on a boring part of the game?

    If it's going to be time consuming, it shouldn't be boring. Why make the part of the game on which you'll spend the most time into the most repetitive part of the game?

    GW uses arena teams as opponents. But in the Arena you shouldn't be fighting more than 5 battles a day most days... and you get a lot of choice over which teams you fight. Not infinite choice, especially if you're trying to maintain a rank in the top 50 or so, but still you get some choice. If you find the Sid/Phasma teams boring, you get to avoid them.

    But GW takes your arena fights, stretches them out into 12 battles, and gives you no choice amongst opponents, so you inevitably face the most boringly unoriginal Arena teams even more times that you might in PvP even if you got not choice there.

    GW is broken. It's not fun. I ***loved it*** when I first opened it up at level 40, but the higher your level, the less original the teams as more and more players unlock the most popular characters.

    It honestly feels like a form of penalty for success.
  • Avelenus
    54 posts Member
    Other than the character shards and the money. I see no benefit at all. I have only finished once and I am level 78. I have tried running multiple scenarios The closest I can get is the second to the last match. Then I get owned.
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