Kids account? Help

I'm 37 and after read about the name change I think my accounts is labeled "kid account". I have dropped at least $70 in this game and would like to see guild chat. (I can't) who do I change this and not lose the money and time I put into the game?


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    I tried talking to EA support but they didn't seem to even try to understand what the problem is...
  • EnderU
    103 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Same problem.

    Really annoying, and will force me to quit soon as I can't see the point of being in a guild when I can not talk, or interact, or even see chat to know what is going on.

    How do you contact support?

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    Me too. I play with my son. I can buy in-app but I can't use chat.
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera Any insights on this? A guy I work with has the same problem. Started on his kid's old tablet, and needs to convert to a normal account. Is this an entirely Google Play/App Store issue?
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    EA support told me they can't change the age. CG_John also posted that they can't have chat for minors (to be compliant with some regulation). You may need to find a guild that used the line app.
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    Ok. A child can spend real money but can't chat.
  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    Minor accounts can't chat and can't be linked to google play, not sure about iOS game center

    Comment about chat
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    kyloghigo wrote: »
    Ok. A child can spend real money but can't chat.

    Glad someone else can see the irony. Let's add to it that in this game a minor can e-gamble but can't chat. Not the chat problem is EA/CG's fault, but I find the disparity in regulation amusing.
  • Kexchoklad
    20 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It is also a bit weird as my google account has my age but i cant even connect to it because of this...
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    I posted this elsewhere and got an answer from support....

    This issue is related to the player age statistic in-game. Many of us never saw the tutorial so we never got the option to create a player name and set our age. Since this occurred, EA considers you a minor who cannot make adult decisions like make purchases, change your name or age, start Guilds, etc.

    I was told by EA Support that the next game update will address this issue and give us the option to change our in-game age, which will then unlock everything.

    In my case, I'm locked into a Local account due to my age and the game won't allow me to Login to Google....
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    I posted this elsewhere and got an answer from support....

    This issue is related to the player age statistic in-game. Many of us never saw the tutorial so we never got the option to create a player name and set our age. Since this occurred, EA considers you a minor who cannot make adult decisions like make purchases, change your name or age, start Guilds, etc.

    I was told by EA Support that the next game update will address this issue and give us the option to change our in-game age, which will then unlock everything.

    In my case, I'm locked into a Local account due to my age and the game won't allow me to Login to Google....

    Oh, great if they let us change that in-game. I don't ever remember setting my age in game. Just assumed it came from my Apple account, and figured it would be the same for Google.
  • Anathien
    107 posts Member
    my friend has the same problem and this should be fixed somehow !

    you can reset everyone's age and force the game to ask us again ?
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    It's really pretty stupid that support doesn't have the ability to make changes like this, even port over local accounts to Google accounts in seconds even. I never got any response from John or Jesse so let's hope that support person I spoke to was correct or else it's pretty much Endgame for anyone with these problems.

    Since I was playing free, I just started two new accounts and insured they were Google enabled from the start since my guess is that I'll never see my old account again, considering how many issues remain not fixed in this game.,I'd suggest you do the same or call it a day...
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Almost forgot, I had heard that a player was able to move an account to a Google account by support giving his ally code or player ID and they indeed can move the information but it's not a perfect process so gear and abilities will be lost in the conversion. I'm uncertain if this can be done for everyone though and I'd probably not want to be the guy with a free account asking for this as it's probably a no but if you're a whale, you may have better leverage since you have refund as an option...
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I remember them asking for age at some point during the tutorial. I think it's when you first try to log into Google Play. Presumably it then ties that age in with your GP account, so that even if you reinstall the game, as soon as you reconnect to your GP account, it reloads it along with the rest of your info. Probably something similar on the iFruit.
  • drummerboyatx
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Same problem here, never entered age into game but it made my account underage. played for months, leveled up, joined a guild. Then noticed no guild chat available. What? What's going on?

    Spent a couple hundred on characters and shards at this point. Contacted support. Useless. Different answers from six different people. Finally found someone that was helpful who spent an hour with me on the phone contacting different departments.

    Ultimately, the game techs told us that it was "technically impossible" to enter my correct age into the game. What? Your telling me you can't update my player age in my player profile on the server? That's ridiculous, and quite frankly I don't believe it.

    Here's the best part... The final recommendation from the phone tech.... Just make a new account and start over!! Yes, yes and we cannot credit all of your in app purchases to your new account, sorry. You will just have to buy everything all over again.

    At this point I am level 74 and need to be able to communicate with my guild mates about raids etc. This is **** poor service from EA on this matter. One would think that after spending over $200 on a game would entitle you to better treatment than this. At this point I am contemplating abandoning the game altogether, as much of the experience of the game is guild related at my level, and I am handicapped by the "underage" account that was wrongfully created for my by the game..
  • Tolodine
    186 posts Member
    kyloghigo wrote: »
    Ok. A child can spend real money but can't chat.

    I realize that this was just a 'vent', but I had to comment.

    Children can't spend money on this game.

    In order to do so, they have to be given the money (in some way, by an adult)

    Minors cannot be bound to a contract, including anything they click online.

    So, at some point an adult has to make it all happen, in order to pay.

    Hmmmm.... Ask for a refund
  • Options
    Tolodine wrote: »
    kyloghigo wrote: »
    Ok. A child can spend real money but can't chat.

    I realize that this was just a 'vent', but I had to comment.

    Children can't spend money on this game.

    In order to do so, they have to be given the money (in some way, by an adult)

    Minors cannot be bound to a contract, including anything they click online.

    So, at some point an adult has to make it all happen, in order to pay.

    Hmmmm.... Ask for a refund

    I've a Kid account.
    I assure you that I can gamble with real money (I Can use phone credit too).
    Software show offer (example: jedy set, only today 59€)
    I can't login in google play and I can't move my sw account.
    I have speak with support for weeks. There's nothing they can (want) do (refound too).
  • Zephon
    122 posts Member
    and I thought I was the only one with a problem of not being able to see guild chat.

    Kindda interesting to see that I'm not the only one....
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    This problem sadly cannot be fixed and you'll probably have to start over again like I did, making sure that I finished the tutorial, stated my age and have a Google enabled account, not Local Account. Do this and you'll be fine next time...
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    Telaan wrote: »
    kyloghigo wrote: »
    Ok. A child can spend real money but can't chat.

    Glad someone else can see the irony. Let's add to it that in this game a minor can e-gamble but can't chat. Not the chat problem is EA/CG's fault, but I find the disparity in regulation amusing.

    If a kid buys crystals, the crystals won't expose them to vulgarity/profanity, nor will crystals try to convince kids into going over to a stranger's house for a late night sleep over.
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    I was just able to have my account switched from a child account to a normal account. Contact EA support by chat and they can help you.
  • Manowar
    288 posts Member
    This is all very interesting. I've long suspected that several in our guild do not have access to in-game chat due to their utter lack of responsiveness to everything we say. This is a great reason to consider using a third-party messenger program.
  • pabrimmer
    274 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Manowar wrote: »
    This is all very interesting. I've long suspected that several in our guild do not have access to in-game chat due to their utter lack of responsiveness to everything we say. This is a great reason to consider using a third-party messenger program.

    We ran into this problem too. We had a guild member who was a very solid contributor, never missed the 600 daily guild contribution, top 5 finisher on our tier 6 raids. But, we have members on at least 4 continents, so after we started doing heroic, we had to put in a 1 attack per member rule. Otherwise, the raid would be over in an hour, and anyone not awake when we started it would lose out. Unfortunately, there was no way for us to communicate that to this particular member. After multiple raids where they would attack with four teams, we had to remove them so it would be fair to the members following the rules. I was pretty sure the problem was that it was a child account, but there wasn't anything we could do about it.

    Edit: It would be nice if there were an option to email a guild chat digest to the parent email address once a day.
    Barris irl imo idk
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    I too am running into the same problem. I posted a thread in the feedback area, but have NEVER received an answer. Fortunately my guild uses Discord for chat, but I still miss the system provided messages when a new member joins the guild, which I would REALLY like to see.
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