Single player personal guild

3047 posts Member
edited April 2016
Start a closed guild. Invite no one.

It takes 50x as long to open a raid.
But you collect more personal guild tokens.
Because you do the same amount of personal guild activities.
But you are always first place.
And only the heroic tier of the raid has a time limit.
So you can theoretically eventually beat all the other tiers. 5 teams a day until you win. First place again.

Personal guild currency >>> than raid rewards anyway. Hello rey, gamorean guard, and jawa engineer. Hello furnace in guild store. Bye bye guild intra competition and juvenile guild chat.

Am I missing something?


  • Options
    Might as well invite a couple of friends. I think the whole thing is going to have to be reviewed. My guild wiped a lv 4 raid while I was at work so I didn't get to participate and I got no rewards (not lowest tier). I'd say this is a live beta for now.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Doh. Can't complete tier 1 guild activity.
  • Toonny
    109 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Start a closed guild. Invite no one.

    It takes 50x as long to open a raid.
    But you collect more personal guild tokens.
    Because you do the same amount of personal guild activities.
    But you are always first place.
    And only the heroic tier of the raid has a time limit.
    So you can theoretically eventually beat all the other tiers. 5 teams a day until you win. First place again.

    Personal guild currency >>> than raid rewards anyway. Hello rey, gamorean guard, and jawa engineer. Hello furnace in guild store. Bye bye guild intra competition and juvenile guild chat.

    Am I missing something?

    @LastJedi, I have started my one man's guild ("Lightsaber Council") already since Sunday night. My approach will be 16.6X as long to start a raid, but, hey, it is my choice.

    I have two other devices and started alt accounts. They are level 22 now and join my single man's guild. So I have "Toonny", "Rebel Toonny", and "Droid Toonny". Collecting 1800 coins a day.
    I spent 3 minutes on each alt every day, and sim through it just for the 600 bank coins. I don't care "guild activity".
    Once I started the raid, then I will spend 2 weeks to beat it while collecting the coins for the next one.

    Good luck to you and me.

    I will be the first one to solo raid Tie 6.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Cool. So do you earn ANY personal guild currency? Or do you need to complete guild activity tier 1 to make personal currency?

    It looks like guild shop > raid reward right now.

    Hmmm. Maybe you win personal currency when u complete a raid?
  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    You can complete t1 of GW, challenges and arena if you time it right.

    GW t1 got me a whopping 42 guild currency. So it will take a while to make purchases or start a raid. But I would also think it would take a couple weeks if not month to finish the Raid so time between raids would go down.
  • Options
    You won't be able to do heroic, ever.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Yeah, thx. I definitely want to do a raid before even thinking about goingnsolo. Thx for the tips. Makes sense.

    Cool you can beat some of the t1 guild activities, still.
  • Options
    Create an open guild.

    Horde all currency from scrubs.

    Kick them all.

    Start a raid. Rinse repeat.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    being in a large guild and finish around 30/40 during raids will probably get you more guild currency. i dont know about the gear drops, but since you wont be completing many raids this probably wont make up for the guild currency lost/not earned.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    Create an open guild.

    Horde all currency from scrubs.

    Kick them all.

    Start a raid. Rinse repeat.

    +1 genius lol
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    No need to kick them. Just don't tell them when you are going to start the raid. They will eventually leave on their own, but until then, you will get more guild bank.

    This works.
    "My" guild started its first raid at 10 this morning. With no notice. Somehow the only participants were the 5 officers and the guild leader and one other guy who apparently happened to luck out. I checked guild chat an hour before it started. Nothing. An hour after, I noticed a big gaping hole in the guild bank account and other members chat "did I miss it?" Welcome to Distal Ends. Spots are still available!

  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Start a closed guild. Invite no one.

    It takes 50x as long to open a raid.
    But you collect more personal guild tokens.
    Because you do the same amount of personal guild activities.
    But you are always first place.
    And only the heroic tier of the raid has a time limit.
    So you can theoretically eventually beat all the other tiers. 5 teams a day until you win. First place again.

    Personal guild currency >>> than raid rewards anyway. Hello rey, gamorean guard, and jawa engineer. Hello furnace in guild store. Bye bye guild intra competition and juvenile guild chat.

    Am I missing something?

    That sounds amazing. Maybe they did listen to people who didn't want guilds.
  • Options
    I did the math and this checks out. You get exactly the same number of previously unobtainable gear 9 required items as completing T6 raid in 1st place in a full guild.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    It will take you weeks to complete tier 6 solo. Even tier 5 takes a while without a solid team if guildies.
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