Disparity is getting out of hand

3646 posts Member
Anybody who wasn't p2p till now, is steered in that direction, with pitchforks from behind.

Raids are ridiculous and only promote disparity between p2p/f2p because you need to have 25 members leveled/geared up (i will leave ewoks alone).

Raid rewards promote further disparity, because even if they're not good, top 3 get more than bottom.

Gear 9/10/11 promotes even further disparity between f2p/p2p.

It costs 3.5mill to get one character from level 35 to 76??? What?? And GW got harder and rewards stayed the same?

Things are absolutely RIDICULOUS now for f2p! It used to be manageable, but seems things are getting out of hand. If this is what you want, to make the game p2p, please tell me now so i can quit and not waste my precious time anymore!


  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Disagree. There are f2p on my shard who have surpassed me in gear because they save their arena shards and buy furnaces in shipments. On the other hand, I've seen none and I've dumped a lot into this game. I have about two dozen toons sitting at g8 that I'm unable to progress them.

    The handling of the loot system in this game is the worst I've ever seen. I've gone f2p until I see a reason to continue spending money again. There is absolutely no reason as a f2p player to rush to the top. There's a barrier there as well that prevents you from advancing.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Telaan You are unlucky! But there are whales out there who already bought 10 furnaces. I understand that you wish to become f2p, but that's not what i am saying...You are p2p that wants to become f2p. For f2p that were always f2p, life is rough to say the least!
  • Options
    As a ftp i just finished top 10 on a tier 6 raid. We finished 30 minutes onto the third day of raid. It is possible for ftp to contribute and advance.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Disagree. There are f2p on my shard who have surpassed me in gear because they save their arena shards and buy furnaces in shipments. On the other hand, I've seen none and I've dumped a lot into this game. I have about two dozen toons sitting at g8 that I'm unable to progress them.

    The handling of the loot system in this game is the worst I've ever seen. I've gone f2p until I see a reason to continue spending money again. There is absolutely no reason as a f2p player to rush to the top. There's a barrier there as well that prevents you from advancing.

    And btw, those f2p that are 'above' you in that gear level, have only those 5 characters geared up. You are a few clicks away, (well you are unlucky but you get my point :neutral:), from being 15 characters all at gear 9. Than who has the upperhand in arena and in raids? The disparity right now is no joke.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I hear ya. All I'm saying is: the grass isn't always greener on the otherside. Since money in this game has always been about speeding your advance, rather than granting some unobtainable competitive advantage, and that money no longer grants that speed since its 100% RNG on shipment drops, there's no reason to spend.

    I totally understand your frustration, and I think it's being felt across the game because of how poorly this gear was rolled out. Certainly a p2p player who gets extremely lucky in shipment drops will have a significant advantage, but this is not universally occurring.

    I guess my point is that the entire system is bad and that whales aren't to blame.
    Post edited by Telaan on
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Teelan I can NEVER blame whales. They're doing their thing, of course it's not their fault! It's whoever thought of these ideas fault! I don't know if i can even blame the devs...maybe some upper management from EA came up with some of these horrible ideas!
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    I would have thought there should be quite a disparity between p2p and f2p, considering if there isn't then there is no reason to spend money on the game.
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    Disparity doesn't bother me, the lack of credits bothers me though
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    Bout the same as it's always been, doesn't bother me.
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    Great conversation, being F2P, there is a disparity but it can be alleviated with money so the fault in my game shortcomings lies in my hands.

    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.

    With that said, time will answer our questions. If customers continue to walk away, then strategy needs to be changed. If more start buying and ratings improve, the opposite...
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    The only thing stopping me from uninstalling the game today is my guild. The people in it are awesome. I've never once thought about quitting until my patience with this gear issue ran out the night we completed t6. I've been fairly supportive of the Devs overall. I have had specific critiques here and there as well as disagreed with some of their decisions. But I've never been so unhappy with the game as a whole as I am now.

    We'll see what this week brings.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    The only thing stopping me from uninstalling the game today is my guild. The people in it are awesome. I've never once thought about quitting until my patience with this gear issue ran out the night we completed t6. I've been fairly supportive of the Devs overall. I have had specific critiques here and there as well as disagreed with some of their decisions. But I've never been so unhappy with the game as a whole as I am now.

    We'll see what this week brings.

    Why wait? You are obviously miserable...

  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    The only thing stopping me from uninstalling the game today is my guild. The people in it are awesome. I've never once thought about quitting until my patience with this gear issue ran out the night we completed t6. I've been fairly supportive of the Devs overall. I have had specific critiques here and there as well as disagreed with some of their decisions. But I've never been so unhappy with the game as a whole as I am now.

    We'll see what this week brings.

    Why wait? You are obviously miserable...
    Telaan wrote: »
    We'll see what this week brings.
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Tbh as F2P the game was COMPLETELY open to us, enabling us to reach the top of the leaderboards in every mode. The update has defiently changed that

    And tbh I'm not too fussed. It's getting difficult thlugh. I see so many teams with full gear 9 teams now. I still manage to stay afloat but I know this will change soon.

    To put into context, I saved about 1.9k crystals for a while to which I blew 1.6 k on a furnace. I'm only now reaching up, and had 900. To which is spend 300 on cantina.

    Tl dr if you aren't buying crystals from the tore, sooner rather then later, you're gunna get pushed back
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    The only thing stopping me from uninstalling the game today is my guild. The post eople in it are awesome. I've never once thought about quitting until my patience with this gear issue ran out the night we completed t6. I've been fairly supportive of the Devs overall. I have had specific critiques here and there as well as disagreed with some of their decisions. But I've never been so unhappy with the game as a whole as I am now.

    We'll see what this week brings.

    Why wait? You are obviously miserable...

    Seriously were you just a born troll , or have you honed your skill over the ages. It's impressive really, and not in a good way
    Post edited by BentWookiee on
  • Options
    Oootini wrote: »
    Tbh as F2P the game was COMPLETELY open to us, enabling us to reach the top of the leaderboards in every mode. The update has defiently changed that

    And tbh I'm not too fussed. It's getting difficult thlugh. I see so many teams with full gear 9 teams now. I still manage to stay afloat but I know this will change soon.

    To put into context, I saved about 1.9k crystals for a while to which I blew 1.6 k on a furnace. I'm only now reaching up, and had 900. To which is spend 300 on cantina.

    Tl dr if you aren't buying crystals from the tore, sooner rather then later, you're gunna get pushed back

    F2p should be pushed back never be on the top in mobile games. Or else why will people spend money?
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    The game is doing exactly what is designed for. If you are f2p and you are feeling that being p2p would give you an advantage; then just give CG/EA a hand. They research psychology, and they know how to get people to want to pay. What you are most likely feeling is that manipulation.

    There are advantages to paying, but most of the disparity, I feel, comes from the length of time playing. It takes time to get big teams. And some people are new, others have completed every mission for the last 6 months. Is it hard for f2p players to catch up? Yes. However, paying doesn't give extreme advantages, unless someone is whale status, which there are really not tons of.
  • HelloHey
    186 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hanburger wrote: »
    The game is doing exactly what is designed for. If you are f2p and you are feeling that being p2p would give you an advantage; then just give CG/EA a hand. They research psychology, and they know how to get people to want to pay. What you are most likely feeling is that manipulation.

    There are advantages to paying, but most of the disparity, I feel, comes from the length of time playing. It takes time to get big teams. And some people are new, others have completed every mission for the last 6 months. Is it hard for f2p players to catch up? Yes. However, paying doesn't give extreme advantages, unless someone is whale status, which there are really not tons of.

    F2p players, unless they rank first/second everyday, will always struggle to catch up with p2w.

    This is nothing new and should be the norm in all mobile games.
  • Options
    All of what you said is able to be overcome with good planning, except the gulf between gear 8 and gear 9. Even with the raid reward readjustments, EA still hasn't provided any viable path for f2p to get to gear 9. Those who have gear 9s score more damage in raids, giving them a higher chance to get more level 9 gear. It's beginning to make a difference in arena too. Players are targeting the gear 8s, finishing higher and giving them the big crystal payouts, which widens the gulf even more.
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.
    Every time I see a comment like this, it just reminds me how many people have no idea how economics works. If people are still buying things, then EA's prices are not too high. The buyer thinking "whether I can buy it or not" is not a criteria for the validity of a price. The seller thinking "whether I can sell it or not" is. If EA prices their stuff too high, then no one will buy it, and they will drop the price.

    Whether or not you want to hear it, EA and this game are not there for you. You're there for them, to potentially bring them money. Same with whatever customers you encounter in your own job. They are there to make you money, and you are there to make money from them. That doesn't mean that you try to gouge them for every dime they have. They'll just move on to a different provider of a similar service. But you do gouge them for every dime you can get.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.
    Every time I see a comment like this, it just reminds me how many people have no idea how economics works. If people are still buying things, then EA's prices are not too high. The buyer thinking "whether I can buy it or not" is not a criteria for the validity of a price. The seller thinking "whether I can sell it or not" is. If EA prices their stuff too high, then no one will buy it, and they will drop the price.

    Whether or not you want to hear it, EA and this game are not there for you. You're there for them, to potentially bring them money. Same with whatever customers you encounter in your own job. They are there to make you money, and you are there to make money from them. That doesn't mean that you try to gouge them for every dime they have. They'll just move on to a different provider of a similar service. But you do gouge them for every dime you can get.

    It's not "how much can I sell it for?" The question is how can I maximize profits? Do you really believe that EA wouldn't see a boatload of new customers if they made the crystal to credit (for example) conversion rate much better?
  • Options
    That was the one thing both FTP and PTP had to grind for. Now you removed it and made it so you can basically pay for everything.
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    hhooo wrote: »
    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.
    Every time I see a comment like this, it just reminds me how many people have no idea how economics works. If people are still buying things, then EA's prices are not too high. The buyer thinking "whether I can buy it or not" is not a criteria for the validity of a price. The seller thinking "whether I can sell it or not" is. If EA prices their stuff too high, then no one will buy it, and they will drop the price.

    Whether or not you want to hear it, EA and this game are not there for you. You're there for them, to potentially bring them money. Same with whatever customers you encounter in your own job. They are there to make you money, and you are there to make money from them. That doesn't mean that you try to gouge them for every dime they have. They'll just move on to a different provider of a similar service. But you do gouge them for every dime you can get.

    It's not "how much can I sell it for?" The question is how can I maximize profits? Do you really believe that EA wouldn't see a boatload of new customers if they made the crystal to credit (for example) conversion rate much better?
    "How much can I sell it for" includes consideration of profits, just like "whether I can buy it" includes consideration of budget. They may very well get greater profits from lowering gear prices, but that's their decision to make, and they have yet to make it. Complaining about it isn't going to affect their decision. People not buying the parts will.
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    I bet EA has given the question 1,000,000x the attention you have.
  • YugeJazz
    337 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    $$$$$$$. This is a business. They have to make money or else this game is done. The asking price is high, but I'm sure they have enough whales spending to justify asking price.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    That was the one thing both FTP and PTP had to grind for. Now you removed it and made it so you can basically pay for everything.

    The problem is also the randomness. It's even worse than P2P. It's P2WifyouRNG.
    The furnaces are a real problem as they gate nearly everyone. This is incredibly bad design. Even with raids it will take weeks to get these and until then you have no chance in PvP.
    There are guys in my guild who constantly refresh and never see the furnaces and others who have gotten 3 without any refresh.
    Very poor design, and still not corrected weeks later.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.
    Every time I see a comment like this, it just reminds me how many people have no idea how economics works. If people are still buying things, then EA's prices are not too high. The buyer thinking "whether I can buy it or not" is not a criteria for the validity of a price. The seller thinking "whether I can sell it or not" is. If EA prices their stuff too high, then no one will buy it, and they will drop the price.

    Whether or not you want to hear it, EA and this game are not there for you. You're there for them, to potentially bring them money. Same with whatever customers you encounter in your own job. They are there to make you money, and you are there to make money from them. That doesn't mean that you try to gouge them for every dime they have. They'll just move on to a different provider of a similar service. But you do gouge them for every dime you can get.

    I just bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and it was cheaper than upgrading a Chromium character to 7*.......No problem with pricing though.... SMH...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    On the flip side though, EAs prices are ridiculous and clearly don't match the content offered.
    Every time I see a comment like this, it just reminds me how many people have no idea how economics works. If people are still buying things, then EA's prices are not too high. The buyer thinking "whether I can buy it or not" is not a criteria for the validity of a price. The seller thinking "whether I can sell it or not" is. If EA prices their stuff too high, then no one will buy it, and they will drop the price.

    Whether or not you want to hear it, EA and this game are not there for you. You're there for them, to potentially bring them money. Same with whatever customers you encounter in your own job. They are there to make you money, and you are there to make money from them. That doesn't mean that you try to gouge them for every dime they have. They'll just move on to a different provider of a similar service. But you do gouge them for every dime you can get.

    I just bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and it was cheaper than upgrading a Chromium character to 7*.......No problem with pricing though.... SMH...

    You have evidence to back this claim?
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    AND they should add the Mk5 droid caller!
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'll keep this short and sweet:

    1. Making unfarmable retroactive gear was bad design.
    2. Allowing some people to precraft them to get a weeks-long advantage was worse design.
    3. But making a single key item, the Mark V furnace, block the progress of many key characters, making it take ages to get from a raid, and then making it available only as a rare purchase option to people who get lucky -- this is epicly bad design.

    If you had just put it in the raid, fine, it would have taken a while but everyone would have been in the same place. Still RNG but the standard kind in games, drop RNG. You guys need to make money, fine, there are lots of ways to do it. But this is just insane.
    I literally cannot compete in PvP in my shard now. Not because I am bad -- in fact I have stayed in the top 50 fighting teams 5 levels higher than me. Not because I am cheap -- I've spent hundreds and would spend more to get these ridiculous things if I could. But I can't, simply because they haven't been offered to me.
    So we have a situation where people must have an item, they are willing to pay money for it -- which is bad enough, $10 for one gear piece for one character -- but they can't because it's gated behind a dice roll. Even whales are flopping about on the beach.

    This gear business has been a slow-motion train wreck for weeks. @CG_JohnSalera, @CG_Method @CG_AaronNemoyten -- please, do something about it. Thank you.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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