After a while, Rancor will flat out ... BOSS MODE you!

469 posts Member
edited May 2016
I'm searching high and low in the description of the phases (ok just glanced over them) to find some reasoning why this happens. I found my Rebel / Ewok squad holding their own against Rancor T4 and T5.

I had five, fully healthy allies with abilities timed perfectly for continuous damage and healing. Then it happened, Rancor just straight up "rancor slammed" me and wiped out 4 of my 5 full health allies. Then he just swatted the last one down with a 1HKO and that was the end of it. I said "wat"!?! I had noticed that his hits kept increasing in power but I wasn't prepared for that.

The same was true of the Gamorrean phase too but it was less subtle because they don't have an AoE like Rancor. But eventually their attacks just grew more powerful over time.

Now the thing is, I don't think this is inappropriate because I could have spent the next 3 hours fighting the Rancor this way until he was dead. So it seems like there is a fail safe built in to prevent any one guild member from totally monopolizing the raid.

For the record, Rancor was well into his "boss mode" or whatever that Fearsome skull mode is. The cool down had expired a while back. And this was obviously not one of the phases where Devour was available to him.

Anyway, others seeing this too?

EDIT: Changed my title so that this doesn't look like a flame post.


  • Options
    Isn't there like a 15 round countdown to the massive nuke that wipes you out?
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    Sounds like enrage timer of sorts.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Well there certainly appears to be but it's not visible during game play. It's more of a power creep effect with each attack growing stronger and stronger until a single hit wipes you out. I'll have to count the rounds next time. Could have been higher than 15.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    This is detailed in the raid description.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @Lianara - perhaps you're on to something. The word "Enraged" is mentioned under the Fearsome Foe skull description but what the heck does it mean? I took it to mean, "all enemies will become Enraged until the end of the encounter" in, they will be really really angry until the end of the encounter. /sarcasm Perhaps that's what's happening.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    This is detailed in the raid description.

    Detailed? Where? I'm reading it now and there's no mention of a power creep nuke like this. Please explain?

    Honestly, it's okay anyway. Even if it's not I just found this whole thing interesting and wanted to post the info. I'll probably go into the next phase and do the exact same thing.
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    The icon is right there in the game... top left
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    After 15 turns how exactly did you have 5 guys available? He should of devoured at least 1 if not 2 toons
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    Fearsome Foe. It's there so you can't live forever.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    Solidg2000 wrote: »
    After 15 turns how exactly did you have 5 guys available? He should of devoured at least 1 if not 2 toons

    Last phase he doesn't devour
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    I've gotten him to that point before and then he just crushed the remainder of my team with 30k+ attacks.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Smapty wrote: »
    I've gotten him to that point before and then he just crushed the remainder of my team with 30k+ attacks.

    Ha ha yeah I remember the moment. It was just about the time I started thinking "wow I found my Rancor synergy. Man I'm going to do huge damage this ph.....oh wait, WAT"?!?
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    It's not made to breeze through. It takes cooperation, effort & time.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    It's not made to breeze through. It takes cooperation, effort & time.

    Yes agreed. As I stated in my OP, I think it's appropriate I just didn't understand where the power creep was coming from. I read thru all the descriptions but didn't know what Enrage mode meant until now. It sounds like everyone else somehow already knew this but I didn't until it happened.
  • Options
    Gotta pull out before that point lol
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    Once the timer is almost up you need to start escaping what toons you can.
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    Keep an eye on the timer..
  • Options
    Solidg2000 wrote: »
    After 15 turns how exactly did you have 5 guys available? He should of devoured at least 1 if not 2 toons

    Depends on the tier of the raid and your timing/luck. Carefully timing door drops and lining up TM removal + TM removal assist calls can actually get it done I would believe. Especially at lower tiers when his resistance isn't as high. I personally hit the enrage timer today with 4 toons remaining, he didn't hit for 30k as some here were, but it was usually 18+
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Guys OMG ok. I guess my OP was too long. Everyone keeps answering questions that aren't being asked. Now I'm going into Enrage mode for the rest of this post.

  • Options
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    Once the timer is almost up you need to start escaping what toons you can.
    Keep an eye on the timer..

    I was wondering what that thing was. Doh.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    djlott wrote: »
    @Lianara - perhaps you're on to something. The word "Enraged" is mentioned under the Fearsome Foe skull description but what the heck does it mean? I took it to mean, "all enemies will become Enraged until the end of the encounter" in, they will be really really angry until the end of the encounter. /sarcasm Perhaps that's what's happening.

    Enraged is an mmo term for 'your time is up'. That's why in raids DPS (damage per second) is an important stat ... If you couldn't bring down the boss within allotted time, the boss ends the fight via enrage mechanic. At that point the team has a few seconds to try and do something if they're close to finishing.
    In a turn based game this is a fairly elegant solution to the enrage timer.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • JinSaotome
    682 posts Member
    Escape before the counter ends!!!
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
  • Options
    Guys the counter has already expired long before he becomes enraged, I think what the OP is asking is how can we know when he's about to get enraged so that we can escape at the last possible second. Cause right now we don't see it until the rancor starts his turn and ruins you
  • Options
    I don't know, it's just feels Going into a fight you aren't meant to win/supossed to get wiped in, lol. I know, I get it, but as a long timer gamer makes me feel weird and just
  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    Same exact thing happened to me as well. Which timer tracks this ability. FF?
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    I don't know, it's just feels Going into a fight you aren't meant to win/supossed to get wiped in, lol. I know, I get it, but as a long timer gamer makes me feel weird and just

    Yh but we should then be retreating before it happens. I'm going to try it lol. If I can survive the 15 rounds or so lol
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