Should they add real PvP battles?

485 posts Member
edited May 2016
Edit to soften the whine in chat: this would not be intended to replace cantina battles and would not involve a reward scheme, nor have an ranking system, it'd be purely for some quick fun with friends. how do people get so angst at hypothetical ideas?

It's something I crave, even if they just added it in Bluetooth format, the ability to actually put your team against a friends would be fantastic, it would give many players a reason to log in more than is required, and would create a whole new level of competition.
Post edited by Wholf on

Should they add real PvP battles? 35 votes

Yes, definitely!
TwistedChaosPannaJermProofRandelPhilosopherCodyApocMarkatonaRacethefacejoseignaciojzWhatamidoingCaptainsean99ZeyhCorisel_pistolero69Wholf 15 votes
I'm not really fussed...
benacrowOmerAsikicyhot090608L3on 4 votes
Hell no!
SekuAggropoxDarioRobbathehuttMegadeth3700DiraanPetrozzaKlockoEnarethpowerfudgraAaron_of_ExodusThireDimesandPenniesval3nt1n0lolToolsJedi_Wookie 16 votes


  • OmerAsik
    49 posts Member
    I'm not really fussed...
    It would definitely be cool, but would be a headache to setup for both players and developers. I still think we are a long ways away from this feature. Currently they need to focus on fixing and tweaking the current game rather than moving on to a whole new project.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Hell no!
    So the people who precrafted can obliterate anyone who didn't since you're not playing against the crappy AI?

    I don't think so. Then they'd make more gear exclusive to actual PvP battles and those who can't compete are screwed again.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    Hell no!
    Why, so I can get notified 20 times a day while I'm at work and can't do anything about it? **** with that noise!
  • Options
    It could be like in some games were you ask someone to a duel and they can join our decline. As simple as that
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    If you hadn't noticed, this is the thousandth thread about this topic. Congrats!
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Robbathehutt
    1048 posts Member
    Hell no!
    Real pvp would cause massive lag.
  • Thire
    111 posts Member
    Hell no!
    I don't wanna have to worry about lag ******* things up, or having pvp exclusive rewards. I don't really want to have to coordinate with other players too much, I really like that this game doesn't make you rely on when other people come on. If it was just for fun, as I saw you suggest after I voted, I'd be okay with it. It's not something I'm particularly desperate for, but I'd be down for it
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