I need some help

29 posts Member
So I've been focusing on building my team and trying to get better characters but I'm having a hell of a time with some things and I'm hoping you guys have some advice or even some tips to help me out.

My tram consists of the following.
Luminara *7 63
Emperor *5 60
Ashoka *5 61
Ventress *5 60
Phasma *5 60 Leader
All are geared to VIII currently.

My first issue is being able to complete the daily galactic war run. I can get the first four levels done and then it gets very difficult to complete. Depending on who I'm facing depends on whether I can complete the full run or suffice with just a partial. It's very frustrating because I'm so close to getting Vader and it's one achievement I'm 2 completions away from, IF I could complete it.

My second issue has to do with the main ladder. I'm essentially stuck on level 6 normal for both light and dark and level 5 hard for both. Are there specific teams that are good for this? Should I be looking at a different team altogether for the galactic war?

Any help, tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    What level are you?
    Who is notable on your bench?

    How do you attack GW?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    From the little info, Luminara lead might help.
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Shake it up sometimes with Lumi lead. Phasma's great for getting extra hits in, but that's all RNG-dependent. Sometimes it just ain't gonna happen. Lumi's HP buff each turn is there as long as she is.

    That and the AI acts differently depending upon who's in the team, particularly who's lead. Against some teams, Lumi lead will just make it easier for no apparent reason.

    GW is designed to be attacked with more than 5 toons. That's why you have to wait so long before they let you even try it. Build up some of your toons outside of the five you mentioned, and if things aren't working, try swapping in one occasionally to see if it helps. Even if they're still a few levels back and don't help much, they still might soak some damage and take a death that might have been intended for one of your main toons, which will free up time to get in an extra heal or to kill that last guy.

    You also might want to think about bringing in another healer (JC for quantity, Bariss for quality, Daka or Ewok Elder for rez) or at least bumping up Ahsoka enough that her secondary heal is more potent. You can get away with a single healer (or none) in Arena, but there are times where you *will* need two for GW.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    For GW I'd go with Lumi lead for the extra health each turn. Leave Phasma for arena. Also what's your JC at? He is excellent for GW especially since you don't have Bariss yet, whom is a must have for GW. Aside from that, you have a very good team going as far as GW goes, since Lumi and Ahsoka are both good healer/attacker types, and Sid and Ventress have very good self heal abilities.

    For your next step in GW I'd say get JC up to your level and upgrade his heal ability to at least 6 for the 2 turn cooldown, then just keep trucking though. It of course helps to have a deep roster for it, but the right toons will get the job done. I'm currently at lvl 75 and did my GW today without losing anyone until the last fight, where I just did whatever I wanted. I have enough good backup characters, but it all depends on who your team is. For reference, I ran Bariss (L), Lumi, JC, QGJ, and Poe, and encountered quite a few RNG arena teams, but this team has great healing ability and a very high chance to ward off debuffs (bariss passive for jedi and Poe's high tenacity).

    As for the LS/DS battles, they can be tricky, esp in DS where you don't have great healers, but as long as all of your toons are at a respectable gear/player level, they should be reasonably doable. Of course there are some that are very hard, but if that's the case, just farm from the ones you've done and come back when you're higher level.

    Hope that helps!
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    To cosign on the JC talk, only use his self heal if you have to in an emergency, or unless you need to get a little extra offensive oomph and your other cooldowns are already done. It doesn't heal as much as his primary heal does, and his basic attack grants the chance to possibly drop all his cooldowns by one. If you attack normally with him between heals, you'll find that his heal resets early quite a bit more often than you would expect with a 25% chance. Every other turn, if you're lucky.

    You will eventually want to trade him for Bariss, though, especially if you end up using an Omega to reduce the cooldown on Lumi's heal, which makes her heal almost as often as he does (diminishing the only advantage—with several detriments—that he has over her).

    As for DS battles, look into allying with a couple people who have high-level Daka or Talia leads. Both of those tend to draw a lot of fire in the later DS matches, and if they're killed off as borrowed toons, it won't affect whether you get 3 stars or not. Some of those later DS battles also require a ton of DPS to clear the field early, so freeing up a slot for another heavy hitter is helpful, too.
  • Options
    For the most part, you want lumi and barris to be your leaders in GW. I am at a point in the game where I have a good number of players and teams to sub in, but I can usually make it through the whole map with barris as lead.
  • DekeVader
    29 posts Member
    Thanks for all the great responses everyone!
    I'm going to try my best to respond to each of your questions as best I can.

    -My level max right now is 63.
    -Notable on my bench are: Dooku (4 stars, level 60), JC (4 stars, level 60), Chewy (6 stars level 60), Talia (4 stars lvl 59), Luke (4 Stars Level 55), and Jawa ( 4 stars, level 55)

    -When I attack I usually try to aim for either the big damage dealer or the emperor since his debuff that stops me from healing is extremely annoying and one of the things that gets me killed alot, and he is in every single GW battle EVER. I also try to make it a habit of going for Chewy (or other tanks that taunt) first since they usually taunt and I have to attack them anyway. This way I get them down faster. This is my current strategy anyway, I'm definitely open to other strategies obviously.

    -I have been wondering about using Luminara or the Emperor as my leaders. I am definitely going to try Luminara as my leader for GW today and see if that helps. (I'll report back and let you all know of my progress with that).

    -I'm also going to take the advice to get QGJ and Bariss. I've used them through the allies system and they have been a huge help. I've been debating getting them anyway and this is just one more reason to do so. I've also been working on getting Old Ben, Vader, Anakin, and Kylo Ren. I'm not sure how much help they will be but facing them (except Anakin) has been tough due to their abilities and damage.

    -I've also been starting to refocus on my JC again. I had stopped to focus mainly on Luminara but even at 7 stars and 63rd level with level 5 stats I'm not as impressed as I feel i should be with her. She gets killed pretty easily even with VIII gear level.

    Lastly I should mention I'm a F2P player so I don't throw a ton of money at the game (though I do get some gems every so often to support the game and get some bonus energy etc... so I can't throw a bunch of money to get shards etc...

    Thanks again for all your help and I've said this before and I'll say it again, this community is one of the best gaming communities I've ever seen. it's one of the main reasons I still play the game. In today's game market it's so easy to see so many toxic communities, it's really great to see one that is supportive and positive to other players. Each of you deserves extra gems from EA in my book!

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