150 Galactic War Campaign Completion Club! (You won't like what's after 150...)

516 posts Member
edited May 2016
FINALLY!!! @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera is there anyway to tell if I am the first to 150? I doubt I am, but I haven't seen anyone else post on this yet. It would be sweet to have some global leader board for GW completions.

Anyhow, here is the proof:


150 Galactic War Campaign completions! FIVE+ MONTHS of dedicated daily play for...!

...5 Darth Vader shards....Bringing me to a grand total of 54/85 :/ ...


Yeah, I'm a little bitter about this, but I have a feeling the Devs are going to make more achievements soon or add some ways to obtain Darth Vader shards so that only most dedicated and committed players can achieve a TRUE 7* Darth Vader. At least I hope they do...I would hate to see Darth Vader become simply "how much money do I have to spend to get him".

I decided for my 150th GW to catalog the battles, so here they are:





(It wouldn't be SWGoH without a Mol Eliza...haha. I honestly think this is a person who quit the game and hasn't returned).




(This was BY FAR the worst one...I used up my D and C squad on this one alone...)

(So I forgot to take screenshot of this one, but it had 5's as lead with some RG and Rey combo...this is the reward)


(I found this kind of ironic...almost down to just Darth Vader and Old Ben...he got a Culling Blade to the face...)


(The final reward)

And finally, some of you may be wondering, "what is after 150 Galactic War Campaign completions???"

Well, not to spoil it for those who want to be surprised, here is a picture (and I hope I do the spoiler thing right because preview feature is just showing the picture):
That's right, not a darn thing!

Feel free to digest that...

Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
Post edited by Amish_Ace on


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    Congratulations Amish_Ace
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.

    There were only 6 Sidious nodes.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • KeyMan64x
    794 posts Member
    Cool thread! There's always waiting for them to appear in the Shard Shop. About a week ago I got lucky and was able to get 4 in the shard shop. Congrats on the progress. I have a long way to go...
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.

    There were only 6 Sidious nodes.

    Soooooo many Old Ben, RG, 5's nodes now...ugh. And those Phasma and Poggle nodes...I use a suicide squad every time...no way I want to face the brunt of that.
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • Arillian
    240 posts Member
    Great job Ace!
    Knights of the Mobile Republic
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member

    Congratulations Amish_Ace

    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    Cool thread! There's always waiting for them to appear in the Shard Shop. About a week ago I got lucky and was able to get 4 in the shard shop. Congrats on the progress. I have a long way to go...

    Thanks as well! Yeah...whenever I come on the forums and complain about Darth Vader shards, I seem to jinx myself and he doesn't appear in the shard shop again for 2 weeks :(
    Arillian wrote: »
    Great job Ace!

    Thank you kind sir!
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • mccif16
    114 posts Member
    Thank god there is nothing because with progression it would have been 365 wars
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    Grats. I wish my last node was like that. My entire run looks like your last node typically. Killer job though be proud of 150!!!!!!!!!
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.

    There were only 6 Sidious nodes.

    Not sure if you are correcting me, or sarcasticly agreeing with me.

    He is a staple, regardless, in the early nodes, to block your healing.

    Daka, Dooku, and RG for the late nodes to wear you down.

    Its probably designed that way.

  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.

    There were only 6 Sidious nodes.

    Not sure if you are correcting me, or sarcasticly agreeing with me.

    He is a staple, regardless, in the early nodes, to block your healing.

    Daka, Dooku, and RG for the late nodes to wear you down.

    Its probably designed that way.

    I was correcting you.

    For someone to be seen on a large percentage of arena teams throughout the course of the game (at least over 75%) then to be seen on only half of the GW nodes is perfectly normal. In fact you could expect to see Sidious on more nodes than 6.

    He isn't even a problem nowadays anyway. He barely lands any dots and almost never lands any heal immunities.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    I thought chromium exclusive characters wouldn't show up in GW boxes... How'd you get maul?
  • Options
    I thought chromium exclusive characters wouldn't show up in GW boxes... How'd you get maul?

    They do all the time. I regularly get Leia and even Vader sometimes.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    43/85 Vader slow. Congrats OP. You have a month on me.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »

    Like a gutshot...

    And your GW looks similar to mine, Sidious on almost every node.

    There were only 6 Sidious nodes.

    Not sure if you are correcting me, or sarcasticly agreeing with me.

    He is a staple, regardless, in the early nodes, to block your healing.

    Daka, Dooku, and RG for the late nodes to wear you down.

    Its probably designed that way.

    I was correcting you.

    For someone to be seen on a large percentage of arena teams throughout the course of the game (at least over 75%) then to be seen on only half of the GW nodes is perfectly normal. In fact you could expect to see Sidious on more nodes than 6.

    He isn't even a problem nowadays anyway. He barely lands any dots and almost never lands any heal immunities.

    Go on with your bad self.

    I never said he gave me a problem.

    Where did you get character usage statistics?
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    Great work Ace! Congratulations!
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    There's guys above 1000 GW wins, considering a few are in my F2P guild.
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    There's guys above 1000 GW wins, considering a few are in my F2P guild.

    I think what you are looking at is the node completion. Take that number and divide by 12. Here is a pic of mine:


    As you can see, take 1810 and divide by 12 = 150.83

    (This is because one time I could only complete up thru node 10, WAAAAAY back when before I learned about force closing the game...which is now the current retreat).
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • Bawss08
    24 posts Member
    great work bud
    Knights of the Mobile Republic [KotMR]
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    There's guys above 1000 GW wins, considering a few are in my F2P guild.

    If that was the case the game would have had to of been out for almost three years.

    It has been out for a little over 5 months. 5x30=150. So the OP has completed it almost every single day since he started.

    The only issue he would have had is beta/soft launch players.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • praiodan
    14 posts Member
    nice work, about double what I'm at!
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Amish_Ace Great post dude congrats! I had a feeling nothing would follow 150. We can predict the negative like Pavlov's dog after @5.5 months... :'(

    "throughout the course of the game" Yes Sid WAS everywhere. I can't even remember the last time I saw him in Arena. Almost everybody maxed Sid & Lumi 1& 2. Sid's in the rearview.
    But seriously some tough match ups in there. Multiple QGJ, Rey, RG, Ben, Dooku etc is tough in GW. Nicely done.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Geddre
    224 posts Member
    There's guys above 1000 GW wins, considering a few are in my F2P guild.

    Not wins... completions. As in, he has beat all 12 battles in GW 150 times. So 1800 total wins.
  • Geddre
    224 posts Member
    Oh, and Congrats Ace! That's some serious discipline to get it done almost every day since release.
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    Geddre wrote: »
    Oh, and Congrats Ace! That's some serious discipline to get it done almost every day since release.

    Thanks! I appreciate that. Vader is one of the main things that keeps me going in this game if I ever get discouraged. I need him at 7*! Haha...
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • Kopkin
    48 posts Member
    Congratulations to a top guild leader
    Nice one boss!
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    nice job, im at 148 so ill get there soon. my GWs arent as killer as yours though, thankfully.
  • pip_ninja
    30 posts Member
    edited May 2016
  • Sir_Whooty
    518 posts Member
    They should add more rewards. I was kind of sad when the "Promote X characters" ended. If they do add more levels i hope its retroactive. Waking up to 15+ Vader shards would be great.
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