Let's Pretend I Want a Maxed Sun Fac (and Rex)

1193 posts Member
I would love someone who has bought chromium and understands that some chromium-exclusive toons do hit more commonly and the shards come more faster (kit fisto, leia) could give me an estimate of how much money or 8-card mega packs it would take on average to have sun fac and rex totalling 330 shards (i.e. 7 star)... Someone with mathematics background and dirty little chromium secret hidden in the closet best to answer... But all answers welcome...

Oh I this is theoretical. Please don't come onto my threat and spew f2p vs whale nonsense. We all like the game... There is a place for all of us...


  • The_Jam
    141 posts Member
    I've spent roughly 2k and have darth maul and Leia 7 star got a couple of others 5 star like Fisto and Ayala Secura
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    I have a couple friends who are whales! If you are looking for someone in particular, and getting them to the proper star level to compete, it's going to be a costly venture. I have one friend who got a 7* maul that he wanted after 500 bucks. I hear that's pretty **** lucky as far as chromiums go. Another guy had to throw down close to 2k before he got the Leia he was yearning for. about 100-150k crystals on chromiums should get you somewhere
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    I had actually wondered this myself... being that they value wedge at around $150-250 for 7* one had to figure that a random person from the data store would be an astronomical amount. $2k though? Wow... Just wow....
  • Stick0014
    120 posts Member
    I've bought 15 8 pack chromium, I have a 6* Leia to show for it. 30 Rex shards, 5* kit fisto, some rg shards, a bunch of tools I had maxed already, and a 3* Alaya, all I wanted was a Rex. Lol
  • Options
    Took almost 3 grand to get enough shards to 7* my Liea.


    Don't spend unless you can throw at least 1000 dollars at the game ( possibly more if your rng is like mine). If that is not doable then stay f2p or move on.
  • Options
    Sun Face seems to take between 100k and 160k crystals to 7*
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    When Sun Fac came out, people in the guild got him at 7* for around $500. When Rex first came out, we had someone spend a few hundred thousand crystals trying to get him to 7* and only got him to 6*.

    Thanks to the aurodiums for making him easier to get.
    145 posts Member
    I just bought 25 Chromium 8's today to finish off my Kit, Leia, Rex @ 78/100, Alaya @ 85/100, Sun Fac@ 64/85, Cad @ 251/30, and quite a few toons @ 5*+. Total= Less than $1000.
  • Options
    Alita wrote: »
    Sun Face seems to take between 100k and 160k crystals to 7*

    Regarding Sun Face, I've asked around myself and he seems to be a minimum of 100k crystals so this looks accurate (not to mention she already has SF 7*'ed).

    Not sure about Rex right now. Haven't heard about anyone trying to snag him from scratch post-aurodium.

  • Options
    I have maxed Rex and maxed Sun Fac. I was pretty lucky. Rex I'd had for a long time. He was already 5 stars when I went hunting for Sun. I spent $600 when I went whaling for him. Rex benefited greatly from this hunt as I maxed him too. I can't remember what I spent when I was a noob to get Rex in the first place. I did not participate in the Aurodium for him. It was strictly a chromium venture. I think I spent $250 at a guess that first time.

    So roughly $850 whaling extravaganza. But...it's all RNG. I was pretty lucky in pulls as I understand it.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Awesome information all of you posters here above!!! Thank you all...
  • Merula
    68 posts Member
    Sun Fac was $300 for me. RNG liked me that day.

    Rex has been a ****. Had him at 96/100 before I dropped 300 on SF. Did not get a single Rex shard. I spent another 200 just to get 4 shards for Rex. Painful.

  • Rui_Vuusen
    23 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sun Fac and Rex cost me about $400 for both. Got really lucky and pulled a bunch of character unlocks for both. Took roughly $2000 to 7* all current Chromium characters minus Wedge.
  • ChaosDoom
    87 posts Member
    Sun Fac cost average between 100 to 150k crystals to 7* depending on how lucky you are.

    Rex and Wedge cost one fifth of the crystals needed to 7* Sun Fac being Aurodium, average 20 to 30k crystals.

    Hope these information helps. The average is based on mine and TI experience. Credits to TI. Thanks.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    ChaosDoom wrote: »
    Sun Fac cost average between 100 to 150k crystals to 7* depending on how lucky you are.

    Rex and Wedge cost one fifth of the crystals needed to 7* Sun Fac being Aurodium, average 20 to 30k crystals.

    Hope these information helps. The average is based on mine and TI experience. Credits to TI. Thanks.

  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'd pay for both of these guys. But not the $500+ each it would cost me. (I already know how it would go.)
    Rex should be brought back in aurodium. At the time he came out he was buggy and there was no reason for anyone to believe he'd be as important in the raid as he is now.
    I'll pay for him, but I'm not gambling for him.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    I think I've come up with a formula:

    1. Take the amount of your life savings
    2. If you are ok with not getting whoever it is to
    seven star divide by two
    3. Multiply by the number of characters you want
    4. If you're a lucky person multiply by two
    5. If you're an unlucky person multiply by two
    6. Go for a walk to clear your mind, if you can't clear your mind multiply by two
    7. If your phone is below 50% battery recharge and add $25

    If you follow these steps correctly I think it'll calculate the amount you need to 7* whoever you desire. (Sarcasm :wink:)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    It shouldnt take too long...
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I'd pay for both of these guys. But not the $500+ each it would cost me. (I already know how it would go.)
    Rex should be brought back in aurodium. At the time he came out he was buggy and there was no reason for anyone to believe he'd be as important in the raid as he is now.
    I'll pay for him, but I'm not gambling for him.

    So my plan to get characters I like versus getting meta is working!

    @Qeltar you should know that it's not guaranteed Rex will always be so good in the raid. Top/meta characters spin round and round on a carousel. Go with the ones you like, odds are your time will one day come (and go). Unless you are a mega whale and can afford to keep up with every new change.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    I feel like it's close to Leias time to be free. There is a Hoth Leia datanined and they seem to release the toons that start out around 2*. :)
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Aero wrote: »
    @Qeltar you should know that it's not guaranteed Rex will always be so good in the raid. Top/meta characters spin round and round on a carousel. Go with the ones you like, odds are your time will one day come (and go). Unless you are a mega whale and can afford to keep up with every new change.

    Well, the raid is a known quantity and Rex is a known quantity. Unless they decide to remove his abilities or massively change the raid (neither is likely) he is going to continue to be a gamechanger.
    He may be less great for the next raid, but for this one he's amazing.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Stick0014 wrote: »
    I've bought 15 8 pack chromium, I have a 6* Leia to show for it. 30 Rex shards, 5* kit fisto, some rg shards, a bunch of tools I had maxed already, and a 3* Alaya, all I wanted was a Rex. Lol

    This! This is the junk I hate about this game!

    Why the **** can't CG make toons not drop from ALL packs if you've already maxed out their stars?!?!?!? Just dump the shard shop disaster that general 4 arms is in, and put him and Vader in packs. Everyone will be a lot happier..unless you've already maxed every toon anyways, which then you have no reason to buy anyways except to convert for the 4 armed droid.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    It shouldnt take too long...

    Tell me this is photoshopped. Otherwise wow!! I would take that 8 pack x 7!!
  • Jay21
    61 posts Member
    Cost me $400 got maxed sun fac Lea and cad bane and was able to get Rex to 5*
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