Can't level up :-/


  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.


    I think you are the only one didn't understand. You just answer your own question. lol you can't afford to refresh cantina. If you refresh once in cantina you can get a heroes to 7* in 2month instead of 4months. Also have extra 120cantina energy to farm more shards.

    Good luck with your slow leveling. That is not a solution. You just not step up to your A game.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Song wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.


    I think you are the only one didn't understand. You just answer your own question. lol you can't afford to refresh cantina. If you refresh once in cantina you can get a heroes to 7* in 2month instead of 4months. Also have extra 120cantina energy to farm more shards.

    Good luck with your slow leveling. That is not a solution. You just not step up to your A game.

    I don't refresh Cantina because it costs too much gems, not credits. And you do not necessarily half the time it takes to acquire the necessary shards. It is dependent on your luck, not guaranteed, not worth the chance while burning through precious gems. Besides that, getting your 7* shards faster will not help you if you don't have the credits to promote them. Thus, you must pace your advancement to match the amount of credits you can make.
    Crying and begging the devs to bless you with more credits is not a solution.
    What 'A' game? I choose not to push into the higher Arena ranks because it is not worth the effort. And in raids I am competing with other guild members that are 15 levels higher than me, and placing along side them in total damage points. Nobody in my guild at my player level even comes close.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    Song wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.


    I think you are the only one didn't understand. You just answer your own question. lol you can't afford to refresh cantina. If you refresh once in cantina you can get a heroes to 7* in 2month instead of 4months. Also have extra 120cantina energy to farm more shards.

    Good luck with your slow leveling. That is not a solution. You just not step up to your A game.

    I don't refresh Cantina because it costs too much gems, not credits. And you do not necessarily half the time it takes to acquire the necessary shards. It is dependent on your luck, not guaranteed, not worth the chance while burning through precious gems. Besides that, getting your 7* shards faster will not help you if you don't have the credits to promote them. Thus, you must pace your advancement to match the amount of credits you can make.
    Crying and begging the devs to bless you with more credits is not a solution.
    What 'A' game? I choose not to push into the higher Arena ranks because it is not worth the effort. And in raids I am competing with other guild members that are 15 levels higher than me, and placing along side them in total damage points. Nobody in my guild at my player level even comes close.

    Lmao do you have any idea of what you talking about? Of course it need crystal to refresh. Anyway Daka, Poe, QGJ are available in Cantina shipment unless cantina shipment. Of course Poe/Daka also can farm in hard node but it take forever. WIth my refresh i can farm a 7* heroes in cantinas for 4-5weeks. ATleast i got Kylo, GS, Dooku, JC are from Cantina.

    I never complain. I have 16 heroes that are 7* ( 10 of it are Lv77, 6 others is around lv 70-74).
  • uffdan
    49 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    E.g. my player level is 73, but a lot of my arena toons are 68 or lower. It all depends on their lvl requirements for gear and abilities. My JC, for instance, is only level 59. That's all he needs all the way thru gear 9. Leveling him all the way up will give him a little more health, but it won't be a game changer. In the meantime, that is a million credits I can play with other toons for the utility. In a game of rock paper and scissors, you can't beat a rock by obsessively pouring all your resources into your scissors.

    This is true. I stopped leveling my A team toons at 70 (nice round number) I'm currently level 74. I can still beat the 71-75s in arena, the extra 4-5 in each stat and arbitrary small power gain from leveling up doesn't make a huge difference like gear and stars make.

    But all the credits I've kept that way have let me raise a lot more toons to a range where they're at least useful in GW for a match or two. Granted, I can get through GW with just my A team but it isn't fun, it's a grind. It's easier just to throw in a b team to soften up the harder fights.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    Song wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.


    I think you are the only one didn't understand. You just answer your own question. lol you can't afford to refresh cantina. If you refresh once in cantina you can get a heroes to 7* in 2month instead of 4months. Also have extra 120cantina energy to farm more shards.

    Good luck with your slow leveling. That is not a solution. You just not step up to your A game.

    I don't refresh Cantina because it costs too much gems, not credits. And you do not necessarily half the time it takes to acquire the necessary shards. It is dependent on your luck, not guaranteed, not worth the chance while burning through precious gems. Besides that, getting your 7* shards faster will not help you if you don't have the credits to promote them. Thus, you must pace your advancement to match the amount of credits you can make.
    Crying and begging the devs to bless you with more credits is not a solution.
    What 'A' game? I choose not to push into the higher Arena ranks because it is not worth the effort. And in raids I am competing with other guild members that are 15 levels higher than me, and placing along side them in total damage points. Nobody in my guild at my player level even comes close.

    Wait, what level are you? Also, sitting back and not progressing is a viable strategy for really casual players, not for everyone. Credit crunch becomes an issue at higher levels.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Song wrote: »
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.


    I think you are the only one didn't understand. You just answer your own question. lol you can't afford to refresh cantina. If you refresh once in cantina you can get a heroes to 7* in 2month instead of 4months. Also have extra 120cantina energy to farm more shards.

    Good luck with your slow leveling. That is not a solution. You just not step up to your A game.

    I don't refresh Cantina because it costs too much gems, not credits. And you do not necessarily half the time it takes to acquire the necessary shards. It is dependent on your luck, not guaranteed, not worth the chance while burning through precious gems. Besides that, getting your 7* shards faster will not help you if you don't have the credits to promote them. Thus, you must pace your advancement to match the amount of credits you can make.
    Crying and begging the devs to bless you with more credits is not a solution.
    What 'A' game? I choose not to push into the higher Arena ranks because it is not worth the effort. And in raids I am competing with other guild members that are 15 levels higher than me, and placing along side them in total damage points. Nobody in my guild at my player level even comes close.

    You are choosing to play the game in a way that does not maximize the rate of progress possible with no spending. There's nothing wrong with that but it isn't really relavent to the discussion of what the bottleneck in this game is. It doesn't really matter if you store credits, level slowly, level all your guys equally, always have x million credits.

    The fact is that credits are the bottleneck to advancing characters. That fact is not arguable. Even getting rid of a cantina refresh you accumulate more shards than you can afford to promote and fall behind by about 1 million credits a week. So the only difference between you and other players is you choose not to complain about it. The credit crunch still exists for you you just have decided not to care about it.

    Also your statement that cantina refreshes are luck is false. 99.7% of the time it will take you 990+/- 45 attempts to max out a charactor. If you prefer six sigma accuracy 990+/-90. It's not luck it's stats.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    Solution for people complain. Also i forgot to mention also daily quest give credits, crystals etc.
    If you can't completed GW or not able to finish 9-10nodes then you will suffer because you will have less credits to use.

    Follow my advice. You have 4 places to get Toons. Arena shipment, GW shipment, Cantina and Cantina shipment.

    GW to get a 7* heroes it required 16-22days
    ARena take around 30days (assumed you are in Rank top 50)
    Cantina farming take 1month or little more.
    Cantina shipment take the longest around 2months if you refresh once.
    •IF you completed everyday in GW for a month you will get around 13M credits, if you just finish 9-10nodes you will able to get atleast 10M credits per month.
    •Plus cantina without refresh you can get up to 1-1.5m or with refresh 2.5-3M credits
    •Challenge - Each week you get Bounty hunter on Sun, Tues, Friday that is 9 time per week. A month you can get up to 3M credits.
    •Normal or hard Node - IT depend on which stage you do but if you use 2 refresh. Farm it for a month you will get atleast 2M credits.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The fact is that credits are the bottleneck to advancing characters. That fact is not arguable.

    The debate is not whether the fact is arguable, but whether it should be argued at all. The simple truth is that the devs have established a limit to how much credits a (free) player can accumulate in a certain amount of time. Those are the established rules of the game, and now people want the rules changed to accommodate their personal playing habits.
    Its like saying in baseball, you get one point for crossing home plate. Well, thats not enough for me to win so I want the rules changed so I get 2 points. People just want to progress faster, but that is not how the devs have designed the game, for obvious reasons. My argument is to find a different solution rather than praying and begging the devs to change the rules.
    The ultimate result of increasing the credit payout is to eliminate credits altogether. Someone is always going to complain that they don't have enough. Its like government always debating about raising the debt ceiling. Well it isn't much of a ceiling if you are always raising it. Just get rid of the ceiling and you can incur all the debt you want. In the case of this game, just let people advance as fast as they want, then you can have something else to complain about.
  • Options
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The fact is that credits are the bottleneck to advancing characters. That fact is not arguable.

    The debate is not whether the fact is arguable, but whether it should be argued at all. The simple truth is that the devs have established a limit to how much credits a (free) player can accumulate in a certain amount of time. Those are the established rules of the game, and now people want the rules changed to accommodate their personal playing habits.
    Its like saying in baseball, you get one point for crossing home plate. Well, thats not enough for me to win so I want the rules changed so I get 2 points. People just want to progress faster, but that is not how the devs have designed the game, for obvious reasons. My argument is to find a different solution rather than praying and begging the devs to change the rules.
    The ultimate result of increasing the credit payout is to eliminate credits altogether. Someone is always going to complain that they don't have enough. Its like government always debating about raising the debt ceiling. Well it isn't much of a ceiling if you are always raising it. Just get rid of the ceiling and you can incur all the debt you want. In the case of this game, just let people advance as fast as they want, then you can have something else to complain about.

    Do you even know how many credits it takes to level a 70+ character one level. Then multiply it by 5 because you must level up you entire Arena squad. And now with the raid system in guilds you kinda need 20-25 characters leveled up maybe not maxed but enough to do damage and of high enough stars to compete.
  • MasterSeedy
    5218 posts Member
    And now with the raid system in guilds you kinda need 20-25 characters leveled up maybe not maxed but enough to do damage and of high enough stars to compete.

    To be fair, you kinda needed a number of good characters for GW. I agree the Rancor requires even more quality-level characters than GW, but not a huge number more. I am PL 67 and have 13 toons in purple Gear. (None Gear9 yet, but 4 or 5 are Gear8). I'll probably be shooting for 18 in purple gear, at least level 55. That doesn't change my plans too much, but I was cultivating a deep bench anyway, more out of philosophy toward the game and what's fun than any other reason.

    Still, it's worth noting that at PL 67 I have only 1 toon at 7*, only 200k credits in the bank, and not a single toon of even 66th level, only 3 at 65th.

    At my level, it's still as much about training droids as it is about cash, but yeah, I can see that a bottleneck is coming soon. Fortunately, I don't have but one toon, I think, that needs a level over 65 and less than 73 to equip any gear. Since it takes multiple days to go up a PLevel, that's multiple millions of credits to raise only one toon up to level 70. It's when I hit level 73 and I want to give people their gear and need to level 3 or 4 toons up at once that it starts to become worrying to me.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    500k+ credits for 600 crystals

    I have gotten over 1 mil with bonuses before.

    You can farm those crystals in a week, or pay 5$.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have 17 toons all at max level 58 and 8 million credits. By the time I reach level 60....

    The cost of leveling increases exponentially while credit income increases linearly. Please let me know how maintaining 17 toons at max level goes when you're in you late 60s+. When you're sitting at 50k credits scratching your head saying everyone else was right because you're unable to afford to level...we'll be here to say we told you so.

    Seriously though. Your level does matter. You are not wiser or more savvy than anyone else; you are simply low level and before a point where credits become a rare commodity.
  • Options
    Do you even know how many credits it takes to level a 70+ character one level. Then multiply it by 5 because you must level up you entire Arena squad. And now with the raid system in guilds you kinda need 20-25 characters leveled up maybe not maxed but enough to do damage and of high enough stars to compete.

    No, I don't know how many credits it takes, and I don't care. You are functioning under the belief that you should be able to level as many toons as you want as quickly as you want, which the game does not permit by design. Get used to it. You simply have to work with what you are able to produce.
    I am functioning under the acceptance that my leveling abilities are limited so I plan accordingly. I don't have any preconceived notions about how many 7* lvl 70 toons I SHOULD have to play Arena, GW, or Raids. I just use what I have and get on with it and play the game the best I can.
    You are continually stressing yourself over the idea that if you cannot win then something is wrong with the game. It's not the game, it's your misguided perception of what the game should be. They did not design the game to be easy to win. They designed it to be hard to win so that you would give them money to make it easy to win. They are not going to change that just so you can gloat over all your shiny new max level 70 toons.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    Level 58? Adorbs. Seriously though, wait until you are in the 70s then get back with us.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have 17 toons all at max level 58 and 8 million credits. By the time I reach level 60....
    You are not wiser or more savvy than anyone else; you are simply low level and before a point where credits become a rare commodity.

    No, I'm not wiser, I just play differently. Other people on this thread have already spoken up and confirmed my claims. They are above lvl 70 and have no credit problems. Reread the thread.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    No, I don't know how many credits it takes.

    This is the only relevant part of your reply worth responding to, since I find it interesting you take such a definitive stance on a subject you don't have any experience in. You are playing a totally different game from those in their late 60s+. Yet you somehow seem to have a strong opinion on something you don't know anything about, to the point that anyone who disagrees with you has a faulty perception of reality. Very interesting indeed.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have 17 toons all at max level 58 and 8 million credits. By the time I reach level 60....
    You are not wiser or more savvy than anyone else; you are simply low level and before a point where credits become a rare commodity.

    No, I'm not wiser, I just play differently. Other people on this thread have already spoken up and confirmed my claims. They are above lvl 70 and have no credit problems. Reread the thread.

    This is a character collection game, not a banking simulator. There is a massive difference between where we are now and having so many credits that no resource management is required at all. Clearly, it's not as black and white as you'd love it to be, or else you wouldn't have so many who disagree.

    I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time taking a level 58 player seriously on this subject. You honestly have no idea what you're talking about. It's the equivalent of a player in the tutorial exclaiming that their reality is the definitive reality. Not only is it laughable for you to be declaring what is and is not for something you haven't begun to experience; but having a couple supporters who find satisfaction in only leveling the same seven toons does not somehow vindicate you or make you more correct. You have an opinion, that is all.

    Still lol'ing at the ability to maintain 17 max level toons and build a surplus of credits. To level 17 toons from 77-78 would require 4.5 million credits.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Still, it's worth noting that at PL 67 I have only 1 toon at 7*, only 200k credits in the bank, and not a single toon of even 66th level, only 3 at 65th.

    Respectfully, what have you been doing?
    At lvl 59 I have a long-standing 7*, with more on the way. Lumi is just a few days away. One 6* and another - Phasma - tomorrow. 17 max level 59 toons. 13 are gear 7, 1 is gear 8. I would have more at gear 8 but they are level restricted. I have 8.4 mil credits and am only half way through level 59.
    When I got Vader just a few days ago, I immediately brought him to max level and gear 6. Cost 1.5 million credits, but I had it . Now he is close to gear 8 but level restricted. I have other new toons coming up - Rey and Sidious - and I will be able to max level them instantly because I have the credits to do it, but possibly not the droids. One might have to wait a few days, or I will just buy droids with credits. GS will be 3* in a couple days and I will max level him as well.
    By lvl 61 I should have 20 max level toons, with plenty of credits to spare. I finish GW everyday (missed once), and collect 700-800 Arena credits everyday. I compete evenly with my guild mates that are 15 levels higher than me.
    So golly gee, I must be doing something really wrong.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    What do you mean by "compete evenly?"
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    Still lol'ing at the ability to maintain 17 max level toons and build a surplus of credits. To level 17 toons from 77-78 would require 4.5 million credits.

    And explain to me why I should care about that. That is months away from now. I'm playing the game today. The difference between us is that I don't care about owning every toon in the game. Nobody needs them all. Aside from Raids, nobody needs more than 20 good characters, the rest just sit around collecting dust.
    I don't know why you are so proud of being level 70+ and crying about not being able to support your teams. Level means nothing. Opponents are matched by team power. Being level 70 is the same as being level 50. No matter how fast you level up you still face the same power opponents. I don't benefit at all by rushing to 70 and left with a ramshackle team spread out at various levels down to 50 and 40 like I have seen some people. Most of them not even past gear 5.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Still lol'ing at the ability to maintain 17 max level toons and build a surplus of credits. To level 17 toons from 77-78 would require 4.5 million credits.

    And explain to me why I should care about that. That is months away from now. I'm playing the game today. The difference between us is that I don't care about owning every toon in the game. Nobody needs them all. Aside from Raids, nobody needs more than 20 good characters, the rest just sit around collecting dust.
    I don't know why you are so proud of being level 70+ and crying about not being able to support your teams. Level means nothing. Opponents are matched by team power. Being level 70 is the same as being level 50. No matter how fast you level up you still face the same power opponents. I don't benefit at all by rushing to 70 and left with a ramshackle team spread out at various levels down to 50 and 40 like I have seen some people. Most of them not even past gear 5.

    You should care about the potential pitfalls of what you'll encounter. You clearly do care about having a diverse roster or you wouldn't maintain 17 toons.

    Where did I state that I was "proud" of being 70+? The only reason it's part of the discussion is because being where I am compared to you gives me a perspective you lack. That's all.

    You do seem to have the desire for telling people what they need and don't need or how they should be playing, rather than accepting that others may want to play differently. You said it yourself, raids are a reason you need a large roster. Aside from need, there are plenty of reasons to want a larger roster. Some people enjoy the ability to play with more than the same few toons their entire game experience. Having a larger roster allows players to change with the meta. Whether that be in arena, GW, or missions, it's not for you to tell people how to play. You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But standing on your soapbox shouting down anyone who disagrees while declaring that the credit crunch doesn't exist from your quaint level 58 perch is silly.

    Your opponents in arena, the single biggest source for free premium currency, are not selected by power. It's a ladder where team synergy and power mean a lot. People push their team to be the best because the better your rank the more crystals you get. The more crystals you get the faster you can improve yourself. It is a competitive game, and people play it as such.

    Level means a lot. Gear slots unlock at specific levels. Gear levels are the single biggest modifier that determines toon power. Gear level also dictates protection strength, which is huge. Levels also unlock new ability levels. An additional 15% damage, reduced cd, increased effectiveness, or any of the other jumps in strength can make a huge difference in toon effectiveness. Many toons see their peak in effectiveness at later toon or gear levels. Chewie, a decent early to mid game toon loses steam late in the mid game, where as other toons either aren't available or are poor in the early to mid game but come into their own in the late game. I have no idea how someone can say there is no difference between 70 and 50. They are night and day. Those that reach 80 the fastest begin collecting omega mats sooner, which means more level 8 abilities than someone who's slower to grind. I could go on and on about how utterly wrong you are.
  • Options
    Naugrin wrote: »
    What do you mean by "compete evenly?"

    I do the same amount of damage and place along side guild members that are 15 levels I higher than me.
    I would post an image, but it is too difficult on this forum.
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Still lol'ing at the ability to maintain 17 max level toons and build a surplus of credits. To level 17 toons from 77-78 would require 4.5 million credits.

    And explain to me why I should care about that. That is months away from now. I'm playing the game today. The difference between us is that I don't care about owning every toon in the game. Nobody needs them all. Aside from Raids, nobody needs more than 20 good characters, the rest just sit around collecting dust.
    I don't know why you are so proud of being level 70+ and crying about not being able to support your teams. Level means nothing. Opponents are matched by team power. Being level 70 is the same as being level 50. No matter how fast you level up you still face the same power opponents. I don't benefit at all by rushing to 70 and left with a ramshackle team spread out at various levels down to 50 and 40 like I have seen some people. Most of them not even past gear 5.

    You should care about the potential pitfalls of what you'll encounter. You clearly do care about having a diverse roster or you wouldn't maintain 17 toons.

    Where did I state that I was "proud" of being 70+? The only reason it's part of the discussion is because being where I am compared to you gives me a perspective you lack. That's all.

    You do seem to have the desire for telling people what they need and don't need or how they should be playing, rather than accepting that others may want to play differently. You said it yourself, raids are a reason you need a large roster. Aside from need, there are plenty of reasons to want a larger roster. Some people enjoy the ability to play with more than the same few toons their entire game experience. Having a larger roster allows players to change with the meta. Whether that be in arena, GW, or missions, it's not for you to tell people how to play. You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But standing on your soapbox shouting down anyone who disagrees while declaring that the credit crunch doesn't exist from your quaint level 58 perch is silly.

    Your opponents in arena, the single biggest source for free premium currency, are not selected by power. It's a ladder where team synergy and power mean a lot. People push their team to be the best because the better your rank the more crystals you get. The more crystals you get the faster you can improve yourself. It is a competitive game, and people play it as such.

    Level means a lot. Gear slots unlock at specific levels. Gear levels are the single biggest modifier that determines toon power. Gear level also dictates protection strength, which is huge. Levels also unlock new ability levels. An additional 15% damage, reduced cd, increased effectiveness, or any of the other jumps in strength can make a huge difference in toon effectiveness. Many toons see their peak in effectiveness at later toon or gear levels. Chewie, a decent early to mid game toon loses steam late in the mid game, where as other toons either aren't available or are poor in the early to mid game but come into their own in the late game. I have no idea how someone can say there is no difference between 70 and 50. They are night and day. Those that reach 80 the fastest begin collecting omega mats sooner, which means more level 8 abilities than someone who's slower to grind. I could go on and on about how utterly wrong you are.

    Blah, blah, blah …I'm aware of all that.
    I'm not telling people how they should play the game, I'm telling them to stop complaining about not having enough credits when they spend themselves into oblivion and still want more. They can play anyway they want, but it is crazy to play beyond their means and then complain that the game is broken.
    The game is not broken, you are just poor managers.
    The US govmnt. is 17 trillion in debt and what is their solution… Lets spend more and just raise taxes.
    Its not a revenue problem, its a spending problem. Does anyone see a connection here?
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    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no idea how someone can say there is no difference between 70 and 50. They are night and day.

    There is no difference in facing arena opponents. No matter how many stars or gear or levels I acquire, my Arena opponents are always the same power or higher, usually higher. So if I am level 50 and power 10000 or whatever, my opponents are level 53 and power 12,000. If I am level 60 and power 20,000 my opponents are level 65 and power 23,000. It doesn't matter what I do, they are always higher power. So how is being level 70 any different than being level 50 in Arena or GW? You always face someone higher power than you.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    Naugrin wrote: »
    What do you mean by "compete evenly?"

    I do the same amount of damage and place along side guild members that are 15 levels I higher than me.
    I would post an image, but it is too difficult on this forum.

    I would say if you are putting out the same damage, then they are far from living up to their potential. Perhaps just bad at the game, perhaps just have the wrong toons.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Still lol'ing at the ability to maintain 17 max level toons and build a surplus of credits. To level 17 toons from 77-78 would require 4.5 million credits.

    And explain to me why I should care about that. That is months away from now. I'm playing the game today. The difference between us is that I don't care about owning every toon in the game. Nobody needs them all. Aside from Raids, nobody needs more than 20 good characters, the rest just sit around collecting dust.
    I don't know why you are so proud of being level 70+ and crying about not being able to support your teams. Level means nothing. Opponents are matched by team power. Being level 70 is the same as being level 50. No matter how fast you level up you still face the same power opponents. I don't benefit at all by rushing to 70 and left with a ramshackle team spread out at various levels down to 50 and 40 like I have seen some people. Most of them not even past gear 5.

    You should care about the potential pitfalls of what you'll encounter. You clearly do care about having a diverse roster or you wouldn't maintain 17 toons.

    Where did I state that I was "proud" of being 70+? The only reason it's part of the discussion is because being where I am compared to you gives me a perspective you lack. That's all.

    You do seem to have the desire for telling people what they need and don't need or how they should be playing, rather than accepting that others may want to play differently. You said it yourself, raids are a reason you need a large roster. Aside from need, there are plenty of reasons to want a larger roster. Some people enjoy the ability to play with more than the same few toons their entire game experience. Having a larger roster allows players to change with the meta. Whether that be in arena, GW, or missions, it's not for you to tell people how to play. You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But standing on your soapbox shouting down anyone who disagrees while declaring that the credit crunch doesn't exist from your quaint level 58 perch is silly.

    Your opponents in arena, the single biggest source for free premium currency, are not selected by power. It's a ladder where team synergy and power mean a lot. People push their team to be the best because the better your rank the more crystals you get. The more crystals you get the faster you can improve yourself. It is a competitive game, and people play it as such.

    Level means a lot. Gear slots unlock at specific levels. Gear levels are the single biggest modifier that determines toon power. Gear level also dictates protection strength, which is huge. Levels also unlock new ability levels. An additional 15% damage, reduced cd, increased effectiveness, or any of the other jumps in strength can make a huge difference in toon effectiveness. Many toons see their peak in effectiveness at later toon or gear levels. Chewie, a decent early to mid game toon loses steam late in the mid game, where as other toons either aren't available or are poor in the early to mid game but come into their own in the late game. I have no idea how someone can say there is no difference between 70 and 50. They are night and day. Those that reach 80 the fastest begin collecting omega mats sooner, which means more level 8 abilities than someone who's slower to grind. I could go on and on about how utterly wrong you are.

    Blah, blah, blah …I'm aware of all that.
    I'm not telling people how they should play the game, I'm telling them to stop complaining about not having enough credits when they spend themselves into oblivion and still want more. They can play anyway they want, but it is crazy to play beyond their means and then complain that the game is broken.
    The game is not broken, you are just poor managers.
    The US govmnt. is 17 trillion in debt and what is their solution… Lets spend more and just raise taxes.
    Its not a revenue problem, its a spending problem. Does anyone see a connection here?

    Lol. The best part about your post is the comparison between swgoh and the complex economics of the United States from someone who doesn't understand what the result of exponentially increasing costs with linearly increasing income means.
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no idea how someone can say there is no difference between 70 and 50. They are night and day.

    There is no difference in facing arena opponents. No matter how many stars or gear or levels I acquire, my Arena opponents are always the same power or higher, usually higher. So if I am level 50 and power 10000 or whatever, my opponents are level 53 and power 12,000. If I am level 60 and power 20,000 my opponents are level 65 and power 23,000. It doesn't matter what I do, they are always higher power. So how is being level 70 any different than being level 50 in Arena or GW? You always face someone higher power than you.

    No you don't always face someone higher power than you. That's not at all how arena matchmaking works. Please stop giving advice until you actually learn to play.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    Lol. The best part about your post is the comparison between swgoh and the complex economics of the United States from someone who doesn't understand what the result of exponentially increasing costs with linearly increasing income means.

    Heh, that made me laugh.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    Darling, we aren't arguing that there should be no progression gates. What we are arguing is that as you reach a certain level, the game grinds to a halt. It shouldn't do that. When you get there, hopefully you will see. But until then, maybe ease up on the strong opinions.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Jamm
    33 posts Member
    I gather around 58-60 shards per day with one cantina and 2 energy refreshes, so on average I need 1,9 million gold every 5,5 days for star promotion.
    I make 550k from cantina, 600k from guild raids, 2,75 million from GW, 150k from normal battles and a little from daily and monthly rewards in that 5,5 days, basically around 4,5m. So I have 2,6 million excess gold for promoting characters.

    5,5 days is currently very roughly the time I need to progress one level. Getting all my 50 characters one level up would cost me around 10 million, way more than I earn. Guess what, I love that, since it means that everyone else has the same problem and the others don't have a squad of maxed out characters. Everyone has to carefully choose whom to promote and who will get gear. How boring would this game be if everyone had exactly the same heroes with the same gear and the same heroes would be used over and over since they are "the best".

    There is enough gold in the game. If anything the shard progression is too fast. I am close to level 78 now, FTP, with roundabout 8000 shards claimed so far, 14x 7*, 3x 6*, 5x5*, almost all leveled to 70 and 26x lower stars which are stuck at level 43. At the current pace I will reach level 80 this month with all of my favorite characters and will have the 30 characters I deem worthy by the end of july (with the exception of sun fac, leia and aalya).

    High regards,
    Et ceterum censeo "precrafting needs discussion"
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Song wrote: »
    Getting to top in arena is critical in this game. Otherwise you will suffer from everything. You not able to afford to refresh 2times on regular and 1 time in cantina. Unless you spend money.

    Benefits from those refresh I get more cantina credits, credits, xp , training droids, more shards, mats from farming from Hard/Normal Node.

    You're delusional. Arena is not critical for anything. I wouldn't even have to play Arena and I could still get along. I just would not have my 7* Ventress. All that extra stuff you gain is only necessary if you are trying to level quickly. I still get 2 refreshes of L/D battles a day. I don't refresh Cantina because it is too expensive and don't need to. All those stars and XP are useless if I don't make the credits to apply them. Therefore I must level more slowly or else pay $$.
    I'll say it again. Slow leveling is the solution to the credit crunch and f2p.

    You need to play aggressive in this game. You can't refresh once in cantina because you can't afford the Crystals. I'm sure you have many toons but it doesn't count if they are not 7*. I'm not a fully f2p (spent $20 so far since play from dec 1).
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