Pretty much stumped in the arena until I can get my team all to g9

982 posts Member
The top 15 on my server are nearly all G9 whether they precrafted or refreshed shipments to get a boatload of furnaces. G9 Rey is so fast she always goes first often getting foresight. G9 RG is just a megatank. Those combined with G9 Han are nearly impossible to beat unless you have a similar lineup.

I'm working on Han but don't see him being enough since his taunt can be easily dispelled by QGJ and then ignored until the end of the battle. He only seems to be effective when paired with RG. I've never lost to a team that had Han and no RG. That combo has you going back and forth while Rey and the others are picking off your team.


  • Options
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I only need one more furnace for the team I'm planning on but it's not really those I need. Haven't seen any since the first couple days of the update. I'm more in need of droid callers.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    MaxiPriest wrote: »
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments

    If it ever shows up. Still haven't seen one.

    That's pretty much it: Whales can get to gear 10 and even 11 on some toons, while most players are stuck at 8, sometimes 9 if they get lucky.

    That's unfair, and the devs know it, but it keeps bringing some easy furnace money from all the players who pay for them. They won't change it soon.
  • Options
    Sikho wrote: »
    MaxiPriest wrote: »
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments

    If it ever shows up. Still haven't seen one.

    That's pretty much it: Whales can get to gear 10 and even 11 on some toons, while most players are stuck at 8, sometimes 9 if they get lucky.

    That's unfair, and the devs know it, but it keeps bringing some easy furnace money from all the players who pay for them. They won't change it soon.

    Yep, the the hard and sucky truth is that those who can refresh shipments and get furnaces will easily outpace F2P.

    Case in point, until about a week ago i was top 1 for the past 1-2 months and mostly F2P. Since the emergence of gear 9 Leia/Rey/RG and so on it is difficult or impossible for me to secure a victory, they hit too hard and have too much health.

    This may be the nail in the coffin and last straw for many F2P players like me, i'll give them 1-2 weeks to see if there is any improvement otherwise i'll just aim for top 20 in arena and not care for top 10 until i can somehow catch up.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    comandaben wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    MaxiPriest wrote: »
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments

    If it ever shows up. Still haven't seen one.

    That's pretty much it: Whales can get to gear 10 and even 11 on some toons, while most players are stuck at 8, sometimes 9 if they get lucky.

    That's unfair, and the devs know it, but it keeps bringing some easy furnace money from all the players who pay for them. They won't change it soon.

    Yep, the the hard and sucky truth is that those who can refresh shipments and get furnaces will easily outpace F2P.

    Case in point, until about a week ago i was top 1 for the past 1-2 months and mostly F2P. Since the emergence of gear 9 Leia/Rey/RG and so on it is difficult or impossible for me to secure a victory, they hit too hard and have too much health.

    This may be the nail in the coffin and last straw for many F2P players like me, i'll give them 1-2 weeks to see if there is any improvement otherwise i'll just aim for top 20 in arena and not care for top 10 until i can somehow catch up.

    Not making this new gear farmable is a horrible idea for the game in general. Because of precrafting that the devs pretty much promoted, which is why so many people have G9 QGJ and RG, a good portion of the player base has hit a brick wall. Even if you're P2P you can't get a droid caller without doing countless raids and hope you get enough salvage pieces for one eventually or get really lucky in a t6+ raid.
  • Options
    Only the fact that you need rng luck with shipments is what gets to all p2p n f2p alike, i havent seen any useful gear yet and im waiting patiently for it to show up, when at the same time there are already 3 g10 teams in my arena, making it pretty hard to win.
    Just bc of rng im stuck with my progress for an unknown amount of time( can be days or years) and can do nothing about it.
    Still finishing 1st everyday but i count myself as lucky on that since with those maxed teams i can lose in an instant if rng is not on my side and all in all rng is just way too powerful in this game.
  • Gin
    37 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    MaxiPriest wrote: »
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments

    If it ever shows up. Still haven't seen one.

    That's pretty much it: Whales can get to gear 10 and even 11 on some toons, while most players are stuck at 8, sometimes 9 if they get lucky.

    That's unfair, and the devs know it, but it keeps bringing some easy furnace money from all the players who pay for them. They won't change it soon.

    Not really true. I'm a low spender and only buy furnaces. With precrafted droid callers (which I had even before the news about the update came), I've gotten everyone to G9 that I wanted to. Thanks to the quantity of **** raid rewards, I might even get my first toon to Gear 10 soon. Again: all of this with very light spending (less than 20$).
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Gin wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    MaxiPriest wrote: »
    Buy those furnaces, the next time it comes up in shipments

    If it ever shows up. Still haven't seen one.

    That's pretty much it: Whales can get to gear 10 and even 11 on some toons, while most players are stuck at 8, sometimes 9 if they get lucky.

    That's unfair, and the devs know it, but it keeps bringing some easy furnace money from all the players who pay for them. They won't change it soon.

    Not really true. I'm a low spender and only buy furnaces. With precrafted droid callers (which I had even before the news about the update came), I've gotten everyone to G9 that I wanted to. Thanks to the quantity of **** raid rewards, I might even get my first toon to Gear 10 soon. Again: all of this with very light spending (less than 20$).

    I am a low spender, yet no furnace showed up yet. So I am automatically behind because of some bad RNG.
    That's unfair.

    Precrafting should also not have been possible. Making some resources available to a minority of players for a very limited period of time is wrong, especially when it was only announced on the forum a day before the change.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Precrafting should also not have been possible. Making some resources available to a minority of players for a very limited period of time is wrong, especially when it was only announced on the forum a day before the change.

    It wouldn't have been such a big deal if the jump to G9 didn't give such huge advantages. Protection nearly doubles for some toons. Big gains in speed and overall power.

    I can't wrap my head around why the devs aren't fixing this. They messed it up and the raids aren't cutting it. I might as well never do another arena refresh since I can't touch the teams in the top 15.

  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    When I was making topics (prepatch) about the gear and precrafting issue, people said guilds were gonna be the answer.
    I can tell you this, haven't had the chance to get a full gearpiece out of guild shipments and I banked till 7k tokens so far. It costs 8k for a full furnace and imo it's not even worth it.

    Guilds isn't a solution for the precrafting issue but since we get ignored by devs, I already know there is no such thing as encouraging "fair play". There is no fair play if you give 10% in the game an advantage and the others have to grind for months to catch up to this.

    It's disgusting because they kept advertising they encourage "fair play" since the Vader exploit. This ain't fair play, it's dirty play.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Options
    CronozNL wrote: »
    When I was making topics (prepatch) about the gear and precrafting issue, people said guilds were gonna be the answer.
    I can tell you this, haven't had the chance to get a full gearpiece out of guild shipments and I banked till 7k tokens so far. It costs 8k for a full furnace and imo it's not even worth it.

    Guilds isn't a solution for the precrafting issue but since we get ignored by devs, I already know there is no such thing as encouraging "fair play". There is no fair play if you give 10% in the game an advantage and the others have to grind for months to catch up to this.

    It's disgusting because they kept advertising they encourage "fair play" since the Vader exploit. This ain't fair play, it's dirty play.

    It's actually 16k guild currency for part of the furnace (you still have to get the blowdryers and yolo projectors). And you can buy from the shipments if you are "lucky" for 1600 crystals
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    When I was making topics (prepatch) about the gear and precrafting issue, people said guilds were gonna be the answer.
    I can tell you this, haven't had the chance to get a full gearpiece out of guild shipments and I banked till 7k tokens so far. It costs 8k for a full furnace and imo it's not even worth it.

    Guilds isn't a solution for the precrafting issue but since we get ignored by devs, I already know there is no such thing as encouraging "fair play". There is no fair play if you give 10% in the game an advantage and the others have to grind for months to catch up to this.

    It's disgusting because they kept advertising they encourage "fair play" since the Vader exploit. This ain't fair play, it's dirty play.

    It's actually 16k guild currency for part of the furnace (you still have to get the blowdryers and yolo projectors). And you can buy from the shipments if you are "lucky" for 1600 crystals

    Yeah 8K+ coins for 25/50 pieces of one piece needed for a furnace/droid caller/scanner.

    Out of 8 raids we've done since they began I've only gotten a total of 9800 coins. The devs ****** this up and should at least lower the cost of raid salvage in the guild store so people have a chance to catch up. They really botched this.

  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    @Pindasauskanon that's true indeed! Though I haven't been lucky to find it ;)

    Now imagine you place 2 furnaces after 2 months of grind on your Rey. Because of all the crybabies she gets nerfed next update to being utter useless. Will you farm a new toon and gear that one up again (will take months at this rate), or just throw in the towel and ask for refund.

    I know what I would do... Nerfing prepatch made sense. Nerfing now when people gear their toons and spend rl money (Crystals) buying those furnaces will be a huge fraud unless they give you the option to degear a certain character. If not, I'm getting my refund and say goodbye to this money milking machine.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • OmarFPG
    458 posts Member
    This is a very real issue now. The gap between F2P and P2W is quite big now. It wasn't such a deal before but now it's very clear it's there, and it's getting bigger everyday.

    I could easily reach top 10 even top 1 with some effort before, now I'm struggling to stay in top 50, for instance. I'm very discouraged / demotivated to do arenas anymore. The reason? Everybody in the top 50 has at least 2 G9 or more toons.

    This really sucks, knowing that if I want to stay competitive I'm forced to pay (FOR SOMETHING THAT WASN'T EVEN THERE IN FIRST PLACE). And knowing full well that this is only the beginning. This will keep getting worse and worse. Either pay or grind for an entire month just for a single piece, needing well over 10 of those.

    Really terrible move. The worst so far. I've invested a bit of money in this game (A LOT if you consider my country), it's really a shame to see all that time, money and effort go down the drain.
    548-145-651 | Playing since Dec 28th (:
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    @Pindasauskanon that's true indeed! Though I haven't been lucky to find it ;)

    Now imagine you place 2 furnaces after 2 months of grind on your Rey. Because of all the crybabies she gets nerfed next update to being utter useless. Will you farm a new toon and gear that one up again (will take months at this rate), or just throw in the towel and ask for refund.

    I know what I would do... Nerfing prepatch made sense. Nerfing now when people gear their toons and spend rl money (Crystals) buying those furnaces will be a huge fraud unless they give you the option to degear a certain character. If not, I'm getting my refund and say goodbye to this money milking machine.

    Lol I guess you weren't around after the Barris nerf, because many people bought her in the 50$ bundle and complained that she was nerfed.

    Guess what? EA didn't care. I think they got like 500 crystals as a compensation.

    Everyone threatened to get a refund and leave, yet the game is still standing. Good riddance to those who left, even though there probably weren't many.

    And that was a $50 pack, not simply a piece of gear that you can get for free if you save crystals/spam raids (even though the exchange rates are terrible)

    Also if Rey gets nerfed, it won't be because of crybabies, it will be because she deserves it. But that's another debate.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    I hit this issue last night. I guess at this point, it is no longer a precrafting issue and is more of a pay-to-advance issue. I may be on the same server as the OP but the top 15 players almost all had full gear 9 teams.

    I've only had two furnaces show up in shipments. I bought them both but at the rate of appearance (when not paying to refresh) is so far apart, I am falling way behind.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I just told you in a different threat that I play since november ;)
    Cmon Sikho, keep reading and remember me! So yea I was there with the Bariss nerf after I bought her for 50,-. The same week I bought her she got nerfed but nerfs back then weren't that "impactful". Bariss is still useful and back in december I knew Bariss wasn't going to stay in my main team forever (even pre nerf).

    Also I geared Bariss in a day without having to spend anything on her (I better for 50 bucks). Nowadays if you wanna gear up a toon you have to consider that those expensive mats are lost once they decide to nerf it.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I have 4 toons at gear 9. And i can't keep up with the guy in no1 who didn't pre-craft a thing! There's 7k power difference between us lol. And that is if i play my Poggle because i 'droid caller-ed' him lol.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    I just told you in a different threat that I play since november ;)
    Cmon Sikho, keep reading and remember me! So yea I was there with the Bariss nerf after I bought her for 50,-. The same week I bought her she got nerfed but nerfs back then weren't that "impactful". Bariss is still useful and back in december I knew Bariss wasn't going to stay in my main team forever (even pre nerf).

    Also I geared Bariss in a day without having to spend anything on her (I better for 50 bucks). Nowadays if you wanna gear up a toon you have to consider that those expensive mats are lost once they decide to nerf it.

    You're not getting through to him, nothing is. He can cry all he wants, if the devs thought Rey would be OP, she would've gotten nerfed post-fortitude. Everyone including me was wondering whaddaheck, but now i understand why she hasn't been nerfed. So just leave him alone.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    I have 4 toons at gear 9. And i can't keep up with the guy in no1 who didn't pre-craft a thing! There's 7k power difference between us lol. And that is if i play my Poggle because i 'droid caller-ed' him lol.

    What team is he using that has 7k more power than yours if he's not on g9/10/or 11? That's a huge gap.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    fudgra wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    I have 4 toons at gear 9. And i can't keep up with the guy in no1 who didn't pre-craft a thing! There's 7k power difference between us lol. And that is if i play my Poggle because i 'droid caller-ed' him lol.

    What team is he using that has 7k more power than yours if he's not on g9/10/or 11? That's a huge gap.

    He is using gear 10/ gear 11 rofl.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Was just saying...gear 9 might not be enough for you, depending on your shard.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm at G9 with my team and the handicap is real.
    Ofcourse you can still win but the chance of winning is drastically reduced this way. Mirror teams give you a lower win chance which isn't fair but devs don't seem to care. Better yet, they close topics that were created back in december because now they feel like it's against ToS.
    I call it censorship. ToS is just a way to say: sorry we decide what you can say and what you can't say.
    Or we are too scared to admit we f it up again.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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