Darth Sidious needs buff

133 posts Member
edited May 2016
Basically, his damage is incompetently low, his health is low, and his DOT debuff doesn't land.

How would I make him better?

Darth Sidious:

Deathstroke – Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 3 turns. This attack deals double damage against Protection.

Demoralizing Blows - Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Damage over Time for 2 Turns. This attack ignores armor and inflicts an additional Damage over Time effect on Critical Hit which can't be resisted.

Unlimited Power - All allies gain 14% Critical Chance and 20% Critical Damage.

Sadistic Glee – Darth Sidious recovers 20% of his Max Health and Protection whenever any unit is defeated, with a 25% chance to also gain 50% Turn Meter. In addition, he has +35% Evasion against Jedi attacks.

Developer please buff him because he is very incompetent now.


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    I'm sorry you spent so much time farming a what was once OP toon, only for him to be balanced.
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    He was never OP. In mid game before protection, he is one of the better toons, now at end game he's useless.

    He does need a potency buff, because his DOT never lands. Its always resisted
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    I would have to disagree.
    Sid is just one of those toons that starts useful everywhere and matures into a GW only toon. His positives are still there - his speed, healing immunity application, high dodge against jedi and health gain on any toon dying which still enables him to cause problems if not dealt with first/properly. Sid had his time of King of the arena but now it's time for others to shine
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Sidious does not need a buff. I would rather see some characters that were never useful get a buff than someone who was leader in 90% of arena squads when the game was younger.
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    He was never OP. In mid game before protection, he is one of the better toons, now at end game he's useless.

    He does need a potency buff, because his DOT never lands. Its always resisted

    It's not Sids that needs the buff. The issue is bigger than just one character. The issue is potency (and tenacity) in general. Many characters rely on potency to be effective, yet they have none, and they're other abilities hardly make up for the difference. No one toon needs to be buffed or nerfed. They need to be looked at as to why they are no longer viable, as a group, and repair the root of the problem.
  • KamikazeRhombus
    1412 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    He was never OP. In mid game before protection, he is one of the better toons, now at end game he's useless.

    He does need a potency buff, because his DOT never lands. Its always resisted

    It's not Sids that needs the buff. The issue is bigger than just one character. The issue is potency (and tenacity) in general. Many characters rely on potency to be effective, yet they have none, and they're other abilities hardly make up for the difference. No one toon needs to be buffed or nerfed. They need to be looked at as to why they are no longer viable, as a group, and repair the root of the problem.

    I agree with there being an issue on potency. I think the problem is that with each gear level most characters gain tenacity but not potency.
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    He was never OP. In mid game before protection, he is one of the better toons, now at end game he's useless.

    He does need a potency buff, because his DOT never lands. Its always resisted

    It's not Sids that needs the buff. The issue is bigger than just one character. The issue is potency (and tenacity) in general. Many characters rely on potency to be effective, yet they have none, and they're other abilities hardly make up for the difference. No one toon needs to be buffed or nerfed. They need to be looked at as to why they are no longer viable, as a group, and repair the root of the problem.

    That too. In general I see a ton of effects resisted, especially stuns, oh and Fives speed down. It never, ever lands in the high teir light side missions
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    Buff cad bane or Magmatrooper instead. Buff cup there're countless toons that need a buff before him.
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    Every toon deserve to be useful.
    I don't think any toon deserve to be benched as it takes more than 20 days to acquire them.
    I agree that a lot of other toons that are not viable should also be made viable along with Sid.
    I disagree that only certain toons should be allowed to shine.
    I think the root of the problem is that there are no Rock Paper Scissors in the battle system, but instead, there are only rock rock rock, whoever got stronger rock wins -- look at Leia, look at Rey, look at old Ben and Dooku, look at Royal guard, look at qui-gon Jinn, look at Phasma. It's all about them. They are the strongest rock. Rock rock rock .
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    Every toon deserve to be useful.
    I don't think any toon deserve to be benched as it takes more than 20 days to acquire them.
    I agree that a lot of other toons that are not viable should also be made viable along with Sid.
    I disagree that only certain toons should be allowed to shine.
    I think the root of the problem is that there are no Rock Paper Scissors in the battle system, but instead, there are only rock rock rock, whoever got stronger rock wins -- look at Leia, look at Rey, look at old Ben and Dooku, look at Royal guard, look at qui-gon Jinn, look at Phasma. It's all about them. They are the strongest rock. Rock rock rock .

    They aren't the strongest. They have their strengths and weaknesses. You can walk all over Rey and leia inside the first exchange. RG is an easy cripple from the likes of Ventress and QGJ. Ability block Phasma and she's useless. None of them are outstanding, unless you don't have a good defense, then they'll tear you to pieces.
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    I believe when you say "they are not the strongest", you only meant that they are beatable rather than meaning that there are many toons better than them; still, I think your statement may not be correct because they (Ben, Leia, Rey, Phasma, Royal Guard, Dooku, Qui-gon Jinn) are indeed the strongest toons in game among all toons.

    Of course no toon is absolutely unbeatable, however, the point is how often they (Ben, Leia, Rey, Phasma, Royal Guard, Dooku, Qui-gon Jinn) are beatable comparing to how often other toons are beatable.

    Those toon are certainly the strongest in game in terms of comparing to other toons.

    So I think we need to make other unviable toons viable, not necessarily strong, but at least providing a mediocre chance in certain situation in beating those strongest toons (Ben, Leia, Rey, Phasma, Royal Guard, Dooku, Qui-gon Jinn) rather than no chance at all.

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    How has old Ben made it Into your top 7 of 'strongest toons' and I'd also have to question dooku being there unless he's there for his leader ability. With the exception of Rey and Leia I'd say the majority of my arena matches consist of phasma, dooku, RG & QGJ and I have no trouble beating those toons and I'm sure many others don't.

    Basically you're crossing toons being viable with the damage output. Sid isn't meant to be a high damage attacker. Basically you ideally want him to start landing his 3 turn healing immunity on as many people as possible and he's one of those toons that can die once his job is done. Obviously he's best used when opposition has healers so they'll waste turns on heals making it easier for you to DPS them. It's really worth understanding the role of the character before calling for buffs.

    One question for you. When you see sid on a team do you deal with him first or leave him last?

    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    When I see sid, I ignore him.
    My full health Sid just lost to half health mace Windu in duel.
    I don't understand role of Sid?
    Waste heal?
    My god.

    I am talking about competence of toons. Sid is imcompetent and is benched by most people for a reason.
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    When I see sid, I ignore him.
    My full health Sid just lost to half health mace Windu in duel.
    I don't understand role of Sid?
    Waste heal?
    My god.

    I am talking about competence of toons. Sid is imcompetent and is benched by most people for a reason.

    Sid just isn't an arena toon any more. Get over it. Move on.
    He's still in every GW team you see so he's still getting used

    And yes, I don't think you understand how to use sid.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Oliverwilliohelma
    133 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Any suicide team is used in GW. Being used in GW doesn't say anything about usefulness or necessity of a toon. The reason Sid is in GW team is because firstly, he can dodge Jedi, secondly, lots of FTP players don't have many other toons to use. I never use Sid in GW because he is simply incompetent and I auto the first 9 out of 12 battles with Barris, GS, IG86, Royal guard, Qui-gon Jinn before I manually finish last 3 battles with the same or almost the same team. Sid is not a necessity in GW. In fact, he is not a necessity anywhere no matter missions, challenges, Squadron Arenas, or Galatic War.

    How does Darth Sidious become incompetent in the new update in the first place?

    1. Darth Sidious relies on generating power from killing enemy toons while his lack of survivability and lack of damage was merely covered by battle where enemy toons were much easier to kill thus more easily providing recovery for Sid before level cap raised to 80 and implement of Protection; thus it is possible that the recent updates is not well considered for certain toons such as Darth Sidious.

    2. Developer stealthily reduced Potency to 0%.

    ( So @1AmYourFath3r, what do you mean by Sid being balanced? There is no character balancing going on here, please do a research, it is a GW balancing that unlawfully ruined Sid, which has nothing to do with character balancing; additionally, it is potentially inconsiderate of the update that ruined Sid.)

    I think it is silly to tell me to get over Sid, because I am not a fan of Sid.
    Also, what do you mean by getting over? I have just started playing since April and it's not like I have had Sid before.

    The reason I want Sid and other incompetent toons to be competent is people spend lots of time (28 days) acquiring them thus it won't worth people's time if those toons are incompetent. If you don't have the heart to treasure other people's time, you shouldn't tell people to get over it because you have no right to do so because you don't care.

    Another reason I want Sid to be competent is that developer stealthily nerfed Sid's potency to 0% to make GW easier for people, which is not a honest solution to the root of the GW problem. Developer has no right to ruin a character for purpose different than character balancing. It is stealing from us players. Developer if you need to fix GW, you should find a honest solution and you should never ruin our characters for purpose other than character balancing but to balance your GW.

    Post edited by Oliverwilliohelma on
  • MasterSeedy
    5088 posts Member
    Sid useless?

    No, of course not.

    But Sid is not GW material. In GW, you face Arena teams built to use toons in specific roles, who may then die without harming the team overmuch, all so as to take you down faster than your opposing team dies. That is the nature of the Arena.

    However, ***your goal*** in GW is to last, to preserve your toons and bring them along through a campaign of challenges. For that to work, you have to be worried about healing.

    And, thus, Sid is a problem in GW.

    The GW server simply dishes up Arena teams for you to fight, randomly chosen but the difficulty weighted to scale with the PWR of your own Arena teams. People were reasonably upset that they're trying to win a long campaign where the AI simply doesn't care about toons in the same way - any toon can be reused at any time, the AI has an infinite supply.

    And so you get endless teams that copy the meta. The healing immunity tactic common in the Arena is only one particularly noticeable problem, since the AI teams don't need to heal at all. It's a break in the immersion experience - "Hey, I care about my toons dying, why doesn't the AI care about its toons dying?" There is already no story in SWGoH. This type of discrepancy makes it even harder to remain inside an immersive experience because the dissonance between your goal in a fight and the AI's goal is so obvious.

    But the real problem is that there are endless teams that simply recycle the same tactics. The Healing Immunity tactic is overused to the point of both frustration and boredom, but it's not the only one.

    They could have left the Potency where it was on Sid, and instead simply capped the number of times a toon can be used over the 12 nodes of a single GW. But they didn't.

    I'd like to see a cap: either a hard cap (toon may not be used more than 4 times in one GW) or a soft-cap (Toon may not be used again if it is used in 3 battles and has not struck a finishing blow. For each finishing blow it strikes, it can be used in one more encounter), or both (soft cap + no matter how many finishing blows, it still can't be used in more than 6 encounters).

    Note that suicide teams, which are legitimately useful and a fair tactic to get the opposing squad to waste specials, might help you through a battle...but make it more likely that you'll see the same toon again. What if you've seen Phasma 2 times already, and when she comes up the 3rd time you have an opportunity to knock her out of the GW for the day (the way the AI knocks your toons out for the day)? Do you send in a suicide team then? Or do you send in a B-Team that might get crushed, but that has a good chance of knocking out Phasma before Phasma lands a killing blow? You lose better toons that way, but maybe you don't have to face Phasma again - is that worth it?

    That's the kind of strategic and tactical decision making that creates more interest in a game. Not to mention the fact that battles are pretty boring when they simply give you five teams in a row of the format Phasma + Healing Immunity (usually Sid) + DPS + Taunt or heal + X.

    Just adding 1 star to two different toons each time you face the same team doesn't make for a new and different challenge. Give us different teams, actual different opponents. The other day I finally ran across that rumored Ewok + STHan team. Wow did it kick me sideways! I had to play it 3 times to see what I really had to do to win, and then I needed 2 tries to get that right.

    But did I mind being overrun with speedy Ewoks? No! I'd never faced this particular challenge before, so it was actually engaging.

    The problem isn't Sid.

    The problem is the way that teams are picked in GW. If they were picked differently, Sid could have his old potency. Or he could stay the way he is now: a good toon, but not a great one. But focussing on Sid is completely missing the real issue.

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    Any suicide team is used in GW. Being used in GW doesn't say anything about usefulness or necessity of a toon. The reason Sid is in GW team is because firstly, he can dodge Jedi, secondly, lots of FTP players don't have many other toons to use. I never use Sid in GW because he is simply incompetent and I auto the first 9 out of 12 battles with Barris, GS, IG86, Royal guard, Qui-gon Jinn before I manually finish last 3 battles with the same or almost the same team. Sid is not a necessity in GW. In fact, he is not a necessity anywhere no matter missions, challenges, Squadron Arenas, or Galatic War.

    How does Darth Sidious become incompetent in the new update in the first place?

    1. Darth Sidious relies on generating power from killing enemy toons while his lack of survivability and lack of damage was merely covered by battle where enemy toons were much easier to kill thus more easily providing recovery for Sid before level cap raised to 80 and implement of Protection; thus it is possible that the recent updates is not well considered for certain toons such as Darth Sidious.

    2. Developer stealthily reduced Potency to 0%.

    ( So @1AmYourFath3r, what do you mean by Sid being balanced? There is no character balancing going on here, please do a research, it is a GW balancing that unlawfully ruined Sid, which has nothing to do with character balancing; additionally, it is potentially inconsiderate of the update that ruined Sid.)

    I think it is silly to tell me to get over Sid, because I am not a fan of Sid.
    Also, what do you mean by getting over? I have just started playing since April and it's not like I have had Sid before.

    The reason I want Sid and other incompetent toons to be competent is people spend lots of time (28 days) acquiring them thus it won't worth people's time if those toons are incompetent. If you don't have the heart to treasure other people's time, you shouldn't tell people to get over it because you have no right to do so because you don't care.

    Another reason I want Sid to be competent is that developer stealthily nerfed Sid's potency to 0% to make GW easier for people, which is not a honest solution to the root of the GW problem. Developer has no right to ruin a character for purpose different than character balancing. It is stealing from us players. Developer if you need to fix GW, you should find a honest solution and you should never ruin our characters for purpose other than character balancing but to balance your GW.

    I agree with some of your points.
    Yes, toons that generate from enemy deaths or killing blows like sid, Ventress and ahsoka will find it slightly more difficult with protection for their abilities to shine but you have to adjust to that and use different tactics. The potency issue you may have something there. Was a bit too potent before now a bit too weak with healing immunity and dot.

    When I say 'get over sid' what I mean is he's had his time and time to start farming different toons which you already have done if you auto most of your GW. Sid had been at the top of this game for months but metas change, characters get nerfed/buffed/tweaked all the time as part of game balancing. Many toons got hit a lot harder than sid who I'd personally like to see go ahead of sid in the event of any changes. But I've said my bit and we're both entitled to our opinions even if they differ but it may be difficult rallying support for a sid rework when there so many posts previously that he was everywhere and people were bored of facing him so many times a day
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    His Emperor Palpatine-incarnation could be much more powerful.

    Hopefully added shortly.
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    Sid useless?

    No, of course not.

    But Sid is not GW material. In GW, you face Arena teams built to use toons in specific roles, who may then die without harming the team overmuch, all so as to take you down faster than your opposing team dies. That is the nature of the Arena.

    However, ***your goal*** in GW is to last, to preserve your toons and bring them along through a campaign of challenges. For that to work, you have to be worried about healing.

    And, thus, Sid is a problem in GW.

    The GW server simply dishes up Arena teams for you to fight, randomly chosen but the difficulty weighted to scale with the PWR of your own Arena teams. People were reasonably upset that they're trying to win a long campaign where the AI simply doesn't care about toons in the same way - any toon can be reused at any time, the AI has an infinite supply.

    And so you get endless teams that copy the meta. The healing immunity tactic common in the Arena is only one particularly noticeable problem, since the AI teams don't need to heal at all. It's a break in the immersion experience - "Hey, I care about my toons dying, why doesn't the AI care about its toons dying?" There is already no story in SWGoH. This type of discrepancy makes it even harder to remain inside an immersive experience because the dissonance between your goal in a fight and the AI's goal is so obvious.

    But the real problem is that there are endless teams that simply recycle the same tactics. The Healing Immunity tactic is overused to the point of both frustration and boredom, but it's not the only one.

    They could have left the Potency where it was on Sid, and instead simply capped the number of times a toon can be used over the 12 nodes of a single GW. But they didn't.

    I'd like to see a cap: either a hard cap (toon may not be used more than 4 times in one GW) or a soft-cap (Toon may not be used again if it is used in 3 battles and has not struck a finishing blow. For each finishing blow it strikes, it can be used in one more encounter), or both (soft cap + no matter how many finishing blows, it still can't be used in more than 6 encounters).

    Note that suicide teams, which are legitimately useful and a fair tactic to get the opposing squad to waste specials, might help you through a battle...but make it more likely that you'll see the same toon again. What if you've seen Phasma 2 times already, and when she comes up the 3rd time you have an opportunity to knock her out of the GW for the day (the way the AI knocks your toons out for the day)? Do you send in a suicide team then? Or do you send in a B-Team that might get crushed, but that has a good chance of knocking out Phasma before Phasma lands a killing blow? You lose better toons that way, but maybe you don't have to face Phasma again - is that worth it?

    That's the kind of strategic and tactical decision making that creates more interest in a game. Not to mention the fact that battles are pretty boring when they simply give you five teams in a row of the format Phasma + Healing Immunity (usually Sid) + DPS + Taunt or heal + X.

    Just adding 1 star to two different toons each time you face the same team doesn't make for a new and different challenge. Give us different teams, actual different opponents. The other day I finally ran across that rumored Ewok + STHan team. Wow did it kick me sideways! I had to play it 3 times to see what I really had to do to win, and then I needed 2 tries to get that right.

    But did I mind being overrun with speedy Ewoks? No! I'd never faced this particular challenge before, so it was actually engaging.

    The problem isn't Sid.

    The problem is the way that teams are picked in GW. If they were picked differently, Sid could have his old potency. Or he could stay the way he is now: a good toon, but not a great one. But focussing on Sid is completely missing the real issue.

    That is a brilliant idea. I see that limiting the number of times AI can use a particular toon in GW could solve not only the problem where Galactic War being overrun with problematic Sid, but also the problem where Galactic War being overrun with uninteresting monotonous teams. Furthermore, I think what is interesting is the soft cap you mentioned, which provides a mechanism that offers choice as which toons player should face less in the coming battles, thus not only provide the new possibilities of various teams that player can face according to the choice they make, but also provide a limit for AI as which toons are not to be faced more than 3 times among 12 battles thus make Galactic War easier for player according to their choice.
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