Balance issue with credits

As the level cap has been increased from 60 to 70 and now to 80, I keep falling further and further behind in credits I need.

Our main source of credits is actually the GW, not Bounty Hunter. I believe the rewards for GW haven't moved since the level cap was 60. This is making the ability to earn credits fall further and further out of balance with everything else needed to advance our characters.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    As the level cap has been increased from 60 to 70 and now to 80, I keep falling further and further behind in credits I need.

    Our main source of credits is actually the GW, not Bounty Hunter. I believe the rewards for GW haven't moved since the level cap was 60. This is making the ability to earn credits fall further and further out of balance with everything else needed to advance our characters.

    Raids provide credit income that did not exist at previous caps.
    The credit challenge has increased payout tier.
    Cantina has higher nodes that pay 8k credits each.
    Credit event has higher tier payout.
    Yoda event rewards credits.
    Ewok event rewards credits.
    You get over 200k credits a month from daily check in.

    Also, you can support the game by buying credit packs.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    As the level cap has been increased from 60 to 70 and now to 80, I keep falling further and further behind in credits I need.

    Our main source of credits is actually the GW, not Bounty Hunter. I believe the rewards for GW haven't moved since the level cap was 60. This is making the ability to earn credits fall further and further out of balance with everything else needed to advance our characters.

    Raids provide credit income that did not exist at previous caps.
    The credit challenge has increased payout tier.
    Cantina has higher nodes that pay 8k credits each.
    Credit event has higher tier payout.
    Yoda event rewards credits.
    Ewok event rewards credits.
    You get over 200k credits a month from daily check in.

    Also, you can support the game by buying credit packs.

    Credit challenge is a joke. Tell your guild " hey I skipped making guild currency today because I did the credit challenge".. See how long you last.

    Yoda event is a one time event per level. The fact that you cite this makes me question you even play this game.

    Ewoks were a one time.

    Raids provide 250k at top ten for tier five which is what an average guild a day can support coin wise.

    GW is a viable source.

    BH is three times a week.

    Now try leveling up toons for tier six
    Raids, leveling arena toons within two weeks of gaining a level, filling
    Out a deep bench and generally doing what you have to at tier six and higher raiding.

    If you feel the current avenues for credits are viable as is, you're probably not past level 70 yet, obtuse or just trolling.

  • Demonsheart
    56 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes. rewards, including credits, have increased in other areas. But, my point is that GW has been, and remains, our primary source of daily credits and the amount of those rewards has not changed since the level cap was 60.

    The cost to take a char from lvl 1 to 80 is almost 5 meg credits now. I'm capping gear, stars and abilities farther and farther ahead of my ability to level chars. I appreciate that I probably won't be able to keep all my otherwise maxed chars at max level.

    But, the balance issue with credits will only get worse as they increase the level cap if GW rewards remain stagnant and the primary source of daily credits.

    p.s. agree with Ozwald that if you're not seeing an issue with credits, you're probably not very far along in the game.
  • X0160768
    223 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    If the devs were that bothered by this, they would have changed it by now. So the fact that they haven't, tells you everything you need to know. It's probably good for them because it's slows progression towards the end game, and also a reason to push players to buy credit packs. It's rubbish for us, but just business.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Yes. rewards, including credits, have increased in other areas. But, my point is that GW has been, and remains, our primary source of daily credits and the amount of those rewards has not changed since the level cap was 60.

    The cost to take a char from lvl 1 to 80 is almost 5 meg credits now. I'm capping gear, stars and abilities farther and farther ahead of my ability to level chars. I appreciate that I probably won't be able to keep all my otherwise maxed chars at max level.

    But, the balance issue with credits will only get worse as they increase the level cap if GW rewards remain stagnant and the primary source of daily credits.

    CG use credits to slow down progression, and make people make choices. They do sell credit packs, it's a business, people have a choice whether to spend or not. If it gets too far out of whack, and they start losing revenue, then they may adjust the model, but for now EA just announced how profitable the game is. I know you probably hate the answer, but it's more than likely the reality for the near term atleast.
  • Pleblo
    52 posts Member
    I agree and disagree with the credit issue. As for leveling and 7 staring many chars i am running into an credit issue however once i hit 80 i don't see the credit issue being a big problem due to the fact that i wont' be leveling many chars and more will get to 7*. I would love to see the credit cost removed for staring up a character only because you spend weeks trying to get the amount of shards to level him up then have to wait 2-3 days just to level him to 7* where you could have leveled up other toons to 80. So right now until i hit 80 and have been there for a couple weeks i don't see any point in complaining. Also i agree with the above poster with raids providing credits we didn't' see before. I took full advantage of the double rewards weekend on Cantina battles buy refilling for the 100, 200 and 400 twice during this event also i was able to do 3 GW each day they came up. Would love to see this even pop up one more time:)
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Just to be a nuisance, I'll say I appreciate the decisions I have to make due to limited currency, and do not mind the lackadaisical progress of toons.
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    You may be right X01, but I'm a cynic. I just think game balancing isn't their strong suit.

    The lack of business sophistication and long range planning can be astonishing. If it was really about making money, they probably would've done more of this from the beginning. I'd like to give them credit that it was all part of a long range plan to lure us in, then start sucking cash from us, but I doubt it.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    Lol lack of business sophistication. 15% growth in EA Mobile, led by SWGOH and Madden.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Yes, the credit crunch is going to be insurmountable at 80+, it already is a major hurtle at 70+. Need a way to make credits ea!
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    ZarLatho wrote: »
    Lol lack of business sophistication. 15% growth in EA Mobile, led by SWGOH and Madden.

    Of course, everyone is spending like mad and feverishly moving up, once everyone hits the wall at 80, then where will those profit numbers go? It is too expensive to maintain player spending at current cost, players will drop out do to flat out not being able to afford it.
  • Demonsheart
    56 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    ZarLatho wrote: »
    Lol lack of business sophistication. 15% growth in EA Mobile, led by SWGOH and Madden.

    Exactly though, this is a tiny part of EA. EA isn't going to devote the resources, nor could they, to something like this until they believe that it is sustainable with a long-term following.

    If they really thought about the way to maximize revenues for this game, they would have used a model similar to SuperCell's for Clash of Clans. Having people pay for a random chance at a reward is going to attract a smaller segment of paying clients than Clash's model. SC is making far more annually than this game ever will under it's current approach.

    If, for instance, I knew that I could get just that one char, say Leia, for paying $20 then $40 (just examples, not suggested pricing) more to star her up, I might be willing to do that. Now, it's prohibitively expensive to chase after her as they add more and more chars and the only way you can get her is through data cards. Only a very small segment of players are willing to spend that much.

    Just think how many players out there would be willing to spend $5, $10 or even $20 every now and then if they knew what they were getting for it. You'd vastly increase the number of paying clients and the revenue would far exceed that of the whales -- who also might even pay more than they are now.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I now wish android had the ewok bundle.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    If you are a F2P then there is a period where you feel you need to spend money (credits, crystals etc). But after that things slow down. Im L79 and my arena team that gets me top 5 is the same as my GW team aside from a healer that i swap in. All are 7* so no credits needed there. It takes about 7-10 days per level so and only 5-6 get levelled up until i get to 80. So i need about 1.5M per level up. 3 days of GW. Then slowly others make the trip.

    I only do the 50/50 energy refresh and 100 cantina refresh. If i can snipe #1 then im making a few hundred crystal profit per day that goes towards furnaces for my arena team.

    Another suggestion is to keep your bench toons at 6* 100/100. Unless you are doing heroic tier guilds save the credits. I have Poe, Kylo, Magmatrooper, Datcha those mid range toons at 6* 100/100. If meta changes they are ready otherwise they are just cannon fodder.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I am level 78.5
    There are less than a dozen characters I dont have unlocked.
    I have over a dozen 7* max level.
    I have more than 20 at gear 8+

    Please tell me more about how hard it is to keep your 5 toons up to date.
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    Why do people keep asking this? They intentionally keep credits low to coax you to buy packs
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    I am level 78.5
    There are less than a dozen characters I dont have unlocked.
    I have over a dozen 7* max level.
    I have more than 20 at gear 8+

    Please tell me more about how hard it is to keep your 5 toons up to date.

    That's cute. I have 17 with 7 stars and quite a few at 5 and 6
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    I am level 78.5
    There are less than a dozen characters I dont have unlocked.
    I have over a dozen 7* max level.
    I have more than 20 at gear 8+

    Please tell me more about how hard it is to keep your 5 toons up to date.

    That's cute. I have 17 with 7 stars and quite a few at 5 and 6

    Tell me more about how not far along in the game I am, and how I obviously just do not understand. Calling my collection "cute" does not change you being wrong.
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    Credits were ok in the beginning and I can imagine how it is ok at the end, but I am 77 with 7, 7* and others key toons (Rey, RG, Daka, GS) on the way up. At this stage, the credit crunch is terrible and very frustrating when you work so hard to get shards only to have to sit on them and leave the characters you have been pining for months over stuck at 6*.
  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    The problem with the credit crunch is that eventually, it will make some players stop playing. At first it makes some players spend real money, but eventually as the return on that money diminishes less people will buy, and eventually people will stop playing the game altogether.

    I think the crunch will be fixed in time, once levels 90-100 open up. It will help the high level players to Jeep spending and the newer players will be able to catch up quicker.

    The biggest problem this game had was that it got super popular way faster than anticipated, and people spent way more money than the game creators imagined, and players where advancing at light speed. So they put in place the gears and credits to slow people down, so that they could catch up on content creation.

  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It wasn't quite as bad before the guilds when we didn't care about certain characters sitting there unstarred and unleveled.

    We can complain all we want about a credit crunch. It's all part of their master plan to sell credit packs. And I know it's working since some in my guild have amped up a bunch of toons in record time and there's no way the GW is covering it. Guilds have to be one of their biggest money-makers to date second to chromiums.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I dont have a problem yet and i am lvl 75.
    I dont lvl a toon unless i need to in order to use a gear or ability.
    I leave certain toons at 6 stars if they are viable there. I can get the 7 star later.
    Saving credit like this, there are almost enough credits in the game to do anything i need. Almost. So this forces a few decisions. That is fine with me.

    I took top place payout the other day with a 4S and a 5S toon. And two toons under lvl 70. So i dunno but maybe some people are spending credits in the wrong place.

    Theres always more you could spend if you had more credits. Deciding where best to spend them is something we ALL do. As long as we all have the same resources, i dont care one bit. It is totally fair. How could it be anything else but fair?

    If i need to i will use the credit challlenge. Guild activiy? So what. There are a lot of days where guild activity doesnt take energy.

    I farm the higher cantina nodes when i have a choice, to get more credits and mats.

    The credit resource is limited and makes you 5hink. If youbdont want to do that, buy some credits. The p2p that buy chromiums end up short tons ofncredits compared to f2p. They dont mind. Proven by the fact they continue to buy. Just looknat the "add rex to au pack" threads. Look at the sunfacs on your server. Do u want these guys to be able to buybtheir way even farther ahead than u, cheaper?

    So what if you are gearing for tier 6 raids. Thats your decision. Im lvl 75 with a few squads maybe good enough for tier 5, but i still stick with a guild that does tier 4. When i have a ton of 6 star toons i will worrybabout finding a higher lvl guild. Until then inhave my own agenda. The few of us op members pulling the guild rotate top places. And we collect guild coins to buy things. And we dont worry so much.

    You are complaining that EA gives you a scab that is not ready to be pulled yet. Patience, padawan. Healing takes time.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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