Most useless toon with the rancor

Poggle The Lesser...
Each time he does offense up the rancor does something and all offenses up disappear


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    i would say any toon that dispels rancor buffs, poggle is still useful, just time it right?
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    No, he's right. Every time. Every. You MAY get one or two shots in with a few toons, but that's not worth a spot for a taunter or damage dealer.
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    I'm Going to try him in first phase
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    Combine with Leia he does the same to her crit chance up so you can just use it after he removes hers?
    Ally Code 285-115-111
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    Use speed down, it's extremely effective on the rancor. I use phasma fives and savage, and the offense down from savage, speed down from fives and phasma, and defense down from phasma is super helpful and makes me get a lot of turns before he goes, and I do a lot of extra damage. Apply speed down right after he roars and then use poggle's special and you will get a lot of use out of it
  • JbizzyG
    304 posts Member
    Use him with any character that self-buffs (geo soldier). The Rancor will clear that buff the you can use poggle and taunt with a tank.
  • DarthMelkor
    277 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    There are some really useless toons for raid, but Poggle? Just time his offense up after rancor uses bellow and he's fine. If bellow is giving you a problem, try adding someone to your squad who can buff themselves or your team with a less valuable buff. RG can give defense up to everyone, Yoda can easily gain Forsight as can Rey, lumi sometimes gets evasion. All these trigger rancor to use bellow, after which you can use Poggle or taunt. Pro tip, if rancor has all three abilities off cd it will prioritize using bellow and smash before devour, so you could use poggle's offense up at this point and rancor will use bellow and then it's aoe, thus delaying rancor's use of devour by one turn. Done at the right time you should be getting 3 full rounds of offense up out of him.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
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    Dooku just advances the rancor's turn meter.

    Eeth Koth does nothing against rancor.

  • Stevespear426
    436 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Dooku is pretty bad. Poggle is still useful in p2 and p3 if you have a door.
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    Finn. Too slow, lucky if you get a crack shot off.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    They did it again... Poogle lolz
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    Dooku is pretty bad. Poggle is still useful in p2 and p3 if you have a door.

    Offensive up doesn't stack with the buffs the door gives you.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Dooku is pretty bad. Poggle is still useful in p2 and p3 if you have a door.

    Offensive up doesn't stack with the buffs the door gives you.

    But if you fire it off right before the door goes up you can get a few turns with it before he dispells.
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    You know who is awesome against the Rancor? JKG!
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    Use him against the piggies instead. They don't debuff you.
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    You know who is awesome against the Rancor? JKG!

    I can't tell if you're being serious right now.

    But she does have the offense down debuff on her basic. So that could be huge.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
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    Dooku just advances the rancor's turn meter.

    Eeth Koth does nothing against rancor.

    Eeth Koth is great for the rancor. I bring him in every time with the hope that he gets eaten first.
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I love when the Rancor uses his bellow on Lumi's evasion, which is then immediately followed by an advantage/offense up/speed down zerg fest for my toons.
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    Baal wrote: »

    Definitely the worst. I feed him to the almighty rancor, and the rancor is pleased with my offering
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    Poggle The Lesser...
    Each time he does offense up the rancor does something and all offenses up disappear

    When the Rancor bellows, he removes 75% turn meter from all toons that didn't have positive status effects. So Poggle isn't useless, he saves all from losing TM if Rancor bellows right after offense up.

  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    Poggle The Lesser...
    Each time he does offense up the rancor does something and all offenses up disappear

    When the Rancor bellows, he removes 75% turn meter from all toons that didn't have positive status effects. So Poggle isn't useless, he saves all from losing TM if Rancor bellows right after offense up.

    This (although his TM reduction is resistable). Group buffers are very useful.

    Veers, now there's a toon that has no place against the Rancor. Snowtrooper. Tarkin has the kit to be a bit useful, but not the potency. The Empire trilogy.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    Actually dooku as lead is pretty good against rancor. My team dodges a lot of attacks and get off up for it. I wouldn't use dooku anywhere else.

    Maul Is worst. He never gets to attack.
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    At least when the rancor removes all buffs, it takes one of his two turns. Getting hit once is better than twice
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    I use poggle and rey, anyone who uses this conbo will know it's deadly
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    You know who is awesome against the Rancor? JKG!

    I can't tell if you're being serious right now.

    But she does have the offense down debuff on her basic. So that could be huge.

    I use her too after other off down toons are dead if im unlucky with escape( mostly no time to retreat) and she actually does her trick pretty good, so not bad sub. Eeth and boba are much worse vs rancor imo or any low dmg w/o debuff/buff.
  • aerendhil
    503 posts Member
    Poggle is actually pretty usefull.
    now, Anakin, Kylo.... what a waste of a spot
    I choose the Red Pill.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    In my opinion the most useless toon would be gear 1 level 1 ugnaught...
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