How is this possible?



  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Can simply be a bug. We have had them in our guild. Sometimes yo do X damage and the game gives you 0, while other guy who made 100k gets 1M. In one occasion even one guy made 0 damage and the game gave him 23M. Insane. But no hack, just bugged raid.
  • Amnor
    116 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Lets be honest... You are lvl 78 with wide roster, yet you have 3M dmg after 3 days of tier 4 raid
    Im lvl 79 and have reather short roster - only 12 maxed heroes and 13 at lvl 70, yet Ive done 4M dmg in 3 days of tier 6 raid.

    I think your lvl 45 friend just plays better. With proper team and strategy 5M on tier 4 seems normal. Especially if he has team synergy and know how to use skills at the right moment
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Amnor wrote: »
    Lets be honest... You are lvl 78 with wide roster, yet you have 3M dmg after 3 days of tier 4 raid
    Im lvl 79 and have reather short roster - only 12 maxed heroes and 13 at lvl 70, yet Ive done 4M dmg in 3 days of tier 6 raid.

    I think your lvl 45 friend just plays better. With proper team and strategy 5M on tier 4 seems normal. Especially if he has team synergy and know how to use skills at the right moment

    In one day?
    I dont think they can even field 5 teams...
    I could understand the display bug suggestion, but my fear is that it is an exploit.

    If it is just a display bug that randomly awards people first, thats a pretty creative way to fix raid payouts.

    Also, I notoriously am Jedi biased, and my roster reflects that. This can lead to moderate damage numbers overall, but nothing to write home about. This does not imply that I am better or worse than anyone else.
  • Amnor
    116 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Amnor wrote: »
    Lets be honest... You are lvl 78 with wide roster, yet you have 3M dmg after 3 days of tier 4 raid
    Im lvl 79 and have reather short roster - only 12 maxed heroes and 13 at lvl 70, yet Ive done 4M dmg in 3 days of tier 6 raid.

    I think your lvl 45 friend just plays better. With proper team and strategy 5M on tier 4 seems normal. Especially if he has team synergy and know how to use skills at the right moment

    In one day?
    I dont think they can even field 5 teams...
    I could understand the display bug suggestion, but my fear is that it is an exploit.

    If it is just a display bug that randomly awards people first, thats a pretty creative way to fix raid payouts.

    Also, I notoriously am Jedi biased, and my roster reflects that. This can lead to moderate damage numbers overall, but nothing to write home about. This does not imply that I am better or worse than anyone else.

    In one day it seems high, though Ive seen videos of 2M+ in one run at tier 5. It was phase 1, but from my experience Rancor phases are easier for getting large scores, esp if you have strong TM reduction team
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    A better question is why would a lvl 78 player be in a guild that is doing g tier 4 raids
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    With very good rng it may be possible, but I would think it is very unlikely.

    Level 45 teebo can have 30% potency, 75% TM removal on basic, 40% chance to stealth from leader ability, 3 turns stealth with 70% TM gain from special.
    I would expect T4 captain or rancor to not be as resistive to TM reduction.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Amnor wrote: »
    Lets be honest... You are lvl 78 with wide roster, yet you have 3M dmg after 3 days of tier 4 raid
    Im lvl 79 and have reather short roster - only 12 maxed heroes and 13 at lvl 70, yet Ive done 4M dmg in 3 days of tier 6 raid.

    I think your lvl 45 friend just plays better. With proper team and strategy 5M on tier 4 seems normal. Especially if he has team synergy and know how to use skills at the right moment

    In one day?
    I dont think they can even field 5 teams...
    I could understand the display bug suggestion, but my fear is that it is an exploit.

    If it is just a display bug that randomly awards people first, thats a pretty creative way to fix raid payouts.
    godgiven45 wrote: »
    A better question is why would a lvl 78 player be in a guild that is doing g tier 4 raids

    Because it is his guild and he is starting the raids everyone can participate in?
  • Options
    I would love to hear what charecters they could actually use in the raid. The only way I could see this being done at that level would be something with a lot of TM reduction like
    Ewok scout
    Tusken Raider
    Ewok Elder

    Still, I have noidea what rancor is like at teir 4. Does it ever seem to resist anything? What kind of damage does it do? All I know is that it says it is ment to be done by level 60's with gear 6. You were right to be suspicious, it's hard to believe anyone new enough to be level 44 has the knowledge let alone the exact right team to pull of 5 million in one day.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    The Rancor still Devours at Tier 4...

    I can get 2 doors with my A team and all 5 attempts with full teams end with the Enrage timer. You only get so much time...

    He didnt have 4* Elder or Tusken.
  • Tigerj
    18 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Read here where people state they do 0 dmg but end up with millions...also the reverse.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Something sounds buggy.

    For now, I will consider it a "feature" of the game.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Any other news on this? Anyone else encountering strange damage numbers?
  • Options
    @CG_LucifersDaddy is the person you should contact regarding this matter. I believe they will investigate the situation before any action is taken.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    Reporting potential cheaters
    If you want to report a potential cheater, please send a message to @CG_LucifersDaddy with details on why you think someone is cheating, your ally code and the name of the suspected cheater.
    With screenshots I assume since there are no publicly accessible server logs.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Was waiting for a tagged name to reply.

    I have spoken with LD.
  • Options
    Doesn't Jar Jar Binks have bonus VS Rancors?
  • Options
    Is there a way you can ask your guild friend how he got that score? Either way I hope you get this figured out.
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Your new guild member is awesome. I need to buy him/her a beer. I love when someone makes a person like you cry lmao

    Btw, you disrespect people in the forums just because you don't agree with their viewpoints all the time. Therefore don't talk about your honor tock. You have no concept of the meaning of the word
  • Options
    You could ask your guild mate (that is probably using the ewaks) before starting a huge thread on the fact that he may or may not be cheating...he is in your guild after all > just sayin
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    1. I asked. Others did, too. Their only reply was the word "Luminara". Not much of a talker, I suppose.
    2. I came here with the intent to clarify my perceptions, hoping that I simply failed to see the combo. Only after several people telling me to report did I do so.
    3. My intent, if it turned out to be unscrupulous behaviour, was to distance myself and other guildies from it to avoid guilt by association.
    4. @claws insults and trolling are against forum guidelines. Please stop.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    I am level 78 with a deep bench. After 3 days on a tier 4 raid, I was up to 3 mil damage, and had carried us to phase 3 1/2. A new guild recruit, level 45, just posted 5 million damage in phases 3 1/2 - 4.

    I had previously doubled the damage of my nearest level 70+ guildies.
    Can anyone tell me what is going on?

    All of your posts make so much sense now. B)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    I am level 78 with a deep bench. After 3 days on a tier 4 raid, I was up to 3 mil damage, and had carried us to phase 3 1/2. A new guild recruit, level 45, just posted 5 million damage in phases 3 1/2 - 4.

    I had previously doubled the damage of my nearest level 70+ guildies.
    Can anyone tell me what is going on?

    All of your posts make so much sense now. B)

    Feel free to PM me what you really think.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    4. @claws insults and trolling are against forum guidelines. Please stop.

    It's something you have no problem doing in anyone else's threads when it suits you. The false indignation at someone possibly doing the same in your thread is unbecoming. I am thoroughly amused that after all the insults you hurled at people who enjoyed or were in guilds that there is a multi page thread about the drama involving one you run, despite being given the answer on how to have this properly investigated very quickly.
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    1. I asked. Others did, too. Their only reply was the word "Luminara". Not much of a talker, I suppose.
    2. I came here with the intent to clarify my perceptions, hoping that I simply failed to see the combo. Only after several people telling me to report did I do so.
    3. My intent, if it turned out to be unscrupulous behaviour, was to distance myself and other guildies from it to avoid guilt by association.
    4. @claws insults and trolling are against forum guidelines. Please stop.

    Ill stop when you stop doing it to others

    Also, for the record, I didn't insult you. I've done nothing more than I have witnessed you do repeatedly to others
  • Options
    Greetings everyone,

    Since the thread has been derailed, we're going to go ahead and close it. As previously stated, if you want to report a potential cheater, please send a message to @CG_LucifersDaddy with details on why you think someone is cheating. Include your ally code and the name of the suspected cheater.

    Additionally, please remember to keep our Community Guidelines in mind when posting on the forums. Thank you for your understanding!
This discussion has been closed.