About the current complaints

Ok so first just let me start off by saying I do not intend to bash anyone, I just feel like I'm missing something and I wondering where others are coming from. I'm a f2p player. I'm currently ranked 37 in the arena and I usually finish between 50 to 30. I also have zero characters gear 9 or above. Maybe I'm just missing something but as far as pvp, and gw go I'm not having many difficulties completing them. I have fought all slots of teams and I don't really see any character as OP I generally am able to find a counter to them. I'm not saying it's easy but I've only lost in pvp maybe 3 times and those were generally due to poor luck or decision making. I will say that I'm pretty blessed as far as gw goes. I don't fight too many ridiculous teams and I usually beat it in an hour with two teams and maybe 1 retreat w/o losing any characters.

Basically I'm just wondering what is causing all the cries for nerfs. I've fought dodge teams and while annoying it can be dealt with family easy. Yes I have fought a battle where they have dodged non stop, but I've still won. Dooku is pretty easy to kill especially now that tanks can take the counters. Rey hits like a freight train but has low health and is easier to stun, or otherwise weaken. Fives has a lot of health but doesn't do that much damage even with omega. St Han is a fantastic tank but is pretty squishy and can just be dispelled. RG is annoying I'll give you that but not impossible to deal with. Leia is the only one that is really tricky to deal with if she manages to stealth and there is a tank involved.

So am I missing something here. I do agree with there not being that much diversity but it's taking up 90% of my resources to make sure my main team stays current so building up a side toons takes weeks. I don't blame people for sticking with what's working. Those toons are tried and tested so spending all that time on them is easily justified. Now that I have a stable team I will be trying new things but who knows how effective those new people will be. I have seen some great teams that weren't meta though. There are a decent amount of whales on my shard going clone teams, I see plenty of Droid teams and a couple scoundrel teams. I really loved an empire team I fought with Moff lead although it was the only one I've seen.

Anyway I'd love to hear input on this. I'm trying to understand where people are coming from on this whole thing


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    He ruined your thread, please try again
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    He ruined your thread, please try again

    Aww man, but I'm lazy
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Its a good topic maybe he will go away
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Its a good topic maybe he will go away

    Thank you for saying so, I'm being serious with this topic.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    Fives full gear with Omega Not good? low damage? even if its 2-3k damage 2x every time someone hits him is 4-6k damage with tons of Hp, unless that's changed now lol But I'm not asking for a nerf I'm currently investing him my self I hope he don't get nerfed before I reach him 6-7 *
  • Options
    Fives full gear with Omega Not good? low damage? even if its 2-3k damage 2x every time someone hits him is 4-6k damage with tons of Hp, unless that's changed now lol But I'm not asking for a nerf I'm currently investing him my self I hope he don't get nerfed before I reach him 6-7 *

    I never said he wasn't good, all the toons I mentioned are great, I was just stating how I've dealt with them. I use fives too. I usually leave fives till last and have a tank soak up his counters
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes but I can see why people do complain about fives that is what I am trying to say, But the thing that bothers me is, there is 3 Current damage dealers viable (imo) Leia,rey,gs *Leia is hard to get fair enough, Rey well everyone is going to get her soon and she Hits like a truck! one hitting My Dooku Gear 9* and Gs well he is like marmite you either love him or hate him you never know with him Rey is OP I heard gear 10 her speed is insane for the damage she deals And GS aint that good Compared to Leia,Rey which is the only F2P Damage Toon worth putting in arena (imo), IG-86 is to slow.

    That is my opinion on the Toons that are "OP" right now

    I am not even going to speak about sun fac cause I'm yet to see him :D
  • Options
    Yes but I can see why people do complain about fives that is what I am trying to say, But the thing that bothers me is, there is 3 Current damage dealers viable (imo) Leia,rey,gs *Leia is hard to get fair enough, Rey everyone is going to her soon she Hits like a truck! one hitting My Dooku Gear 9* and Gs well he is like marmite you either love him or hate him you never know with him Rey is OP I heard gear 10 her speed is insane for the damage she deals And GS aint that good which is the only F2P Damage Toon, IG-86 is to slow.

    That is my opinion on the Toons that are "OP" right now

    I am not even going to speak about sun fac cause I'm yet to see him :D

    OK that's what I'm talking about I'm not seeing such high numbers from fives. And yea you hit the nail on the head for the 3 main dpsers
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    I love this game as well, been playing for about 6 months and I run a droid squad for pvp I bounce between #20 - #50 and finish gw everyday on auto play. People just like to complain.
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    Well for starters i dont remember myself ever crying for nerfs but i would like some more diversity, which is mostly bad bc it takes a long time to max a toon even more for ftp.
    No toon is op and everybody has a counter, but also some teams full of these great characters are very hard to beat ofc. Lack of diversity is caused mostly by players bc its much easier for some mediocre players to copy from the best than to try it yourself, also bc most ppl are so competitive and want to be the best, it makes them build the exact same teams which are proven to be great and then to attack all those who doesnt follow it a lot more which makes more ppl to decline using the same toons.
    All in all i dont see a problem with toons but if i have to point a problem its gonna be the lack of creativity of most players, or w\e you wanna call it.
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    I would also add that as far as ive read the forums, most complainers have just under lvld/geared toons which makes their points invalid. Some are better at lower lvls but lose their edge later and vice versa ;)
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Try moving to top 5. Between 30-50 in arena, yea i wouldn't understand the complaints if i were you either.

    On a side note, people still go on and on about Rey. I don't understand why tbh...since she is beatable in defense. I did it before i got my own Rey and i am doing it now and people are beating me. She might be the only true weapon a f2p has in offense against those teams which you have never even heard of by being in the top 30-50 all the time. GS is an under-performer i heard at gear 10, i only fought two teams with him at gear 10 and i couldn't make a definitive opinion. GS would have been a viable solution to replacing Rey due to his assist. So, until they buff other attackers, please refrain from calling Rey OP. She can be beaten when in defense and she might be one of the few options in offense to deal with the tanky counter teams. Unless you have tanky teams too...but those aren't fun for me. Do you guys really want to see just Leia everywhere and to not have a definitive counter for her or what's on your mind?
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Please, stop complaining about complaining.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Please, stop complaining about complaining.

    Stop complaining about complaining about complaining :tongue:
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    IvoB1987 wrote: »
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Please, stop complaining about complaining.

    Stop complaining about complaining about complaining :tongue:

  • HB0MBZ
    190 posts Member
    It's easy to complain because lots of reasons, 1. characters AI is bad. Taunt is useless because everyone has QGJ, but the fact there is no other toon who is as fast or has the same tool kit is why he is used all the time. People use RG because he can retaunt, and the AI doesn't have to think to hard. It's frustrating but I don't blame people. Plus there are some things that I just plain out don't get. Such as old Bens basic giving evasion up on top of his 15% evade 25%TM Leader ability.

    If you ask me I think if they want to keep evade they need to restrict it to synergys.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    ^^ It's relatively easy to make QGJ in AI dispel foresight or other stuff like that before you taunt. And that's why at this point QGJ is a preference, not a meta.
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    @DomKrieg I tried a few different team line-ups so far and I found that (with what I have available) the best I team I can currently assemble is Captain Phasma in the lead for the double hits, Lumi for the healing and her really strong special hit, QGJ for the assist call and the offense up, Daka for the stun and resurrecting ability and Sidious for the healing blocks.
    I'm working on 7starring Rey, Dooku, GS and Grand Moff Tarkin (for an Empire team). Also trying to assemble a droid team with Lobot in the lead.
    I also got Sun Fac at 3 stars who seems very promising if I ever get him to 7 stars.
    I'm disappointed with Yoda, Magnatrooper and Plo Koon (all 3 currently at lvl77, gear lvl8 and abilities at lvl6-7) as I expected them to be stronger.
  • Options
    I would also add that as far as ive read the forums, most complainers have just under lvld/geared toons which makes their points invalid. Some are better at lower lvls but lose their edge later and vice versa ;)

    Many complaints are from those who expect their money guarantees a win. And people who don't understand strategy. Example, when fighting daka, 9 times out of 10, you neutralise or eliminate daka first. Fighting RG? Bring someone who clears buffs. Fives? Bring a stunner or two. Dooku, well don't bring a full Jedi squad, and resist the urge to use AoE, especially if he's lead. There are real issues with this game that don't involve nerfing and buffing individual characters. That, unless is obvious that one character doesn't function properly, should never happen anymore.
  • Bobafeit
    139 posts Member
    Yes but I can see why people do complain about fives that is what I am trying to say, But the thing that bothers me is, there is 3 Current damage dealers viable (imo) Leia,rey,gs *Leia is hard to get fair enough, Rey well everyone is going to get her soon and she Hits like a truck! one hitting My Dooku Gear 9* and Gs well he is like marmite you either love him or hate him you never know with him Rey is OP I heard gear 10 her speed is insane for the damage she deals And GS aint that good Compared to Leia,Rey which is the only F2P Damage Toon worth putting in arena (imo), IG-86 is to slow.

    That is my opinion on the Toons that are "OP" right now

    I am not even going to speak about sun fac cause I'm yet to see him :D

    hmm i use a full droid team with poggle as lead i have GS but rather use HK 47 due to all the jedi'es
    i dont have rey or leia but i seem to do okay in arena
    i was going to change to a rebel team with acbar lead ,but even with only claiming train and arena daily reward to try slow down lvling ,( i still do guild activities) 90% of my resources goes to the arena team
    I am only 66 ,but are you guys saying once you hit 80 ig 88 and 86 wont do as awsome dmg as they do with t8 gear?

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