We need a known issues thread or subforum

224 posts Member
This forum badly needs a known issues list. The players of this game have no idea what is even considered a bug until it's "fixed". With the time and/or money investment required to play this game at a competitive level, it is very frustrating that the community has no idea what the devs consider broken.
You can occasionally find an actual dev referencing something they consider broken on a random Reddit post, but practically nothing on the 'official' forums. How hard would it be to have someone who has access to the internal bug tracker for this game report to the community manager what they will be addressing in the future so that a list can be maintained? The community manager may even have access to the bug tracker, I dunno. Even moving threads from the Bug section to a known issues subforum would provide much more information to the community so we would know what is actually going to change and everyone could be on the same page. Of course I wouldn't expect to see anything that could be exploited for ridiculous gain such as the multiple achievement bugs that have allowed some people to get Vader shards at a crazy rate, but things like a damage multipler being off for an ability or a buff not being subject to dispel should be known by all.
There's practically no outbound communication from the community manager in this game other than posting patch notes, which could really be done by an automated script. I'm not saying it's his fault, it's just frustrating. Those weekly updates are a start, but usually just tell us things we already know because they already changed, or shard location changes. Never anything about upcoming gameplay change details.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There is already a bugs subsection...
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    it would largely benefit game if devs stopped wasting their time on reddit and actually took care of forums and their own game.
  • Bluerock
    224 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    There is already a bugs subsection...

    Which does not contain a known issues list or subforum. It's a way for players to report issues, not for the development team to acknowledge them. You can't take what gets posted in there as what will change.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    There is already a bugs subsection...

    Had you read his post you'd realize your reply is nonsensical as usual. He's not talking about a place to report bugs, he's talking about a single master list maintained by the Devs of confirmed bugs and other known issues. This is a common practice in most online games, and one this game could desperately use given the ambiguity of many ability descriptions.

    +1 @Bluerock
  • WildWest1974
    628 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    The problem is there IS a Known Issues Thread in the Bugs subforum, it's just out of date with very few dev acknowledgements. So, if they kept it up to date, it would accomplish what your asking for. There's no need to start a new thread or subforum if there's no action on the current one.
  • Bluerock
    224 posts Member
    @WildWest1974 I've not seen what you are describing. Jesse posted a few known issues threads months ago which were nice, but there's nothing stickied or updated. There is a need to start a new thread and sticky it. A closed sticky like they do for announcements or patch notes would do nicely.
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    All for it.
    Get on it boys, please and thank you. I'll even help this cause if I can.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    I completely agree. I've been posting about teebo bugs (in the correct forum) since January and I've never once seen a dev even acknowledge that they've seen it. They just keep adding more bugs to him...
  • Bluerock
    224 posts Member
    @Snake2 Yeah I've seen a lot of the bug reports about Teebo in there with no official response.
    We did get a Jesse response in a bug report in that forum about raid rewards not being given for guild members who did not get their rewards claimed before another raid was completed. Without a known issues section, other guilds will most likely have no idea that can happen and block people from raid rewards inadvertently.
    Those are both the types of issues that players need to know are broken and being fixed.
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    This would be so helpful. However if they admit things are broken than that would mean they need to be fixed.
  • Options
    Bluerock wrote: »
    @WildWest1974 I've not seen what you are describing. Jesse posted a few known issues threads months ago which were nice, but there's nothing stickied or updated. There is a need to start a new thread and sticky it. A closed sticky like they do for announcements or patch notes would do nicely.

    They did have one stickied in bug reports until last month that was last updated in January. Then it got unstuck and disappeared. That shows how much they care about this issue. Sad.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    There is already a bugs subsection...

    Had you read his post you'd realize your reply is nonsensical as usual. He's not talking about a place to report bugs, he's talking about a single master list maintained by the Devs of confirmed bugs and other known issues. This is a common practice in most online games, and one this game could desperately use given the ambiguity of many ability descriptions.

    +1 @Bluerock

    I read his post.
    He is asking for something we already have.
    It just needs to be updated.
    You need to seriously grow up.
  • BradBread
    113 posts Member
    There is already a sub forum for that. It's below the technical and bugs section. Keep scrolling down.

    Can't find it? Oh, must be because the devs don't acknowledge bugs and known issues. There adhere to a strict radio silence policy when it comes to transparency.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    There is already a bugs subsection...

    Had you read his post you'd realize your reply is nonsensical as usual. He's not talking about a place to report bugs, he's talking about a single master list maintained by the Devs of confirmed bugs and other known issues. This is a common practice in most online games, and one this game could desperately use given the ambiguity of many ability descriptions.

    +1 @Bluerock

    I read his post.
    He is asking for something we already have.
    It just needs to be updated.
    You need to seriously grow up.

    You admit yourself that it needs to be changed, yet when someone asks for it you immediately point out that it already exists.
    Why do you have this visceral need to disagree with people? You have the same idea yet you still display your usual hate and contempt.
    You're the one who needs to grow up.

    We need this section under the Developer updates one, to ensure everyone reads it.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member

    If you read his post and still reply in the same way, perhaps you are the one in need of growing up.
    Seriously why the hate for a simple and just idea? It's not sticky, it's not updated so his suggestion is legit.

    Be mad somewhere else like in the Fives topics.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Ignore the timitroll, they should add a block option or something here on the forum.

    @Bluerock good idea!
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    This is especially important for "bugs" that exactly match their description as was the case with fives. In the bug forum jesse closed a thread saying fives was never supposed to act that way. If that was the case CG had ample opportunity to tell us but chose to keep us in the dark.
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    @bluerock +1. EA/CG are undoubtedly aware of the popularity of this idea but I doubt we're going to see it happen any time soon if at all. The last attempt died pretty quickly after it started (oklahomakid posted a link), which is sadly a sign the powers that be just aren't that interested.

    I think the only way that this could happen is if an active forum-goer volunteered to maintain an unofficial thread. Of course, this wouldn't help with clarifying issues such as Fives omega double-tapping because that required a dev. response, but it would help other forum-goers know which bugs/issues had been reported so the bug/issues section isn't spammed with the same problem a millions times over. And over time, if the thread were popular, eaJesse may well use whoever maintains it as a go-to point for occasionally updating the community.

    So... Any volunteers?
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    That's what they have the community update for they tell us everything they're doing each Friday.... on a serious note you'd think they'd be smart enough to use that to actually tell the community things they're working on like a character fix so you can prepare in advance. Seems the majority of their posts are so vague they don't help at all or they just remind you of things they already fixed this week.
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