potency and turn meter reduction

Does potency affect how often turn meter reduction is applied?


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    I think it effects all skills but not totally sure
  • BradBread
    113 posts Member
    Reading the descriptions, no. It only affects your chance to successfully land it if it does proc. Each TM ability has a % chance to apply X TM reduction. Potency doesn't increase the chance to proc. It just increases the likelihood it won't be resisted.
  • scuba
    14130 posts Member
    As above post states. When you see that wonderful word resisted it means it processed but lost on the tenacity-potency roll.
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    I'm pretty sure potency does have a roll, based on what I have read on the forums
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    yeah that makes sense, the first roll is if it will be activated or not. The second roll will be against the tenacity of the victim and potency of the attacker.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    Potency vs tenacity does affect tm reduction.
    Back in the day, it didn't.
    But they changed it so that it can be resisted.
  • Hambone
    79 posts Member
    To recap:

    1. There are two separate checks for application of negative effects.

    2. Once upon a time, "application of negative effects" didn't include TM reduction (and was restricted to only those effects for which The Enemy earned a red icon). Now, for consistency, TM reduction is considered an application of a negative effect (as it clearly is) just like the rest of them.

    3. The first check is a "chance to activate." It could be 100%, in which case it will always activate. Or it could be less. If and only if this check is passed do you proceed to check number 2.

    4. If an application of a negative effect procs, then there is a chance that it may nonetheless be resisted. Thus, check number 2. This is a check of potency v. tenacity. Mathematically, I do not know how it works. A low-gear, low-potency toon will have a relatively lower chance of passing this check. The chances are decreased significantly further if the tenacity of the target is high.

    5. If you want higher chances of successful application of the negative effect, you need to gear up and get that potency as high as possible. With low potency attack v. a high tenacity target, you can and need to expect low application percentages.
  • scuba
    14130 posts Member
    @Hambone great explanation!
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    Kit Fisto is only character in game that grants potency up so it's hard to test
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    Poe leader also grants potency bonus across the board
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    Blurryface wrote: »
    Poe leader also grants potency bonus across the board

    Just for Resistance characters, not anyone else.
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